1978 FWC New Owner

Old Crow said:
Well done, pollux!

Any way to narrow down what year that was? Are those your notes on prices?
the photo was given from a nice lady i met at the FWC November camper rally.
The prices was written on that photo.
sorry, i dont know what year that was.
That old ad is awesome. Lets assume it was 1970! Then according to this,


the old keystone cost 21,000 in todays moneies. Four wheel has done a pretty good job of keeping price relatively constant while improving quality. Kudo's to them!

But more importantly whats the update on the camper potter? What next on the todo list?
The ad shows 2 Ford Bronco models, a 1976 and earlier, and a 77 and later. So the ad would have to be 77 or later I would assume. The Fleet model in the picture shows it on an import truck. Can anybody identify that truck and possibly the model year by the vinyl trim on the door and front fender?

1978 Toyota Pickup google images.

So just realized, that my door will swing and block the furnace exhaust. Am I gonna accidentally burn the thing down by being a dumbass????

I could flip the door around if I needed to. I will have a door stop, that will keep the door away a few inches.
Unless, I am pass out drunk.... My wife has the camper who is cold all the time and leaves it on with the door open.

But ya, I don’t plan on leaving the door open with the furnance going.

Maybe I will flip the door, but I was getting pretty excited about not having to scrap any more Butyl Tape.
Porter, I had a Hallmark camper a couple summers ago, that had the heater vent out the back. The door didn’t swing in front of it, but I inadvertently set a wood step ladder next to the vent. I was inside when I smelled smoke, then quickly realized what the cause was. Moral of the story is it doesn’t take long for hot exhaust from a furnace to cause a problem. I’d strongly encourage making the change proactively.


Flipped the door. I will be more relaxed knowing that the door cannot be left open.

I now know which butyl tape is worse to scrap off, old crusty butyl or new gooey butyl. Brand new tape is worse to remove.
Portercassidy said:

Flipped the door. I will be more relaxed knowing that the door cannot be left open.

I now know which butyl tape is worse to scrap off, old crusty butyl or new gooey butyl. Brand new tape is worse to remove.
Curious how you flipped the door. Did you just turn it upside down so the hinges were on the other side? I made a mistake on my door flipping it, then realized the sliding window would allow water to run inside. The upper window should be to the outside of the lower window. You are making great progress on the project!
shellback said:
Curious how you flipped the door. Did you just turn it upside down so the hinges were on the other side? I made a mistake on my door flipping it, then realized the sliding window would allow water to run inside. The upper window should be to the outside of the lower window. You are making great progress on the project!
I flipped the whole door frame. Luckily for me, I put the window in upside down the first time, so my mistake worked out in my favor this time.

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