Why did you choose ATC over FWC


I can't thank everyone enough for the replies that you have taken the time to post on this thread. I also couldn't ask for better compliments than you have given our company and the guys.

Thanks again and again and again...................................................
lots of them

Customer service from everyone at ATC, none of my questions went unanswered and response was quick. Weight was a big factor to me over all the manufactures, my camper stays on the truck always, ATC and FWC are about the same so the field was narrowed down to those two. The bed size was also a biggie for me, exact same size as my bedroll with out any monkeying around with pull outs and brackets, just pop the top and get in bed. Materials seemed better with the ATC, no particle board and there was no corner cutting on the fixtures either. Today I did 70 miles on desert roads in the mojave, most of it was washboard and washed out in some places too, I felt after looking at both company's the All terrain camper was hands down the better choice for this kind of use.
As an FWC owner I've got warn readers that not all the differences being state here are necessarily correct. Check them out for yourself. Aside from Ben and Marty's excellent participation in this forum and willingness share their experience there are not huge differences in the campers. I might have given ATC a look 15 months ago if I'd had the opportunity.


What differences do you see that are not correct??

I have been through all the posts and the only problem one that I see is the last one that seems to infer that there might be particle board in an FWC.

To the best of my knowledge, FWC does not use any particle board or cut any corners in building their campers. They still make a great product and I am sure they will continue to long into the future.

I have pointed out to many people the differences in our campers. The basic build is pretty much the same. FWC offers a lot more options than we do and they have that neat couch that everyone likes. They have upgraded the cabinets in the camper to nicer fronts with doors on them also. Overall I think they have a better looking camper.

In the past the customer who was looking for this type of camper really only had one choice. Now you have two but if someone is claiming something about ours that is not correct, I would like to correct the problem now and not mislead anyone as to the differences in our campers.

My post had nothing at all to do with anything you or Marty have said about the camper differences. In fact, I find your willingness to be honest, straight forward, and even complimentary to FWC very refreshing and shows an integrity that is a bit uncommon it today's business world. My reference was mainly aimed at the "particle board, cutting corners, and better materials" reference. I felt it would be unfair to FWC for the reader to take that statement as a fact but was trying not to offend the writer by being too specific. As I stated I likely would have had to make a tough decision between the two brands if I was buying today. Nothing but respect, Ben.


Thanks for the reply. Looks like we caught the same thing then. Appreciate you taking the time to answer.
Stan's list


Great list. I like the way you put it together and it looks good. Here are a couple of things to change to update it to current.

12 volt outlet is standard on all campers. The options on our price list is for extra outlets in the camper.

The external tie downs are not required on any of our campers. We suggest them for certain applications or put them on at customers request. They are not needed though, every camper has the inside tie downs stock. This also applies to the composite beds. You have stated the same thing basically in more than one spot on the list for the tie downs. May want to consolidate that one.

Head room is from 6' 1" to 6' 4" in the campers.

Rear window is an option in all models of campers, not just the full size models.

We do offer the yakima roof rack systems. I just haven't put them on the price list yet.

We don't use a two piece lag bolt for the Jack Brackets. We still use an upgraded bolt/screw to install them the same way that you used to.

Again, I respect the list you put together, very nicely done. I hope our continued efforts to work with each other will last over the years. While we may not agree on everything, the customer is the one who reaps the rewards of us getting along as we have. Thanks for your help.

Your also welcome to come over anytime if you would like to get a better idea of differences instead of trying to figure it out from pictures or stealth visits.:D
Over-cab height

Looking at Eagle Shell and Bobcat Shell photos on Taco trucks, it looks like the cab-over height is substantially greater on the Bobcat. I'm about to purchase a 2008 Tacoma Access Cab... Which one will sit higher and therefore have the greater wind resistance?
cab height


FWC raised their Eagle model to provide 6'4" head room in the camper. I would expect that would create a larger gap over the cab than us but I am not sure. They may have just raised the lift panels to give the extra height.

We have between 2 and 3" of clearance over the cab of the truck.
Eagle Shell vs Bobcat Shell: interior design = more flexibility??

The stepped design in the bobcat looks like it might leave more alternatives open for designing a floorplan. I'm kind of partial to trying to create a settee (SP?) layout rather than a fold out bench/couch. Looks like the Eagle might be more challenging to accomplish that with... just at first look without yet sitting down with graph paper and measurements and trying to figure out.


Enjoyed chatting with you and I hope I didn't confuse you any more.:)

Again, either way you go, you really can't go wrong with the campers. Have a good weekend and enjoy the wedding when it comes up. I still think my hole idea has merit.:D
Well let me tell you........

To all of the members who bought an ATC............
Why did you ?
I'm sitting on the fence and can go either way.....
How about a top 5 reason list......

Thanks can't wait to hear from all of you............


I had already owned a FWC Grandby with my previous truck and sold it when I bought my 02 Tundra. I wanted to by another FWC because of all the great reasons I bought one to begin with. I called FWC and went to see them and was thoroughly unimpressed with their sales service, lack of follow through or real knowledge of the unit. I knew more than they did.

But I figured that well at least it's a good camper and I only have to deal with the salespeople once. Then when I found out that it would be a wait of over 6 months...added to an attitude of " well too bad we are the only game in town" I decided to start looking elsewhere.

I began to remember all of the times that I called FWC in the past and spoke to Mike Duncan and he gave me nothing but great advice and encouragement. The company seemed like a family. I didn't know the owner or anyone else but that was the feeling I got from them.

Not to mention, the camper was incredible.

So I was still teetering on the brink of buying a FWC or nothing when I found out about the other company and that the guys who had built the FWC for years were working there. My decision was made at that point.

Best decision ever. I met the owner and the guys who make the camper and they are top notch. They understand the camper inside and out, are extremely customer oriented and make a damn good camper that they stand behind.

Go with an All Terrain.


I think many shared the same experience as you described, but it seems like FWC has been working hard recently to bring customer service back to it's brand. This is evident by the fact that Stan from FWC is now a regular contributor to this message board.
Thanks Sam


Thank you for bringing up FWC's renewed interest. I'm glad to hear that they are getting involved again. It would seem that competition is helping everyone.


We've only had our camper since Aug. 2006 but in that time we've gotten great customer service from both the sales and service departments at FWC.
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