8th Year full time under the Stars

The Oasis of my Soul..


Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

Truly an incredible experience. One to redo over a few times as every step of the way is as a new creation only Mother Nature could put on display. Tonight we have made it as far as Gallup, New Mexico and tomorrow our entrance into The Valley of the Gods should take place. I am so drawn to that space as I know an entity of Life is waiting. The questions within me never stop, but the replies are not often so easy to discover. The space we are in always is a barrier or a conductive path... we will be on the open path by tomorrow.
Old Historical Towns have lined the road these past couple of days. Lincoln, Capitan. They seemed so unique and different from most we have seen and gone through. We are moving on, not too fast, actually kind of slow as evening approaches always wondering why we have not gone far enough, and yet, I just cannot seem to find any schedule!
Enjoy the photos of the Caverns of Carlsbad, they have truly become some of my favorites.
Till next time, be well…

Ara & Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com our Journey under the Stars…
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


Arriving to the Valley of the Gods, Utah.

Being under the weather while living on the road sometimes is not fun. It might be why unconsciously arriving here has been a bit hurried. This morning was a ride to Monument Valley, nothing to do with Mother Nature’s more incredible works of Art, but to visit the local Clinic. Top notch service, attention and medicine as I am already feeling half human! I am sure the other half will show up tomorrow. The annual ear infection and sore throat decided to pay me a visit!
They were aspects of Life rolling around in this mind of mine while moving on, thoughts on how everyone has a different path within sometimes many stages present. While totally energetic toward riding I wrote a bit about them, there is never right or wrong, only what the present Life today shows me throughout my own moments.
Photos of a few attractions between Lincoln and Capitan, New Mexico, and that is about all for this time on the Blog…
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


Valley of the Gods, the beginning. Utah

I was checking the weather today and typed in ‘Terlingua”! Sometimes I forget where we are. Happens a lot in the middle of the night. Either it is senility or maybe getting too comfy on this Journey wherever we are!
Winds up to 40mph and gusting, it is today truly the “Valley of the Gods” breathing down real heavy on us. Yet, we took a ride to Blanding to see Jack the welder as a crack in one of the sidecar mounts made it’s appearance. Jack had also helped me last year and this time his work was his contribution to our Journey, a real strong weld with even a bit of black paint touch up. The trade off actually was a picture with… Spirit. Yes, again and again it happens as no one ever asks me to be in the pictures. I am used to it by now, no hurt feelings, my own therapy works.
Yesterday was a different story, with beautiful clouds and weather we rode around and around as the 17 mile road here is so perfect for “Old Faithful”.
Another coincidence, as last year the balloons are here! One flew this morning, just in time before the winds started strong. I think they will now wait till Sunday for calmer skies.
More photos are on the Blog…Be well… Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul...


Our present neighborhood, Utah

Misty morning, the sun is still hidden, the red rocks have yet to be painted and take on their red hues, the winds are calm and silence prevails. The birds are still asleep, I am barely awake myself and as in tempo with it’s forward movement I can hear the gushing of the balloon’s propane lighting up in bursts. What a sight it was, what a sight it must be from “up there” when free as a bird one could fly over those Monuments, those “Gods” guarding this Valley for the past centuries.
The surprises never fail to appear at every corner while living on the road, never knowing the next set we will be experiencing while on this single and greatest stage Mother Nature has provided never sparing any expenses from within her own Soul.
More photos of our rides, old one pan recipes I am trying to bring back and incorporated within the Blog, a reply to a comment made, more Balloon photos are still in the camera for now waiting for the next time.
Be well…

Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


The Balloonists and their Balloons… Utah

Sunday was a great day! Mother Nature’s pleasant stage was truly enjoyed by us and all the Balloonists present for their once a year flights throughout this Valley of the Gods. Suddenly the skies presented themselves with a totally different backdrop creating many smiles. Balloons create smiles… to me anyhow. Being invited for Breakfast with the groups was a real treat… I cannot help still tasting the great food and looking forward next year!
Tomorrow we are moving to Moab, outskirts of Moab anyhow as there is free camping a bit north of it. Regroup a bit and on to the “Swells”… an area we have never been to…
Time is lingering and a crucial decision also I need to take is coming up… The dentist's prognosis was not too good yesterday… Gum bone infection that I am hoping more antibiotics will take care off, but that will only cure the symptoms, not the problem… Gum surgery on all four quadrants? What does that have to do with riding!!! I wonder…
More on the Blog… one day at the time…
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


