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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Hello, Ultra Breeze & Other Ventilation Questions..

    Sounds like you've thought things out pretty well. Now comes the hard part - waiting... Use the time to plan a great trip. You're going to love it. Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Ultimate Flexible Solar Panels - successes and warranty replacements

    I just checked the Renogy web site to verify the optimum operating current on the bendable panels and noticed this at the bottom of the specs: Please try to mount the panel so that there is minimal direct contact between the panel and the surface it is to be mounted to, to avoid hot spots. It is...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West EXTRA EXTRA Read All About It

    +1 Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Hello, Ultra Breeze & Other Ventilation Questions..

    The space inside a Hawk is too small to really enjoy being inside during a rainy day but we often deploy the side awning and either sit out under it or at least store stuff out of the wet. The side window is louvered so you could open it a good bit even without the awning under most rainy...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Electrical confusion...

    I'm very interested in hearing their take on all this. Thanks Jim for doing this and riding herd on the myriad threads regarding this issue. Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Electrical confusion...

    After sending my Renogy panels back for warranty replacement I got a call from them warning me that they will not honor another warranty if the MC4 connectors are cut off as mine were. I am leaving the replacement connectors on. Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Dang I am dumb

    During my walk around I always touch each of the doors for the shower access, the utility box, the water port, the grey water plug and even the water heater along with the latches. Double check the gas and the top vent and then stand and look back at the site to make sure we haven't left...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Ultimate Flexible Solar Panels - successes and warranty replacements

    When you include blood pressure into the mix the cost is indeed high. Mine spiked every time the fridge cycled on this last trip. No way to get away from it all. Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Refrigerators revisited

    If I knew the trouble, frustration and amount of money I'm (hopefully finished with) ultimately spending keeping my 2 way fridge cold with solar I would have gotten a 3 way and probably been very happy with it. As it is, I'm expecting 2 warranty replacement solar panels and I'll need to remount...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Removing Flexible Solar Panel

    I checked the data sheet and emailed the good people at Sikaflex and, as a polyurethane, it has no "antidote". Mechanical means are required. Your adhesive may have an antidote. If I had a remover / softener, I would have tried it. Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Electrical confusion...

    2 bad flexible panels here but my rigid framed one is a champion. Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Electrical confusion...

    I'm confident that even dime store Velcro would hold the panel down if you went all the way around the perimeter. With the extremely low profile, wind loading even at highway speeds is pretty small. I would worry about the adhesive holding the Velcro to the roof and the panel itself however...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Removing Flexible Solar Panel

    I did it. Took about an hour. Here's the story: One of my Renology panels has been flakey for a long time. I thought it was connections and made and remade changes. Finally I stumbled on to the fact that the panel essentially stops working when it gets too hot. It will work early in the morning...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West New 15 Hawk

    The biggest no-two-ways about it problem to solve for the very first trip (even if it is just home to get outfitted) is the steps. If you can't get in or out safely you will not have a good time anywhere, anyhow. The good news is that you can "audition" steps ahead of time simply by taking the...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Cleaning solar panels

    I'm in the process of adding a remote panel in addition to the 2 flexible panels already glued to the top of the camper. I'm parked in mostly shade beside the house and I wanted a base line of what kind of amps are feeding into the batteries so I checked the charge controller and was...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Yellowstone campgrounds/ wildlife viewing

    We were there last year in the third week of June. Campgrounds filled up quickly but you can call and make a reservation for the same night which I recommend. For nature viewing I recommend the Lamar Valley in the NE corner of the park. We saw bison everywhere but there we also saw black bears...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Propane Tank Location Outside Camper

    I see a lot of travel trailers with propane tanks mounted outside so the theft issue is just a matter of seeing what they do. Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Portable Air Condioner in your FWC?

    Not familiar with these units but could you vent it out one of the turnbuckle access doors? And no, it doesn't get SE Texas hot AND humid Wandering the West. In Summer I think most of us head to the mountains or the coast and save the deserts for the other months. I prefer to spend Summer at...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West What tools do you take along?

    I always take a plastic rectangle with numbers on it. You just slide it into these slots and people give you things and do stuff for you. :D Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West How not to upgrade your camper

    Not to hijack the thread (here it comes...) but, maybe someone can straighten me out about something with the fridge compartments. Since the hot air pumped from the cold box is mostly sitting there surrounding the unit except for the feeble amount of air ventage, it would seem that the...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West How not to upgrade your camper

    Did you use screening to keep bugs out? When the fan runs it shouldn't be a problem but the fan doesn't run all the time. I was thinking of tackling this project in my Hawk and I pulled out the fridge to check things out. I wondered if I couldn't put the hole through the floor of the back of...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West On the Springtime Road to Southern Oregon

    Thanks for sharing another of your beautiful and unique trip reports. Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Buyers regret?

    We've cooked inside a bunch of times since we seem to get rained on a lot. If you are more of a desert traveler then maybe an inside stove isn't such a big deal. After all, you can set your portable stove on the counter for those times when you really don't want to cook outdoors. We use our...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Jayco Sportster 8ft - Renovation

    Sure looks like you don't want to load/unload on a windy day! Alan
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Interior shower for my Hawk

    There is no interior shower fitting on the standard model. I replaced the faucet and used the aerator threads to connect a home-made shower hose for inside use. We still use the FWC shower hose for external showers and dishes. Alan
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