What is the coldest night used in your rig?

Yes I do ski from my camper, mostly around ebbets pass, carson pass, and the east sierra.

Last night I just stealthed it after a concert though. It only got down to +8F and I slept like a baby until 9am.
Yes I do ski from my camper, mostly around ebbets pass, carson pass, and the east sierra.

Last night I just stealthed it after a concert though. It only got down to +8F and I slept like a baby until 9am.
Well, we decided to rent a "sleeper" ice house and wait another week to put the camper on the truck. I am glad we did. Saturday AM it was -22 with a 20-30 mph wind out 8 miles on the ice. I am going to put the camper on this weekend. It is only a week away from our 10 day trip to Texas coast and when we get back to N. MN it should be fairly warm as in highs in the 20-30 range and lows in the -5-5 range. Those seem to be better temps for my type of camping. Some have commented about reflectix?? Do you buy that at Home Depot type place and cut it to slide between the arctic pac and the wall? Somebody help me understand the reflectix stuff?
Some have commented about reflectix?? Do you buy that at Home Depot type place and cut it to slide between the arctic pac and the wall? Somebody help me understand the reflectix stuff?

Yes, you can buy it at Home Depot and if you buy the 24" roll it will fit perfectly, you just have to buy some adhesive velcro strips to attach it to your canvas. Some of us who do not have the arctic pack are using this in its stead, not in between the arctic pack. A very cheap and functional alternative.
Thanks, I bet it may boost the existing Artic Pac I have in my rig...I am going to get some when I get home and add it in and see what it does. I remember reading about that stuff earlier when some used it under the sink, in the propane storage area, etc... now it is comming back to me. Thanks SunMan, much appreciated.
Last weekend my girlfriend and I spent 2 night in Algonquin Park here in Ontario. Down to -23 C and we were hot inside. I ended up turning the furnace right down to just before it clicks off. Only problem after 2 days was a lot of ice buildup at the bottom of the vinyl, especially in the front corners. Condensation was my enemy, the cold was no problem otherwise - I have the factory ArcticPack. That was my first time using the camper in that cold.

Thanks for the update......-12 F not too shabby. I suspect that a bit more ventilation would have helped? It is good to see folks using them in these low temps. I got mine off the driveway and onto my truck this weekend and looking to go to Texas next week. I can not wait!
-23C is only -9F.
Doesn't sound nearly as bad....

.......or nearly as good.....beauty is in the eye of the beholder..........yeah, horsepucky......lube would be starting to go out of my joints at these temps!
I kept the rear roof vent cracked all the time. Normally I'd keep the one over the bed (where my fan is) open with the fan on, but my girlfriend wasn't keen on the -9F draft on her at night!

Should also mention that over the 2 nights, we cooked 5 meals in the camper and had the heater running maybe ~20 hours and used only one 10lb bottle of propane. It actually ran the heater for another 45 mins at home in the garage while I was drying things out inside. I was happy with that.
Ok you folks are right, bad math on my part. I can imagine that -9 breeze would not sit well with your girlfriend. My wife would have felt the same!
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