A tear and a smile, Utah

Valley of the God is behind us, hail and heavy thunderstorms is what we went for, in Moab. This too shall pass in this Capital of 4x4’s and toys as one has never seen.
We left some trails not ridden yet, seems as it is always par for the course to leave some for the next time, giving us a reason to come back toward certain destinations.
I say “us” because of Spirit, “stoic” as ever, being the perfect and ultimate “Adventurer” with never a complain or a sigh and a constant smile on his face. Lucky me, lucky him, we are truly fortunate in these times to have each other.
We had a visitor for a couple days, Andre, his first time out with his great trailer set up, tent and kitchen included. Drove around to Gooseneck, Mokey Dugway, Muley Point which I call “the top of the world” as he also was taken back of it’s grandiose and majestic presentation.
Some thoughts on “commercialism”, some past images which were awaiting to be posted, all in the Blog with more of the area’s history we went to for the next one.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
Valley of the Gods and the balloons... oh the memories...

So glad to see you back in Utah. The winds are the one drawback but a fee that must be paid. I wish we had been further east in Utah to drop by last week, however we were cruising around Boulder & Escalante (we made a point of not stopping at the 'Duchess' or was it the 'Governess' eating establishment, out of respect for you).

Glad you met Andre. He's a buddy of mine too. We had breakfast with him in Park City in March, and got a tour of his shop. He's one smart cookie. But a slight correction Ara, he's a Landcruiser guy, not Land Rover guy. Like you're a BMW guy, not a KTM guy. ;)

He is probably one of the best resources for swapping diesel engines into Toyotas in the US. He mentioned to me recently that he was going to be seeing you in VOG. I'm glad to see the meeting went so well between two people I genuinely admire.

And thanks for bringing the balloons back into my life. Seeing them was one of those experiences I struggled to put into words. I should have just let the pictures speak for themselves.... Your photos show an intimate relationship with the area. A relationship one can't form through a car window at 40mph, while merely passing through. Thanks you so much for once again sharing your perspective and your appreciation for Utah.

your compadre -

- KC

Valley of the Gods and the balloons... oh the memories...

So glad to see you back in Utah. The winds are the one drawback but a fee that must be paid. I wish we had been further east in Utah to drop by last week, however we were cruising around Boulder & Escalante (we made a point of not stopping at the 'Duchess' or was it the 'Governess' eating establishment, out of respect for you).

Glad you met Andre. He's a buddy of mine too. We had breakfast with him in Park City in March, and got a tour of his shop. He's one smart cookie. But a slight correction Ara, he's a Landcruiser guy, not Land Rover guy. Like you're a BMW guy, not a KTM guy. ;)

He is probably one of the best resources for swapping diesel engines into Toyotas in the US. He mentioned to me recently that he was going to be seeing you in VOG. I'm glad to see the meeting went so well between two people I genuinely admire.

And thanks for bringing the balloons back into my life. Seeing them was one of those experiences I struggled to put into words. I should have just let the pictures speak for themselves.... Your photos show an intimate relationship with the area. A relationship one can't form through a car window at 40mph, while merely passing through. Thanks you so much for once again sharing your perspective and your appreciation for Utah.

your compadre -

- KC


This is too good!!! I mentionned... on another Forum to get in touch with us... and here you are an hour later!!!
Yes, Andre is awesome, he is also here as we are in Moab... Never a dull moment in this town as I truly enjoy it a lot.
Actually I just cjecked and I have your e mail, same? yahoo...
We are headed north soon and I wanted to pick your brains about Wyoming... where can we get lost and admire and feel... maybe visit you guys? Andre is turning me on to The Swells, something we also are going to do soon after a few days here regrouping...
I will see him this pm... will say HI from you!
Be well... and always thank you for your kind words...
Ara & Spirit
Ara & Spirit ...

Seldom do you find in this maze of life, one that breaks from the catalyst of society to pursue their own destiny at ones own will. Too many times we throw are lives to the cog of the wheel of routine and before we know it our lives are gone.

Your travel log and photography have been truely inspirational to me. I find myself, and am sure many of my fellow wonderers living at least for the moment vicariously through your journies. Don't Stop !

The Oasis of my Soul..

Ara & Spirit ...

Seldom do you find in this maze of life, one that breaks from the catalyst of society to pursue their own destiny at ones own will. Too many times we throw are lives to the cog of the wheel of routine and before we know it our lives are gone.

