Yellowstone/Tetons/Western WY


Senior Member
Feb 3, 2011
Bellingham, WA
Hello all,
Itinerary sorta mapped out, no reservations as usual, open to serendipity and the most interesting stops we make are usually not planned. I am excited about this trip because my hubby has never been to the area and it is one you really should see before your time is up. I am excited about Western Wyoming. There are so many cool places to photograph and I can't wait, especially keen on Green River Lakes, Sunlight Basin, the Bighorns and Wind River areas. On the way we will check out Steens Mt Loop, City of Rocks, Bear Lake, Mesa Falls, Craters of the Moon, Kilpecker Sand Dunes, Plume Rocks, Shell Falls, Crazy Woman Canyon, and many more. Lots to cram in 3+ weeks but we can always return.

Do we really need to be worried about bears with a pop up? A Wyoming friend of ours said to not keep any food in fridge or camper cupboards while camping. Since we plan on not being around towns too much this may prove impractical. He also said not to cook inside. We have black bears behind our home on the privately owned timberlands but they stay away from homes as many folks have dogs. They usually come near the neighborhood and lowlands when the huckleberries ripen as some runners and mountain bikers had encounters this summer. Grizzlies are another matter. We are bringing our dog, a semi-automatic .38 and common sense. I myself don't plan on being too far away from the truck, dog or hubby. Should we buy pepper spray? I read on line that some unoccupied trailers were broken into by bears in Sunlight Basin campground so am apprehensive about that.

Any other places we should check out to and from? We are interested in photography, rocks, history, and geology.

Hope to make it back home in very early October then meet some of you at the meetup October 10. i would like to stay traveling but we need to tend to garden and go to a friend's going away party October 2 who is moving to near where many of you live: Eldorado Hills, CA.

Thanks and happy trails.
Leave the .38 at home and get pepper spray if you are concerned about bears. We have been told our pop up is fine for food inside in Yosemite Valley, an active bear area. When in bear areas we empty our outside gray water tank (outhouse vault is best if in campground) and store it in the bear box if available or front of the truck overnight or whenever we are away from camp.

We have had bears right next to our camper with us inside.
I'd probably take the .38, but don't think for a second that it's going to stop a bear. Yes on the pepper spray!

Since you're hitting the Steens, get over to Hart Mt, too. The hot spring and Blue Sky are both worth a stop, as is petroglyph lake. While you're in the area, drop down to Virgin Valley. Kinney Camp is a great photo op.
I bought pepper spray and took it with me on my MT/ID/WY trip. One review on for the product said, "This is what the Rangers in Yellowstone backcountry wore on their belts, so must be worthwhile". I've done some other reading and it seems like pepper spray really works as a deterrent against grizzlies. It's amazingly expensive -- but if it might save your life...
From what I've heard, a shot from most handguns will just make the bear madder and ensure that you get mauled...but I'm not a gun guy, so I wouldn't carry one anyway.
I am not a gun person either but hubby feels he needs it when we travel. I am of the opinion you are safer in the backcountry than in the city. Okay, around here in the Mt Baker National Forest you might run into meth labs or pot growers but we never have.
We have an REI just down the road so will buy one or two.

We have been to Hart Mt several times and may go again. Kind of a hairy drive up from Plush especially when you meet a semi cab in a hurry. Stupendous views, though. There is a lake where we found some interesting rocks but the road over to Frenchglen is really wash boarded. Isn't Virgin Valley where there are opals? We did look for sun stones near Hart Mt but another bone jarring 20+ miles. I have never been to Kinney Camp. Where is that?

Hopefully, we can find lots of cool rocks, get some great photos and discover some history. Thanks.
Good friend Ken Genecco makes guns for a living. I am not anti-gun just don't trust myself with them. Ken told me to keep bear spray in the camper for the two legged bears. He said if the cans cost less than $50.00 you are not getting a big enough can. Look at it as cheap insurance. I here it also work well on four legged bears.

