Winter Camping 2007 Alaskan CO


New Member
Apr 12, 2016
Have had my 2007 Alaskan CO since 2016, but have not done any winter camping. Plan to do so starting Monday, going to the cold country of Montana. I know I can leave the propane refrigerator running when traveling by cracking the window open a bit. However, I do not think I can run the heater and HWH while traveling? If that is the case, it seems I could not have water in the tank or leave liquids in the camper when travelling, or I would risk freezing them? Any insights from experienced winter campers appreciated, thanks.

We use a small 12volt ceramic heater while traveling. Draws very little voltage. Sealing and insulation the camper is key. I also have the heater on a small switch just inside the door. It is controlled by 2 snap switches. On at about 35 deg f and off at about 50 deg f. Heater is placed in a protected area under sink. Takes up very little room.Putting it in this area has it close to water lines.
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