You know you're a geezer when.......................

A couple weeks ago my wife and I were watching Family Feud (that might be enough🤣) but the question was “at what age do people associate the word elderly with?”

The top 100 answer “was 60”

My wife and I just looked at each other🧐 hummm.
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I remember hiring into the factory at 30. I’ll be 62 next month. The health problems I suffered in ‘22 feels like it added about 10 years - but I’m not complaining…….the good Lord gave me a second chance at life, not everyone gets that.
Now I’m the “old man” at work. But I always appreciated the wisdom that comes from listening and talking with those who traveled the path before me.
Three more years of hitting the time clock😟 Happy Camping to all😀
My gal showed this to me today.. Hum, kind of reminds me of something..
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