No Destination : hoyden and two dogs hit the road full-time

I actually wasn't certain I was going back to that site - even though it was really nice, I wanted to check out other areas of the park. I did have it reserved, but when I left that first morning I thought that I might give it up for a different spot if one was available. Turned out not to go elsewhere for that following eve :) .

I do like the idea of having a sign for other places tho. I'm always hesitant to leave a camp chair, lest it disappear....

Another glorious sunrise! “Red skies in morning, sailors take warning” Uh oh.


After breakfast and coffee, we took Argos for a walk to the trailhead about a mile away.


We broke camp and tried to meet up at the hot springs, but my new friends were leaving just as I pulled into the parking area. They said taking a dip was well worth the time, so I hiked in.


There were a number of people in the large open hot spring, so I couldn’t get a good discreet photo. I did get a snap tho of the hot spring run-off into the Rio Grande. Braver bathers than I would jump into the Rio Grande to cool off in the frigid waters, then hop back into the hot spring to warm up. I met some fellow travelers – a young couple recently graduated college and took off on a car-camping road trip from Philadelphia. They’d been on the road since early November and were having a grand time. That’s her leg I caught in this photo.


I didn’t see my new friends again, and since we had no cell phone signal there was no good way to coordinate. Just like most things, have to enjoy the moments as they happen.


My last campsite in Big Bend was called Ernst Tinaja .


It looks like this desolate spot, but the reason it’s a coveted site is it’s proximity to the trailhead, which is not even an 1/8th mile away. I meant to park with my truck pointed North to decrease the wind battering on the sides of my camper, but I forgot and ended up faced Westerly with the North wind hitting the side of my camper. Luckily, it died down early in the evening and I was able to get a decent sleep.


I didn’t go the whole 1.5 mile hike because of the impending storm (remember the “red skies in morning”? It held true) but I walked far enough up the wash to see some beautiful formations.
As I get braver I get stronger, and as I get stronger I get braver. It’ a good cycle.

What powerful force created this fissure in the earth?


It is an area of incredible hidden beauty and a unique view of the earth under the stark crust.


That night was rainy, but not so much that the dirt roads became treacherous.
December 30th 2016

I woke up to more heavy sky and a light drizzle. Since it seemed silly to be confined to my camper all day, I rolled the die to get advice as to what to do.


Northward! The die commands to head out, so I did.

Argos took one last look around this magnificent park, and we drove north.


My mom and step-dad do a lot of campering in their 1964 Avion slide-in camper and favor the Army Corps of Engineers campgrounds. She suggested I try the campground at San Angelo State Park on the Fisher Reservoir.

I got a pretty, out of the way spot and set up, this time with my truck nose pointed North. It worked well to keep my sides parallel to the wind this time.


The sun set over the three Bison sculptures that were in the field near my site.


December 31st 2016

The last night of 2016 and my last night in Texas I spent at another Army Corps of Engineers Park outside of Texarkana. I wanted to push on to my friends in Hot Springs, Arkansas, but it was a grey, drizzly day with evening falling quickly, so I camped at the Wright Patman Lake Clear Spring Campground.

I was assigned a ‘tent site’ as that was their only ‘primitive’ camping. There were a few spots with grills and fire pits off the park road. I pulled off onto the grass, found a level-enough spot and set up. There was a family with two young boys tent camped next to me. They’d set up a camp fire, which was odd for me to see coming from the land of “no open fires!”

From my site, I could hear a wonderful lonesome train whistle in the distance and the sound of fireworks booming off in some near-by town. The family left in their car, I assume to go watch the fireworks, and I curled up to watch a movie with my doggies.


The only thing marring my most enjoyable New Years Eve in many years, was when my neighbors returned. I was reacquainted with “weekend campers” and their lack of camping etiquette with the father’s booming voice yelling at his young son for some infraction. A wailing and weeping child was met with threats to ‘beat his butt’ and an order to go to bed. I assume that the boy followed orders because the park quieted down once again.

In the morning, I visited their free shower facilities. The RV part of the campground was full of ‘weekend campers’ noisily enjoying their early morning first day of the New Year.

Happy 2017 to me with my first shower in a week!
It was glorious.

The doggies and I got on the road and headed to visit an old college friend and his family in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

We crossed into a foggy wet Arkansas with glee.


Pugsly’s preferred mode of travel.

Hot Springs is a neat town. Population around 35,000 and a pretty good arts community – in no small part due to the involvement of my friends who helped found the KUHS 97.9 FM community radio station, a community arts center and gardens, among other things.

I got my camper popped up in their driveway and we set out for a hike. The national park is interlaced with the town proper, so it both runs through town in some parts and borders it in others. There are a lot of really good hiking trails, including the one we took which was pretty much straight uphill for a mile.


Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera, so all my photos from this lovely foggy hike are from my cell phone.


Their dog, Wrigley, and Argos made fast friends.


We climbed up to a tree where each New Year my friends put mementos.


I left my die in a crook of branch and wished for a good 2017. It seemed appropriate to leave the prognosticator of my travels as a token.


We had a leisurely walk back down the trail in the foggy afternoon.


One of the unique things about this town is the abundance of spring water. There are sites set up around town where people come fill their drinking water jugs with this delicious and clean waters.


