Why is it that...

Bill D

Senior Member
Jan 7, 2015
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
When you ask an intelligent person (engineer type) a simple question, that you never get a simple answer?

I'm serious when I ask this.

Typically a new person will visit a forum like this and ask a simple question.
e.g. What lubricant should I use to lubricate the deadbolt on my FWC?

By the end of the day there are about 10 replies. Each reply is progressively longer than the previous to the tune of about 3/4 of a page, often without a consensus.

By the time the OP gets back to their computer that evening to find out the answer to their simple question, they end up more confused than they were before they asked the question.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Bill D you make a great point.
Like the old saying, "you ask someone what time it is and they tell you how to build a clock".
lol, Thanks I needed a good laugh.

I'd be interested to hear what some others have to say about this topic.
Perhaps it's the degree of choices we have today.

In the old days the answer would have been simple. You would have had a little oil can on your work bench. End of discussion. Then WD40 came out an ruined everything :)
Bill D said:
When you ask an intelligent person (engineer type) a simple question, that you never get a simple answer?

I'm serious when I ask this.

Typically a new person will visit a forum like this and ask a simple question.
e.g. What lubricant should I use to lubricate the deadbolt on my FWC?

By the end of the day there are about 10 replies. Each reply is progressively longer than the previous to the tune of about 3/4 of a page, often without a consensus.

By the time the OP gets back to their computer that evening to find out the answer to their simple question, they end up more confused than they were before they asked the question.
Because they don't stop to ask you why you want to know, and don't start with the most basic:

- Do you want a short or long answer?
Hi BillD
My take is from reading forums, and posts. People. I think people want to help others, I know I do. Herd the saying "there's more than one way to skin a cat" applies here there are many ways to accomplish a given task.
As for the engineering part as to making things more complex, can't help you there. As for the old days, that was a one on one conversation, with the Internet who knows how many read and can post on any given subject. Check the counter your thread has 16 views and only 3 replies, for the record I'm not an intelligent person.

ps WD 40 is not a lubricant it is a water dispersant, and only ruined what it was used on.

I think to an engineer there are no simple answers. That lubricant, is it going to be subject to extreme cold or heat? How about other environmental factors (dust etc.). I could go on but you get the idea.

Personally I like hearing all the options. I'll be resealing my roof screws soon and I'll need to choose a sealant. I know silicone isn't a good choice but especially as I want it to last as long as possible (I'm lazy) I want to know my options. Ease of use, uv resistance, holding power etc.

Uh oh, asked for a simple answer and get a long winded reply. And I'm not even an engineer :)
Lighthawk said:
My future wife will attest that most of my 'engineering' answers are longer than short.
I hear you. I try to respect that my GF of 10 years doesn't like my long answers. I have no issues conversing with my engineer bro in great detail, we enjoy it, but I think it's important to know and respect your target audience.

One thing that I think would be beneficial to a forum like this is the ability to create polls at the top of a thread.
Bill D said:
One thing that I think would be beneficial to a forum like this is the ability to create polls at the top of a thread.
When you post a new topic, look in the upper right hand corner of the dialog box for Poll and click on manage poll for setting it up.
ski3pin said:
When you post a new topic, look in the upper right hand corner of the dialog box for Poll and click on manage poll for setting it up.
Thanks Ski. That is wonderful to know. Honestly I don't think I've seen that feature used. I love polls :)
Once a few members start using it, others may catch on to the feature.
As an engineer, I find I usually have to draw a diagram to explain my answer as well. My wife's eyes roll when i go for the tablet.
The Lady loves to hear my explanations of how things work because she figures I'm making about 75% of it up. The story is everything, thus the long posts on internet forums...................or impressing folks with everything you think you know.
Ted said:
As an engineer, I find I usually have to draw a diagram to explain my answer as well. My wife's eyes roll when i go for the tablet.
Mine too (but I still do it). It's nice to know I'm not alone.
Sounds like we have a wonderful wives (they put up with us).

ski3pin said:
or impressing folks with everything you think you know.
Sometimes I wonder if this isn't part of it. Wonderful for engineering type guys as we typically love to absorb every tidbit of information we can in life. On the other hand some people just want to seal their roof so they can take their family camping that weekend. They may have read through the forums for a couple hours already and couldn't come up with a straight answer, thus they posted.

Ski, I'm glad your lady loves to listen to your stories. I can't get mine to put her iPad down long enough to listen (to the extended version). She tries, it's just not in her nature.
1st a definition: Engineers design things. Technicians makes these designs work in the real world.

I'm a tech. We can be windier than engineers!

I can give you a short answer.(Buy you a fish).

Or I can try to explain the slightly bigger picture. So you can answer it for yourself. (teach you to fish).
The hidden "assumption" in the OP is that there is only one answer when actually there are many answers because:

- Many questions lack background details, like asking what kind of truck to get without saying where you will travel or what is your budget or how many passangers.
- Many questions do not provide priorities and so each different answer reflects the priorities of the author, answers have different advantages and disadvantages.
- Each answer has a different factual basis based on the experience and knowledge of the author. This may sound like the infamous "alternate facts" but the nuance is an individuals experience is a fact. Only by others repeating the experience and together reaching a consensus does fact become a "scientific fact". This higher standard rarely occurs on internet forums.

I prefer multiple different answers and then think of the pros and cons of each and then what are my priorities (camera weight versus sensor size versus optical zoom...).

Most people think there is only one answer and that is true for that person since only they know their priorities. But that answer may not be correct for any other.

I post long answers.

I am an Engineer.

My wife is an Engineer.

All three of my children are Engineers.

No eye rolling.
CougarCouple said:

ps WD 40 is not a lubricant it is a water dispersant, and only ruined what it was used on.


From WD 40's website
"if it moves and shouldn't, use Duct Tape
if it doesn't move and should, use WD40

Myth: WD-40® Multi-Use Product is not really a lubricant.

Fact: While the “W-D” in WD-40® stands for Water Displacement, WD-40® Multi-Use Product is a unique, special blend of lubricants. The product’s formulation also contains anti-corrosion agents and ingredients for penetration, water displacement and soil removal.

xxxxxxxxTape and WD-40®. If it moves and shouldn’t, use Duct Tape, if it doesn’t move and should, use WD-40®.”
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