30% federal tax credit


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2012
SF Bay Area
"Qualifies for 30% federal tax credit which includes any installation costs, adding batteries, inverters and anything associated with the solar purchase."

I saw this statement at the following link. Has anyone heard of this? It says "tax credit", not write-off. There has to be a catch, but if true, would definitely take the edge off the cost of a solar installation.

"Qualifies for 30% federal tax credit which includes any installation costs, adding batteries, inverters and anything associated with the solar purchase."

I saw this statement at the following link. Has anyone heard of this? It says "tax credit", not write-off. There has to be a catch, but if true, would definitely take the edge off the cost of a solar installation.


After a quick google, I found this.

•Solar System for RV and boat that has been accepted by the IRS as a second home for tax purposes*.

*Consult with your tax adviser to make sure the tax credit applies to you and your situation.
I would think a camper solar system wouldn't qualify.
My home system did though.
A tax credit I believe is dollar for dollar.

If a boat can qualify why not a camper? There might be an issue concerning how much you use it but I do not know any rules concerning how many days you must use a second home. That said we did claim the 30% for the solar panels on our home and we did not do it for the camper. Can't remember our logic - but then there might not have been any.
It would not be the first time we were stupid.
I just put a system on my Eagle, and I'm planning on taking it. Using this info as documentation and justification:
Seems like a stretch to call a removable camper a 2nd home, but if I have a bed, sink, stove and refrigerator, it sounds like a home to me...
Taking the deduction depends on how aggressive you are with your tax deductions, good documentation, and the willingness to defend it if audited.
I just put a system on my Eagle, and I'm planning on taking it. Using this info as documentation and justification:

I keep good records, receipts, etc. I took the tax credit (close to $200). I did the installation myself so I did not claim any installation costs. I also have our blog that documents we use our "second home", if that makes any difference.

All the usual disclaimers apply. I am not a tax expect, consultant, or attorney. I am not giving or offering advise or suggesting you claim the tax credit. I am only a lowly tax payer. :oops:
Good job Ski.I tried taking the credit on mine two years ago but we can't get enough deductions to go above the standard one allowed.But that works for us.
I think that year I also claimed a "sun tube",but still not enough.
Four years ago when we had home solar installed the credit worked out great.
I hope others take advantage of the credit.
I think being able to write off an RV or boat as a second home varies by state. I seem to recall that here in Oregon, it needed to be self contained to qualify and of course had enough other deductions to get there. That's what I recall anyway and I could be all wet...

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