Each location has a sign posted with the specific composition of that spring and the city regularly tests the water, especially after a heavy rain to make sure the spring water doesn’t have any run-off mixed in.


January 2, 2017

Argos’ official “adoptaversary” is January 2nd. I had it as the 1st because I had originally gone to the shelter on Jan 1st last year, only to find it closed. On January 2nd, I met Argos and found a new companion.


After a thunder-stormy night and morning, the sky is finally clearing up and I can see blue. With the rainy, we decided to binge-watch the Netflix show “The OA” last night… and this morning. We’ll finish up the 8-episode series this evening. My friends are out with their daughters right now doing some school shopping and I’m at their artful and cozy home working on getting this blog caught up.

It never ceases to amaze me how welcoming and open my friends are, and moreso with friends I haven’t seen in 20+ years. We hug, get caught up, and then it’s as if no time has passed and we enjoy each other’s company as we did all those years ago. I continue to be thrilled by the lives so many of my friends have built for themselves over the years. I worried that I’d feel like an interloper, or an interruption, on these often short-notice no destination meanderings, but instead I’ve been welcomed with open arms by both new friends and old.

As I was driving the other day, I caught a Ted Talk about “Happiness” with Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar. It was really good and you can listen to it here:

While I was listening, I came up with my own little mantra to try for this new year. This is about as far as I get with the idea of “New Years Resolutions”. I am not fond of the pressure, instead try to work on ways to better myself throughout the year. However, this one I might make a sticker and put it on my dashboard.


I’m going to work on this for my no destination trip. One of the reasons am ‘no destination’ is because of the urgency I tend to put on myself when I have a destination. I locate there, and have difficulty enjoying where I am currently. Pause. Breathe. Consider.

If anything, this trip has taught me so far is that my lifetime up until now of my many different paths, locations, schools, professions, and social groups has enriched me in ways I couldn’t imagine while I was living those various chapters. The people that I’ve loved, cried with, had late night talks, or simply chatted on a like-minded forum, all have varied and interesting lives and I am honored be invited into their homes and hearts as I continue to learn about the amazing multifariousness of life.
You've been having quite an adventure since we parted ways in New Mexico. Really enjoying your reports and musings. Give the dogs a belly rub for me.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Wander The West mobile app
thanks, y'all!

highz - yeah! I'm here in Carbondale, Illinois for the next week + taking care of my mom and step-dad's (crazy eye) mini Australian Shepherd. Little dog has some aggression issues... fun.
But I get to visit with old friends and have showers regularly for a short while.... :)

Carbondale, Illinois is as close to having a 'home' as I've experienced thus far.
This is the town where I made my first snow-person, learned how to drive, cut class, and found my love for romping outdoors. Home is the place where I have the deepest memories, history, and connection.

I have friends here dating back to pre-school, and my mom lives here with my step-dad and a young Australian Shepherd. Would this still be home if my mom weren't here? Yes, although I would probably have fewer visits. I mostly travel here for family Thanksgivings and Christmas holidays, but I still call southern Illinois "home".

Coming here in the middle of winter is not ideal, but at least during this cold snap I have real plumbing and no propane-use worries. I drove around this morning visiting a few old friends and thought about what makes this place "home". The physicality of the town has changed a lot over the years - roads re-routed, new street lights, businesses gone and new ones in their places, new buildings built.

It's not the town itself that is 'home' to me, it's the people I know, the community I left, the old friends still here. But it's also the surrounding wilderness - the great Shawnee National Forest where I spent a lot of my youth camping and tromping around, Crab Orchard and Cedar Lakes for humid summer nights skinny dipping, Giant City State Park with it's grand rock formations for clambering.

Yay! Southern Illinois people!

My grandparents traveled all over the US, and my grandma always said that she thought that this area was the most beautiful.
I'd almost agree, except for the prevalence of ticks and chiggers.
and sweat bees.
and those mean black flies.
and brown recluses and black widows.
and mosquitoes.

I do rather miss fireflies tho.
I hope you don't mind but I did a little touchup on your very cute pic :) I enjoy your stories :) Happy New Year!


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Happyjax! You took out the crease! Nice!

Tuff Guy 62 - I have been spoiled living in the SW with no daily bitey bugs. Sure, scorpions but in the eight years I lived in Phoenix + Prescott, I encountered maybe six scorpions, three of which were inside a house, and only one of which stung someone (my friend sitting next to me). Vs every hike having to monkey comb myself and my dogs for ticks, and still ending up with awful chiggers and probably some mosquito bites too.
hoyden said:
Happyjax! You took out the crease! Nice!

Tuff Guy 62 - I have been spoiled living in the SW with no daily bitey bugs. Sure, scorpions but in the eight years I lived in Phoenix + Prescott, I encountered maybe six scorpions, three of which were inside a house, and only one of which stung someone (my friend sitting next to me). Vs every hike having to monkey comb myself and my dogs for ticks, and still ending up with awful chiggers and probably some mosquito bites too.
Yep, I know what you mean. Living on the the central coast we don't have to contend with lil' nasty arthropods. Worst I ever had to deal with were midges a couple of years ago while in Scotland.

Hmmm...I noticed that your profile still lists you in Prescott, AZ. I think you may need to change that up abit.

Looks like you're having a blast and wish you safe travels.

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