back country campers
I got snowed on yesterday in the North Cascades. Summer is coming!
Nice that you are enjoying your new camper.Have many more great times.Camped this weekend at Suttle Lake, east of Sisters, Oregon, at about 3500 feet. Rainy much of the day Saturday. Woke up to 34 degrees F both mornings. June in Oregon!! This was our first official trip in the Hawk flatbed (two weekends ago we drove it home from Missouri) and the cold rainy weather allowed us to ascertain two things: the heater works, and the camper doesn't leak in heavy rain. So all good. On Sunday it was 55-ish by afternoon and no rain, perfect for a walk along the Metolius River, one of the most beautiful rivers I know.
Sad face indeed, Craig. The afternoon forecaster came on duty yesterday and bumped all the temps (posted above) up 2 degrees. We woke to a low of 70 this morning. Some things are just not right. Where should we go?Drive down the hill and add 15 degrees
Climb high, 3pins! You know how to take advantage of the adiabatic temperature change. But up there the trees are more scarce, thus a loss of shade.
We're also getting very warm weather in the Pacific Northwet in the next week.