What to buy?

Thanks for the info gents!

I guess I'm trying to apply my mirror knowledge to a sensor based camera and such may not be applicable.

I have a super expensive Leica Noctilux-M .95 lens (heavy) I bought 20 years ago and used quite a lot at night in most settings. The glass is so good you can shoot a single birthday candle at night and get detail.

The lens is still in high demand and priced at over twice what I paid. I could probably sell it and buy any of the digital kits mentioned above. Something I should consider.
Advmoto18 said:
Thanks for the info gents!
The lens is still in high demand and priced at over twice what I paid. I could probably sell it and buy any of the digital kits mentioned above. Something I should consider.
Hmmmm, that sounds like a lens to perhaps hang on to. Before you sell it, check to see if there is an adapter to fit it which ever camera body you will buy. I wish I still had my Nikkor 50/1.2 (ain't hindsight great!).
When it comes to major purchases...I have to ponder the idea a bit. In this case, it is taking a lot of pondering.

After much reading, I have decided I definitely need a digital body that allows for the use of an adapter incorportating my old Leica lenses. I own a 35/1.4, 35/2 ASPH, 50/1 and a 90/2.8.

I have a hard time selling stuff. Not a hoarder per se; even though old tires help keep shingles attached during a strong blow.

That being said, if I went with the Panasonic Lumix GX8 I would also purchase the Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 25mm f/1.4 ASPH since the 4/3 system will double the aperture and focal length of the Lieca lenses. Based on my research the Novoflex reviews would seem to indicate the best choice for adapter. I'm still not 100% sold on the 4/3 system.

My other choice, which is a complete deviation from my original post, is to purchase a Sony A7II with a Novoflex adapter for my Leica lenses. I have been astounded at the quality of images/files using the A7II with the Leica 50/1. This would undoubtedly give me the best chance at cpaturing data comprable to what I have come to expect from my Lecia M6 and 4P bodies/lenses. The major downside to this option, I need to be able to carry a simple kit on my motorcycle. This has never been a problem with the Lecias.

If not for size/space constraints, I would already have purchased the Sony A7II.

I'm leaning towards the Panasonic GX8 for the smaller form factor. Hopefully, I can deal with and accept the limitations presented by the sensor. Purchasing the GX8 would allow me time to sell my boat and other no longer used toys, save a lot of coin, and purchase the next generation Leica M due to be released next year. Yet, it is VERY HARD to justify spending a huge amount of money on the next gen Leica. That kind of coin would pay for a lot of diesel fuel to get the F250/Hawk to far away places. Sanity may still prevail.

Perhaps, both the GX8 and A7II are calling me!

Any thoughts WS, SL and anyone else?

Thanks again for the help and responses!
The main reason I got my GH3 was to carry on my motorcycle, and the GX8 gets better reviews than the GH4. I've been pleased with my GH3 and the micro 4/3 format but haven't tried to make any big prints with it. I also know a lot of folks who are very excited with the Sony mirrorless but I have no direct experience with it.

If it was me, I'd probably figure out a way to rationalize getting both, but I expect I'm foolish that way. If the motorcycle plays much of a role I'd probably go with the GX8 since getting the camera to where the pictures are is the biggest part of photography. All the gear in the world is useless if it's not at hand when the scene presents itself.
I'm stuck in full frame mode. My choice would be the Sony a7ii, with adapters for your Leica lenses. At least one, if not all of my DSLR cameras are using Sony sensors, an from my perspective... they ain't bad.
Thanks gents!

SL, my thinking exactly! Size is important.

I've been sitting here crunching budget numbers trying to justfy both bodies with their respective adapters!

GX8 for the motorcycle.
A7II for the truck/camper.

WS, exactly why I'm looking at the A7II, full frame does make a difference when comparing images with 4/3. Yet, the 4/3 is strikingly good under certain conditions.

I will always be a die hard Leica film fan. It has taken Leica longer than other companies to get their firmware sorted out. Perhaps they finally got there with the M. Sadly, a Leica M (Typ 240) or even a Q (Typ 116) is prohibitively expensive. Leica sales are down and the company is offering rebates and exchange rate discounts of ~$1000 trying to boost Typ 240 sales. Not sure that will help given the quality products coming out of Asia.
I'm also a long time Leica rangefinder user and last year I bought a Fujifilm x30 and couldn't be happier. At first I was put off by the electronic viewfinder as the ones I had looked at previously didn't satisfy, being spoiled by Leica's excellent optical finder. But so many of the smaller cameras don't have finders at all and that wasn't going to fly for me. After reading some reviews I decided to give it a try and it's great. The camera handles a lot like my M6 but is just a bit smaller.
I wish it had a larger sensor, I wish it had interchangeable lenses but in the end it's such a great handling camera that I now use it for the vast majority of my shooting and the image quality is very, very good.
Strongly recommend. And it was only $600. Although an M9 with a Tri-Elmar would certainly be nice,,,,,,

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