Your travel log and photography have been truely inspirational to me. I find myself, and am sure many of my fellow wonderers living at least for the moment vicariously through your journies. Don't Stop !


What words! Thank you... If i ever print a coffee table books your (with your permission) will be in it!


The Gooseneck, Mokey Dugway and Muley Point, Utah…

In Moab right now, a few miles north of it, we actually have managed to never pay for camping so far since we have left “The Oasis”. That is the plan this time around. The “photo” of this Dish within it’s surrounding beauty I would call it an “oxymoron”! Not to my liking, millions of years spread ahead of us harboring this new technology yet at it’s infancy stands allowing me to communicate. Is there a choice? There is only two… well, maybe three, as I only see it as a “yes” for the Blog, a “no” for it or countless hours sitting in a coffee shop… for me not a doable solution when the chapters here are reaching the present numbers way over 400.
Valley of the Gods and it’s surroundings will again have to wait another year for our visit, many trails untouched yet, it seems as an endless space we can never finish savoring. My Friend “Andre” spend a couple nights camping by us. Much cooking, much chatting and much solving our own dilemmas that are a daily barrage of questions.
Will be here for a few more days, regrouping I thought… we have however met many nice people we have spend some quality time with. Will write about that also next time…
Be well… thank you for your support…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul..


Life in and around Moab, Utah

Once again it is not flying through the States that is giving us the ability and the gift to meet many other souls, the ones lined up on each side of the road we are on. Time is lingering, raising it’s value and lengthening the joys of vagabonding we have with such passion embraced. Friends of Friends of a Friend! Is that how it happens when suddenly we find ourselves with “places” to go and people to meet. The experience these past days has overshadowed the riding, the focus has been the minds met, many Artists each on their own path within their own creation. It has been so interesting to be an “observer” listening to the how’s and why’s of other’s lives. To experience their own creations, sculptures, paintings… words. The same with off roaders and their 4x4’s, each so unique and yet designed for one thing only in mind as us, to explore the outdoors.
Moab is such an incredible hub with never a dull moment, it is not a city, it is a center for all people with that certain desire to be “outside” to gather up and do “their thing”.
You will find out more about it within the Blog… too many photos and yet, not enough of them.
Be well… Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


Potash Rd and Schaeffer Trail revisited, Utah

The loop, the excitement, the challenge is so great that we rode it twice back to back two consecutive days. Uphill that is, making room for the other vehicles at times going the wrong way. There is actually no wrong way, going uphill for us gives me much better control of the ride.
Resting back today after finally a tooth extraction finding this really good Dentist here and a bit stuck from a frayed clutch cable. I always carry a spare of everything, all is well, I am happy that it did not happen on one of those rides, on the switchbacks. Not much energy right now to change it, it is going to be so strange not to be in pain anymore, not quite gone yet, but will soon.
Spirit continues amazing me, it is almost as I take it for granted that this Dog (is he?) can ride with such pleasure, specially over such disturbing roads bouncing around non stop. He loves it! So does “Old Faithful” behaving as a good companion herself never missing a beat.
It is quite a road, the switchbacks are amazing, a definite must if in the area!
More photos of it are on the Blog.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul...


As “beauty” rises through the pain. Moab, Utah

A strange facet on this Journey happens as almost stricken with panic when faced with the inability to write my true honest realistic to myself thoughts. The cap solidly remains topping a Soul and a mind that needs their own quenching, all needs to pass on onto the pages of this insatiable Journal filled with moments that cannot be skipped, reflecting always my own reality through the nights and days of this taken path.
Criticized at times I fall and enter into an arena unwelcoming to my own well being, a territory so foreign that when reading my own words I realize they just are not truly mine. They are not faithful to my train of thoughts, they are as if Spirit suddenly was lacking his water and food, his love and affection, his running and clowning around. And why? Because maybe not wanting to write about pain, about sadness, about missing a Loved one when told such feeling would be a negative aspect of my pages. I have risen up into a new step realizing all those are only “human” facets of everyone’s Life and comprehend that through those feelings comes out the beauty surrounding us as the incredible contrasted World we live in.
There is much “beauty” that rises through pain… There really is.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars

I know I got lost somewhere!!! It happens a lot... :eek:


