WTB: Set of Jacks

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
I am at that point in life where my truck canopy gains 40 pounds each year. I've blown out my back twice in the last couple of years lifting it on or off the truck. So...

I am going to build a frame that can slip under the canopy, and can be jacked up to get the truck out from under. I think a set of standard tripod jacks would be the best, but mechanical corner jacks could work as well. Give me a shout if you have some you don't need.

Edit: the frame will have casters so it can be easily moved.
super doody,
Got any photos of your canopy in the air? Price on each seems reasonable. The 4 ft width of the supplied platform would be an issue with the first so I'd like to see how it looks with your 2x4 solution. Is the canopy secured to the 2x4s or do you rely on gravity and balance?

O Sage One ;)

If you choose to go this route or find a better solution, please post it here.. I need to do something similar for the same reason. Since I had my Hawk installed, my canopy has occupied all formerly available space in my barn sitting on sawhorses. If either of these devices work reliably and safely, I could regain much work space.

Super D, That is a potential solution, but as both the camper and the canopy would need the same area in the shop. Awkward, but doable. I'm also a bit leery of overhead systems like that. I have one for my double kayak, and after a numer of years, one of the components failed and dropped the boat. Luckily, no damage.

Paul, my only 'sageness' is the brushy kind... If you built a small frame on casters, you could move (assuming hard floor) the canopy when needed.
Here is my setup. Luckily, I have about 14' of vertical space in the garage.

It comes with long hand crank but you can also attach a drill to it for cranking. There is also lock on the mechanism.

There's bunch of demo videos on youtube but this one sold me:

I'm sure you can build some cheaper but this kit has everything you need.
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