You cooked what?!


Site Team
Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
Any time I can cook for a group it actually is fun to me. Thanksgiving, poolside BBQ with friends, or, as evidenced by Ski3pin's trip reports, when camping with others. Things like the mini Eggs Benedict with quail eggs, the Italian anti-pasti complete with music and decor, or the shrimp and champagne while dressed in slacks and tie in camp. I don't claim to have anywhere near the skills XPMarc has, but people seem to enjoy it anyway.

Sometimes I want to try new things. But Mrs. Ted isn't an adventurous eater so I stick with the tried and true. Except she is out wandering the west in our camper right now. So, partially for my own curiosity and partially for a possible meal at the October rally, I've been taking advantage of her absence. Here is what I have been experimenting with.

The first couple of nights were amphibious.


This is Alligator raw and cooked. I did a herb marinade, breaded it, and then sauteed it.



Pretty obvious these are frog legs. "Tastes like chicken" they always say. So I did a couple of typical chicken preparations. Simply seasoned and some fresh herbs on the left, teriyaki on the right.
Cool, Ted!
I'd love to try that next time you're serving. I've had alligator and frogs legs in a restaurant, but it's been a while...never thought of cooking it myself.

Did you harvest that meat yourself? I bet there are some gators somewhere in the Delta, in warmer backwaters...
Then I moved on to meat.



I've heard good things about goat meat. Do wish I could have found a better cut, but this was all I could find. An herb and oil marinade for all day worked well.



Sure, this looks like an ordinary flank steak. And that is the cut of meat. But frankly, considering it is buffalo I'm surprised how small it was. Marinated in Yoshida's just like I do with beef flank steaks.

So what to do? One of these, an old standby, or experiment with a few other exotics? Not sure yet. I did drop a crayfish trap at Meadow Lake while we were there. Not a single one. That is strange but then smokecreek said the lake was drained last year, so that may explain it. Guess we'll just wait and see.

Bon Appetit
wherever did people get the idea you must suffer foodwise while camping /boggle

How am I going to compete, hmmmm.
Ted, we haven't camped enough with you two this year...........................................

"So what to do? One of these, an old standby, or experiment with a few other exotics?"

Elk, Ted, try something with elk.

I did drop a crayfish trap at Meadow Lake while we were there. Not a single one. That is strange but then smokecreek said the lake was drained last year, so that may explain it. Guess we'll just wait and see.

We recently learned a bit about snagging crawdads at Lake Valley Res. (Yuba Gap). We were picnicking on our favorite island when couple showed up in a kayak, towing a canoe with extensive camping gear. The guy told us his favorite meal was gumbo with local crawdads. He said they were easy to catch after dusk "their eyes give them away." He told us he uses a headlamp and his GF follows him with a bucket where he tosses the hapless creatures. They dropped off gear and went out for a paddle. SR noticed the guy throwing some food, kibble? into the rocky shallows before they left.

We stayed for the July Super Moon (image posted here on WTW/landscape). As we launched our kayaks I saw half a dozen crawdad in the shallows. They were pretty easy to grab, but a chix wire trap would work also . . .
Elk, Ted, try something with elk.
The place I bought all of the above also carries elk, emu, venison, and wild boar. The only reason I didn't go with these is I have tried them before and wanted to try new things. Well, that and my grocery bill was adding up, so I had to draw the line somewhere. But elk is definitely an excellent meat. Far better then plain old beef. Surprisingly, Emu is a red meat and quite healthy also.

BTW, I do eat normal, healthy food on occasion. After all of my experimenting, tonight I had a beet salad, cous-cous, and bruschetta all from my and my neighbor's garden. The way the garden tomatoes are going, maybe I'll just bring bruschetta and a baguette.
Ted said:
Any time I can cook for a group it actually is fun to me. ...when camping with others. Things like:
...the Italian anti-pasti complete with music and decor...


...or the shrimp and champagne while dressed in slacks and tie in camp...


Ted, you do have style -- and a definite creative flair! :)
(and it tasted good, too)
When we're not hangin' with the celeb Ted, its a little granola, trail mix, and carrots....................................
I don't know, Frank. Champagne, dolmas, and a cream cheese on crackers! I'm going to hang with you two. That beats my food.
You just can't go wrong with bottled beverages and burned dead animal parts, especially in the great outdoors. I've got to get me a new camper.

simimike said:
You just can't go wrong with bottled beverages and burned dead animal parts, especially in the great outdoors.
I'm never going to think of food the same ever again.....................
simimike said:
You just can't go wrong with bottled beverages and burned dead animal parts, especially in the great outdoors. I've got to get me a new camper.

Always good to hear words of wisdom from Mike. :D
Mike, let me guess. You write advertising copy? You make dinner sound SOOO good.

...actually it's my idea of a good meal and venue, too. :)

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