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  1. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Mojave National Preserve

    outstanding pictures dan!! been out in the Mojave many times, but never captured sights they way you have....thanks for sharing:)
  2. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Expected Gas Mileage

    Before the Panther could sometimes get 15-17 with it on pretty permanently lucky to get 11 mpg....just can't seem to only drive downhill with a tailwind like some folks:D
  3. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Bristlecone Forest And Lake Crowley

    Barko1-- have actually hiked and camped in snow with the scouts....imagine that, in some sick weird way intentionally going out and looking to get snowed on and sleeping out in it! So the Bristlecone Forest was about 27 degrees when we got up, and Lake Crowley was 22 degrees when we got...
  4. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Bristlecone Forest And Lake Crowley

    I haven't been around WTW for a while and thought I'd try to jump in and post some pics of our recent trip....been envious in the past that everyone else has better stuff to show off! Wife and I decided to do Thanksgiving on our own and do some exploring in places we've heard others here...
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  9. Lake Crowley and Bristlecone Forest

    Lake Crowley and Bristlecone Forest

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  11. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Sedona Help!

    i agree with Bat you can go up Schnebly fact we are there right now....on our way home from southern NM and decided to try south on I-17 from the I-40 just to see what we could find....came in off exit #320 about 4 or 5 miles....apparently could go all the way into Sedona if we just...
  12. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Sedona Help!

    hope the link works...
  13. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Sedona Help!

    we were there last year... before our Panther days....camped in the Manzanita Campground along Hwy 89....depends on how isolated you want to be but this suited our purpose last year as we were only about 15 minutes outside of says tent camping only, but we had a shell on the truck...
  14. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Found My Pictures

    where's the dog? I was looking at the last picture and thinking "cute family"....but where's the dog??:D
  15. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Where have Y'all Been?

    going to be through that area next week actually, making a mad dash through Arches and Canyonlands on our way east to Cimarron and Albuquerque....probably too many miles in too little time but no choice.... seeing an Outfitter caused me to start looking at pop-ups....eventually bought an ATC...
  16. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Ping Georgem

    back at you Edo sent you a PM today, Ed.:D
  17. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    my apologies Fisherman George, you can't be serious, there are people here right now with 8 posts, personally I can't believe you thought I or anybody else was serious about having to have a 100 posts, or a hundred anything else, but I guess if you couldn't figure that out, you should have...
  18. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West How Will You Be Remembered?

    what's that braying sound goats make? Jaaaaaaaay..... now we know the rest of the story:D
  19. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West one guess....

    it is gratifying... know I am not the only one who opted out of the "non-ouch" low doorway:D Are you hearing this Marty? Another option, in addition to the automatic bug deflection system, you could include on all new campers! Speaking of those jack mounts Craig, just barely missed one...
  20. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West one guess....

    what this is...:o
  21. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Att. Hog festival new location

    Sounds like you are all going to have a great time Fisherman....sorry I can't be there to enjoy. Try as I might, I just didn't think I would ever get to the required 100-post mark. What with you disallowing some of my posts and all, I think I'm at less than fifty:( But don't let my misfortune...
  22. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Building a camper

    Phird05, There were bees hovering around the front of the truck but I couldn't be sure if they wanted to pollinate or if they recognized a relative... BTW SunMan, just did our inaugural Death Valley Trip! (recognize the bugs?)Will post some pics but was so taken by yours and others trip...
  23. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Building a camper

    Bug Deflection!! Marty, Once you master a sure-fire bug-deflection system you'll be a hero:p Didn't I order that deflector option when I bought my Panther?
  24. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West The pig

    you're just that kind of a guy! nowadays, not too many people are as conscientious as you, so it's gratifying there will be no name calling at your which airbag around here were you worried about?:p
  25. georgem

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West This State's Nuts

    Granola California....the land of granola....once you get past all the fruits and nuts, all you got left at the bottom of the bowl is the flakes:p
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