Who Names These Things ''ike''

the fisherman

Big Time
Dec 12, 2007
Mark i'm thinking about you and Edna, I hope you will be OK, when you can, let us know how you're doing. GOOD LUCK Jon
Hurricane :eek:!

Hi, buddies!

We're sittin' here waitin'. The wind's blowing out of the NE, which is weird.

Fisherman, you'll be happy to know that WalMart was sold out of tuna as of yesterday afternoon! :thumb:

We're expecting to lose power for a few days and if so we'll probably head West with our camper.

pal and palette.
We just got internet at 4:30 CDT.

We don't have power yet, but we're able to make our own. (Two million people lost power, and about 1.25 million are still in the dark.)

Here's the best local coverage, if anybody has interest: ABC13

Glad to here from you, I was about to send out a search party this morning, hope the power outage is your only issue. Best of Luck.
What a difference as compared to Katrina

My company's HQ is in Houston and I because of my position with the company, I've been on call since Friday afternoon and have had the pleasure to talk to several people from the area as they check in or get power restored, etc. The common thread from everyone I've talked to so far is that the residents have helped each other out tremendously.

For instance, one guy I talked to had a chain saw, one of his neighbors had a truck and after removing the tree that fell on another neighbors house, the three of them just went up the road and helped to clear the debris. While they were doing that, someone else came out with water and hot food cooked on their gas grill for anyone who needed it. I saw a news conference in which the mayor said he saw that kind of cooperation time and again.

Way to go Houston!
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