Your Guess is as Good as Mine

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
Looks like a phat-tailed rockalope to me... :p


Any ideas what it really is?
Reminds me of the donkey they had stuffed, painted white, posed sitting on its haunches and called a jackalope at the Wall Drug when I was a kid, circa 1962. They've since replaced it with a much less interesting version. :)
It's obviously an ant-eater x platypus crossbreed creature aka "Platyant" or "Ornithorhynchus anteaterstinus"

They went extinct during the well documented "Flat-Foot Die-Off" in the early Neolithic Period.
hoyden said:
It's obviously an ant-eater x platypus crossbreed creature aka "Platyant" or "Ornithorhynchus anteaterstinus"

They went extinct during the well documented "Flat-Foot Die-Off" in the early Neolithic Period.
I'm agreeing with hoyden on this one. :)

excellent research.
We're not applying 21st Century thinking to 10th C. shamanistic vision are we? :oops:

Seriously, I wonder how someone from prehistory would view our forum and emoticons.
The commentary would be hilarious.
Lighthawk said:
We're not applying 21st Century thinking to 10th C. shamanistic vision are we? :oops:

Seriously, I wonder how someone from prehistory would view our forum and emoticons.
The commentary would be hilarious.
That's a scary thought.

They'll find our landfills full of laptops, cell phones, and (pc) towers and wonder why we had such a fetish for door stops.

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