will this fit in my garage

Apr 11, 2008
I am a new member trying to get educated the easier way, i.e., not making too many mistakes. First question is will a Toyota 4WD Access cab with TRD/air bags with a Bobcat fit under a standard 7 foot garage? I have done a search and can't find the definitive answer although there seems to be a lot of people who have found it a matter of an inch or two. I can store the camper off site for 30.00 a month but would rather keep the truck and camper parked in the garage.
Mine does not fit in the garage. The fan cover on the roof will hit the top of the garage door.
I highly doubt it. I'm sure you could get the exact measurements of the camper from Ben at ATC and then do the math.
How tall is your truck? I'd guess the camper will be about 12" above the roof of the truck not including racks, solar panels, vents, etc.
I'm not clear on your intentions. Is this a daily driver or its going to sit in the garage for long periods of time. If its a close fit you can probably gain a couple inches just airing down the tires. Not something you'd want to do on a daily basis though.
I have a bobcat on a new tundra and it doesn't fit in the 7' garage. I doubt yours will either. Measure the deck height, then add the camper height (my bobcat is 56" plus another 3-4" for the vents).

My solution, since I didn't want to pay for offsite storage, was to build a dolly on wheels. I take the camper off in the driveway, lower it onto the dolly, then roll the dolly into the garage.
If its a close fit you can probably gain a couple inches just airing down the tires. Not something you'd want to do on a daily basis though.

Good point. The only way I can get my truck/camper in or out of the garage is to load it up with gear or air down. Made the mistake of not doing that and scratched up the roof fan :eek:

That is with a 8 foot door.
Thanks everyone. After measuring and head scratching, I have to admit the Tacoma and Bobcat are not gonnna make it under the header of my garage door. So, resigned to that fact, I am going to buy a Tundra, have a wider camper and live with the outside parking. A very good outcome.
My Jeep sleeps in the garage. Plenty of room to walk around it. My truck (pre camper) just barely fit and no room to walk around. Its nice having it outside anyways.
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