Who has the right of way?

Regardless of the law, or location, gross tonnage has the right-of-way in my book.

However, the USFS allows regional NF managers to establish regulations and policy for all users operating on USFS designated roads within their jurisdiction. What is mandated policy (ie., ROW) in one NF may be totally opposite in another NF.

This past spring and summer while traveling and camping out west, I discovered a multitude of uses for the USFS Motor Vehicle Use Map for NF districts. Not only does the Motor Vehicle Use Map indicate where you can travel and camp, annotating information provided by a resident ranger pertaining to logging activity and any operating policies in effect, especially meeting logging trucks on the road can go a long way to avoiding conflict and unpleasant/unwelcomed encounters. Besides, who wants to be awakened pre-dawn by logging trucks lumbering up the road or the sound of chain saws in close proximity to camp!

Finally, specific USFS NF web pages will generally offer current information regarding logging activities, road closures and any special operating procedures and restrictions in effect.
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