Winter Fun Fest Snow Run?


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Time for the 34th annual Winter Fun Festival based out of the Grass Valley fairgrounds. I chose the Blizzard Brigade run which hit snow shortly after we left the Malakoff diggins. Started raining friday night and pretty much never stopped until Sunday morning. Here we are airing down at Malakoff. Not many pics due to the rain.

Most snow runs its either nice weather or it snows. First time I've done one in the rain. Made the snow, which there was plenty off, nice and slushy. Plenty of people got stuck. Everything got soaking wet but since it wasn't cold we avoided hypothermia. Never made it to our intended destination. Even after they made the decision to turn around we had plenty of problems. No stucks on my part but I did have to stop three times to air up tires that lost air hitting the snow banks. Maybe my eleven year old tires need replacing? Riley enjoyed himself as usual.

It was dark before we made it back to Malakoff to air back up. I was in the back of the pack so there were only a few rigs left when I took off. Should have followed someone instead of taking the wrong road. Ah well I made it back, eventually to Grass Valley where I took another wrong turn. I think they designed that town purposefully to make out of towners get lost :)

Almost forgot. The campround at the fairgrounds was nearly full with one spot left. Or I could dry camp. They charge $27 for dry camping and $31 for hookups. So for only the second time the camper was plugged in to shore power (not counting plugging in at home to charge the batteries). I didn't need to run the electric heater for comfort but it did a nice job of getting rid of the condensation.
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