Fisher Towers, near Moab. Utah

The Journey is adventures, riding and everything else that fills in the gap while on the road. So often others enter the scene and suddenly the mind cannot help thinking, what a shame it would be to cross those miles on “automatic pilot”! There is communication, meaning thoughts. There are gazillion ride reports already out there, travel logs, I always wonder about the traveler him/herself as to what truly goes through their own thoughts within those moments passed. I have always written about my own, everything complements each other including Spirit’s own Life and as much as I can tell… his own thinking.
We picked a hot day, not on purpose for sure, to go on to the Fisher Towers. I had planned another ride but since my root canal the day before, the energy and desire only dwindled away and this closer by destination suddenly seemed so much more appealing.
It was the first warm hike we had done in a while and how quickly I forgot how much heat canyons retain. Today and for the days to come it is suddenly the other side of the coin with thunderstorms and showers… Never a dull moment it seems like. Enjoy the Fisher Towers… they are a sight to see and the ride along the Colorado River also is so unique.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


Moab’s Art Festival, Utah

We are now this morning on our way to Grand Junction, Colorado. The scenery will not be peaks and valleys but St Mary’s Hospital parking lot for as long as needed. “Trigeminal Neuralgia” is a couple new words I learned a few days ago when finally having to visit the local emergency room.
Some facial nerve is finally being squeezed so hard that just about anything, including talking and eating will bring on this pain, this real pain as I have already been in touch with some others with the same condition.
We are going in for a second opinion.
In the meantime, in between some relief, we managed to spend some hours at the Moab Art Festival and I do have to say it was a few hours of fun admiring so many talented Artist’s Artifacts. From Photography to glass beads, paintings and all sorts of odd end results. Great Music, Taiko Drum Teams for the local Schools, good company… and then on to the ER.
Just another hurtle to deal with right now. The medication taken is a strong one, really does not start affecting the pain for a few more days they say… this is all part of Life on the road, Life period!
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


A Music Festival and Blue Mesa Lake. Co.

I am feeling almost Human again…
Couple Blogs have been posted… I think time escaped me, or maybe the lack of it. Yet it has been some busy days attending the Desert Rock Festival, south of Moab, for a few hours in between some Advil intake for this ear that has finally calm down. Then a couple days at St Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction and now on the shores of the Blue Mesa Lake near Gunnison, also Colorado. I keep thinking… did all this really happen these past few days? The photos are there, they must have.
The landscape here is Paradise as being the best time of the year. Greens and more greens, streams and creeks everywhere and the crowds are missing.
The weather with it’s daily shower is perfect, hovering in the mid forties mid mornings, great riding and hiking weather.
We are right on the shore of the Lake, a few feet away, Spirit is now so content having room to play and jump and clown around. His mood was somber for a while, feeling I am sure also my own pain as now suddenly I see a smile on his face.
Enjoy the photos… they are also linked to a Gallery on Smugmug.
Be well… always.
Ara & Spirit
Hey Beemer,

I am just up the road 30 miles from Blue Mesa Lake, in Crested Butte. I don't know where you are at this moment in time, but feel free to stop by any time, if in the area. I would enjoy visiting with you and meeting the person behind the great stories.

Good travels,

Hey Beemer,

I am just up the road 30 miles from Blue Mesa Lake, in Crested Butte. I don't know where you are at this moment in time, but feel free to stop by any time, if in the area. I would enjoy visiting with you and meeting the person behind the great stories.

Good travels,


Hi Paul, if you look at the Blog and click on SPOT "track us" you will know where we are.
I was actually thinking about heading that way early am... Brrrr...
Be well... and by the way... what great stories??? :confused: I want to hear yours... :D

Ara & Spirit
Sorry Beemer, wrong choice of words. I should have said Chronicles, and great photos. :eek: Anyway, I am in Denver for my daughters Basketball tournament until tonight...Sunday. Should you ever wander through Crested Butte during your travels however, it's easy to find anyone there.

Take care, andsafe travels.

Sorry Beemer, wrong choice of words. I should have said Chronicles, and great photos. :eek: Anyway, I am in Denver for my daughters Basketball tournament until tonight...Sunday. Should you ever wander through Crested Butte during your travels however, it's easy to find anyone there.

Take care, andsafe travels.


We were in Crested Butthe yesterday actually, went up throug Kebler Pas and came back through Gunnison... Love that downtown and the people... But it is huge with much housing for miles...
How can you handle living in that cold weather all year round though???
Saw much free camping with great meadows... but still too cold for us at that elevation...
We might come back up, the weather did not cooperate much for photos... if you let us know where you are... I am sure there is more than one Paul... :D

Be well... Ara & Spirit
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