Yosemite In October?

We'll be there this coming weekend..10/24 - 10/27 for some hiking and general horsing around. Me and my buddy are on our way out to Rocky Mountain Natl. Park for a week. Then on to Denver for beer...

I'll be posting pics..
I just got back from a couple of days in Tuolumne Meadows. I did day hikes to Boothe and Cathedral Lakes and an overnight to Clouds Rest. I passed an occasional hiker each day but no crowds to speak of. I had the summit of Clouds Rest all to myself at sunrise and caught the first light on Half Dome.


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The crowds aren't as bad as summer I defiantly recommend going if you have never been If your into hiking you can see some really bitchin waterfalls half dome is really cool as well (I usually like to make that a 2day hike though). If you have some time a cool camp ground about an hour out side of Yosemite is Big Sandy there are fire trails you can four wheel on and the fishing is pretty good me and my dad use to ride our dirt bikes and quads when I was younger and you can get right up to some really cool likes and red wood groves it is beautiful.
I plan on being there for a week in the dead of Winter this season, it is truly stunning after a layer of the freshness piles up.

The Boy Scouts have a jamboree every January in the Valley. We were there a couple of years ago when they arrived. The campground went from about 20% full to full in a matter of hours. In a half a day the bathrooms were trashed and it was like a schoolyard at recess time. We bailed for Wawona campground, the only other campground open year round in the park. Doesn't have the dramatic scenery of the valley but is much less crowded. We'll be at Wawona again in January, though haven't set exact dates yet. Maybe we'll see you.

The Boy Scouts have a jamboree every January in the Valley. We were there a couple of years ago when they arrived. The campground went from about 20% full to full in a matter of hours. In a half a day the bathrooms were trashed and it was like a schoolyard at recess time. We bailed for Wawona campground, the only other campground open year round in the park. Doesn't have the dramatic scenery of the valley but is much less crowded. We'll be at Wawona again in January, though haven't set exact dates yet. Maybe we'll see you.

You thought the Boy Scouts were bad? Wait till DirtyDog shows up.
I've never been to Yosemite and I'm wondering if October would be a good time to go to avoid the crowds? Anyone been this time of year?

Anyone familiar with Yosemite in April? I am trying to plan a backpacking trip for 1st week of April. The only time I was in Yosemite was >20yrs ago in college when a friend and I backpacked for a couple weeks in the back country. It would have been after the winter semester so I think it was May or June. At that time we were not given back country permits because the rangers said the trails were closed. We went anyway and trials were covered in few to several feet of snow in some areas but no problems and it was a great trip. There were a few other backpackers around besides us. Does anyone know if there are trails that might be open in early April for hikes up to a few days/nights?
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