I'd be interested in the "official" ruling -- if there is one -- on whether our pop-up campers are considered "soft-side" or "hard-side" -- from a getting-in-trouble with the authorities standpoint....not from the actual-danger standpoint.
I wondered the same thing in my planning thread here... and when I was in the griz-area early this summer I never found out the answer.
Hubby says his gun is a 45 and semi-automatic. Shows what I know about firearms. Anyway, I plan on stopping at REI tomorrow and buying the Bear Assault canister. At $60 bucks, it is kinda expensive initially but it may be a lifesaver.

I don't know the official answer either about our pop ups. If bears can open a trailer or car doors, then any type of RV is susceptible. Caution and commons sense are the best defense. It is just that we are not happy in big RV parks and like to boondock or stay at BLM/USFS camps.

Thanks for info on photography Mr Wandering Sagebrush. Looking forward to finding lots of photo ops wherever we roam.

I read comments on bear spray and it can be used effectively on both 2 and 4 legged threats.

Anyway, we can't wait until we leave and hope to see some of you wandering the West. I just got my WTW sticker from that nice gal so will put on camper window proudly.
Mr. BC, I don't know if there is an "official" ruling or if we'd want one. First off would be to ask the question, "Do any of us know of an actual incident where a bear has entered a pop-up truck camper in search of food?"

A clean camp is going to make the biggest difference. Vast majority of people with bear problems are asking for it with ignoring the regulations.

Practice with the pepper spray so you are familiar with it and know what it is like when you release that stream.
I tend to panic so hubby will be the "bearer" of bear spray. Someone prone to panic attacks like I am would be poor candidate to wait until bear is charging 10 feet away. Keeping a clean campsite is easy as we always cook inside or eat yogurt or sandwiches from fridge. Some of you really cook elaborate meals that look so tasty but we cram so much into a day that we eat quick meals.

Thanks for all your help and hope we get some great photos and styles to share. I am so far behind that I am finally working on Zion photos from two years ago.
ski3pin said:
Mr. BC, I don't know if there is an "official" ruling or if we'd want one. First off would be to ask the question, "Do any of us know of an actual incident where a bear has entered a pop-up truck camper in search of food?"
I'm not too concerned about the risk of it actually happening -- I'm sure the risk is small for any individual camper (otherwise we would have heard about it here already).
I just wondered what "hardside only" actually means to the authorities. That is, wondering if anyone with a pop-up camper has ever had an incident where Park/Forest authorities had a problem with a pop-up in a bear-rules campground.
Probably take a Supreme Court decision to resolve it -- like interpreting the 2nd Amendment. ;)
clikrf8 said:
........................ prone to panic attacks like I am would be poor candidate to wait until bear is charging 10 feet away.

MarkBC said:
I'm not too concerned about the risk of it actually happening -- I'm sure the risk is small for any individual camper (otherwise we would have heard about it here already).
The bottom line in all the classes we teach - driving in your vehicle is by far the most dangerous part of the trip.

clikrf8, have a great trip!
If anyone ever does get told they can't camp at a certain site in a pop-up, please ask if it would make a difference if you just keep the top down at night. I'm curious as to what the rule-enforcers would say about that...

Agree with all the above comments. The only thing I can add is that when your bear spray expires, keep it to practice with.

And, have a great time, clickrf8!
Agree with clean camp. We keep all food other than sealed cans in the Waeco fridge, should be air tight. This past trip got up in the morning and had to blow my nose, could not find the trash bag? Asked the wife if I need to start a new one. She said no the trash bag is in the fridge. She read all the bear information given to us when we went into Sequoia NP and that is where they said to keep it.

Thanks for all the feedback. I think there is more of a problem with the towing tent trailers than anything. And, the trailers that were broken into by bears had no people around. The report stated they were regular trailers, not the tent type. I think if people are present, making lots of noise and with a dog, the bears will stay away. I hope. It always pays to be cautious and aware.

Yes, agreed that the travel part is probably more dangerous. We bought a front replacement bumper for truck just because of the crazy drivers out there. They now look twice before they pull out in front of us.

Thanks for all the well-wishes. We hope to some of you at the meet up. We are very much looking forward to meeting you.

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