worried about someone stealing my camper


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2010
Stateline Nevada
Here is my typical situation, I remove camper from truck and have it placed on a home built wooden platform that supports the camper about 2 feet of the ground. I then remove all 4 legs (a bit time consuming and worried about wear and tear) and stash legs in house. Then a week later a friend calls and wants to go camping, and then reverse the process except that after I place camper on truck, I remove the legs yet again. The reason I remove the legs is because I imagine someone rolling up with two hand cranks or charged drills cranking camper up and placing on truck before disappearing, I do realize that without the legs they could use tripods and do the same. I’m in a residential neighborhood and know the neighbors, but this could be done within 10 minutes. I would love to keep legs on for an extra bit of insurance on tipping from box, and I hate putting legs on, placing camper on truck, and then removing legs again. Have there been a lot of documented thefts of these campers on here, I couldn’t find any. I found one instance but they whole package was stolen right along with the truck. Am I being too paranoid? My camper is usually parked 15 feet from curb. PS my trip report on my new to me camper with a few pics will be up by this weekend.
I think you are too worried. Trailers and trucks/camper combos disappear all the time but I have not heard of anyone stealing a truck camper by iteslf.

Park something big in front of it. OR tie a mean dog to it. :D
Haven't really heard of any. I normally keep one of the vehicles parked in front of mine though. Also it'd be easier to hitch up and pull away my neighbors travel trailer first. :p
I think you to worried. Trailers and trucks/camper combos disappear all the time but I have not heard of anyone stealing a truck camper by iteslf.

Park soemthing big in front of it. OR tie a mean dog to it. :D

How about a solar fence charger attached to solar panel on roof and charging outside of camper. I have been thinking this might discourage bears as well as people.
You need some method of disconnecting - a remote control 12v switch might work. I am interested in reactions to this insanity as I have already purchased the fence charger.
How about buying a video camera system for the outside of your house and pointing one at your camper? That is what I did.

How about a solar fence charger attached to solar panel on roof and charging outside of camper. I have been thinking this might discourage bears as well as people.
You need some method of disconnecting - a remote control 12v switch might work. I am interested in reactions to this insanity as I have already purchased the fence charger.

I like the idea but too many kids walking by!
How about buying a video camera system for the outside of your house and pointing one at your camper? That is what I did.


This ones my favorite and I have thought of this before. I will have to check on prices and if a bit too spendy at least glue a blacked out half dome bubble on roof nearby to give the impression of a camera being present.
I think you to worried. Trailers and trucks/camper combos disappear all the time but I have not heard of anyone stealing a truck camper by iteslf.

Park soemthing big in front of it. OR tie a mean dog to it. :D

The X has the dog, I was left with the cat
Maybe you could have a bit of fun and have the camper painted in a custom design or colour to match your truck. That way, it would be very distinctive and hard for anyone to use or sell without the cost of repainting. Makes it easy for the police to find too.
You could remove only 2 jacks and save half the work. Like a right front and left rear. Much harder for someone to steal it that way.

Or if you are creative, I don’t believe it would be too hard to rig a simple lock for each jack to prevent operation.

Or you could just buy a couple of AAA battery powered blinking red lights that would simulate an alarm and warn off would be thieves. Stick them inside where they are plainly visible to passerby. Like http://www.amazon.com/Auto-Theft-Deterrent-Light-Alarm/dp/B0003I92R6

Or keep your camper fully insured and not worry about it. If a determined thief wants it, they will get it sooner or later.
Well first, they'd have to break into the camper, undo all four tie downs, jack the camper up, move my truck. Nah, I don't worry about the camper. The whole package maybe. Maybe its a regional thing but around here they're stealing hondas and such.
Some precautions will deter amateurs, but no matter what you do, if a professional wants it bad enough, they will find a way to take it.
Like mentioned, with it tied down to the truck using the internal turnbuckles, not attractive. That said I back my truck up to house so that it is not facing open ground. They would have to steal the whole truck, which is actually easier than the camper alone.

In WA campers must be registered and display a license plate. It might help discourage theft a small bit.

Really Hondas and outboard motors are more prime targets :) I have one of those prime targets that sits out in my driveway a lot of time, no room in the garage for it, it is too low on the priority ladder. I am surprised it is still there after all these years out there. The way I see it, it is a sacrificial offering to would-be theives that might come to visit me. The auto transmission is not long for this world at 198K miles on it, so they would do me a favor really.
Since your concern is the time involved to install/remove the legs, what about setting up a quick release system for the legs? I know someone did that and posted about it. I'll look for the thread and post a link when i find it.
I know that I did a qwikee Jack QD design for someone here a while back, didn't know that anyone had implemented it or something like it.
<snip> if a professional wants it bad enough, they will find a way to take it.

professional camper thieves?

I'm chuckling (and I don't mean to lessen the concern of the original poster) because I like caper films. You know the ones with the brilliant criminal masterminds. I had lunch with a good buddy, long career in law enforcement, retired as the DA's lead investigator. I seriously asked him how many smart criminals he had ever dealt with or heard about - like in the movies. He gave it a lot of thought and finally said not a single one. They were all pretty dumb.

Vast majority of crime is because of opportunity. Take simple precautions so your camper is a little harder to get than your neighbor's.
In my limited reading of the criminal mind, they tend to think that they are smarter than everyone else. So I say mess with their heads, make it look simple to steal while in reality being very difficult and time consuming to steal. The longer it takes, the more likely they are to be seen and caught.
Or you could just buy a couple of AAA battery powered blinking red lights that would simulate an alarm and warn off would be thieves. Stick them inside where they are plainly visible to passerby. Like http://www.amazon.com/Auto-Theft-Deterrent-Light-Alarm/dp/B0003I92R6

I like this idea for parking at trail heads, traveling, etc.
I just ordered two, one for the camper and one for the truck.

Don't have to worry while at home. I just spent a small fortune extending the length and raising the door height to fit a crew cab 4wd with a Hawk into my now highly modified garage.....but after a big hail storm last night it was all worth it. :D
Don't have to worry while at home. I just spent a small fortune extending the length and raising the door height to fit a crew cab 4wd with a Hawk into my now highly modified garage.....but after a big hail storm last night it was all worth it. :D

I know everyone can't do it, but having the truck with camper in the garage is sweet. It's nice not to dig snow off of it after every storm - or sometimes in the middle of a big dump of Sierra cement.

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