8th Year full time under the Stars

Sorry I missed you Beemer. You can almost always find me at Skyland Lodge, (where my office is located) or at the fire station downtown in Crested Butte. I am usually not more than ten minutes away from either place, unless I am out of town. We have had some unseasonbly cool weather this spring. It was in the low seventies just a week and a half ago, and we do have great warm summers....once summer gets here! :)

Ara & Spirit

Sorry I missed you Beemer. You can almost always find me at Skyland Lodge, (where my office is located) or at the fire station downtown in Crested Butte. I am usually not more than ten minutes away from either place, unless I am out of town. We have had some unseasonbly cool weather this spring. It was in the low seventies just a week and a half ago, and we do have great warm summers....once summer gets here! :)


I think we are going to ecape the bad weather and return in about month to camp on the meadows on 12 before Crested Butte...
what do you think Paul?


A loop through Crested Butte and a Recipe

No words to describe the landscape, we can try. Raw, amazing, breath taking and so much more. And yet, cold, very cold and the weather is just not cooperating at the moment with the dark clouds and rain on a daily basis.
Probably too early in the year to be here as the good camping is near by Crested Butte within elevations close to 10,000 feet.
Wide open meadows, streams for much needed water, however out of the question right now. The loop which I posted a map is an incredible one comprised with a variety of roads from twisties to well maintained dirt on 12 just about alright for even a regular car or street bike.
Crested Butte itself is a totally welcoming little town and my question to many was “how do you handle winter here!”. It is as a totally different world, even the structures of the dwellings showing signs of harsh winters. But the prize is there… isolated within the clouds and outdoor activities like nowhere else. It is a dog town as everyone has one…
Today actually we are going back to Grand Junction for personal matters, matters I will explain in the next Blog.
Enjoy… and be well.
Ara & Spirit
This weather is getting on everyone's nerves as well Beemer. As you stated, CB is a very outdoor minded community and this weather has certainly been curbing the bike rides and hiking! Give me a shout when you get back. You will definately see better weather when you get back.

This weather is getting on everyone's nerves as well Beemer. As you stated, CB is a very outdoor minded community and this weather has certainly been curbing the bike rides and hiking! Give me a shout when you get back. You will definately see better weather when you get back.


Hopefully Flamimg Gorge and WY then on to Valley of Fire and backtrack maybe East... then back here will have better weather.
I really wanted to pick your brains on doable roads for us. We are not 2 wheels or 4 wheels... we can do a bit in between and I have seen the start of so many road... I want to camp by the meadows... I think you know what I mean!!!
Will do all that when we come back... There is also the big area around Ouray and so many passes we can also ride... then of course 114 down to Lake City we have not even touched... ah! As I said... even full time a Lifetime will not be enough...
I thanks you... and looking forward to meeting you with a good map!!!
By the way, the locals were so nice to us downtown!!! There was even a transplant from Atlanta we talked a bit!!! and a lady that has radio show on wednesdays...
Next time...
Be well... I will post more photos of Crested Butte tomorrow...
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars...


Defeated by the weather. Co

I need to look at my own Journal to find out where we were last year at this time! We are just not able to escape the bad weather. In parallel problems with Internet connection… Mother’s banking… Life on the road at times is harsh and difficult as communication is often the key to “fix” things.
But we have a good taste of Colorado, having the knowledge for a future comeback is worth it all as new areas are to me the most difficult times to know where to go. It is only after a few days, talking to locals mainly, making new Friends, that I start feeling comfortable and planning more rides on those paved and unpaved roads sometimes seemingly to nowhere.
Crested Butte left such a great impression on me. Almost being a town I could probably spend some more time as a base camp. I wish so often that we could brave the snow and ice at 10,000 feet in the winter and experience what the locals of Crested Butte do. The landscape must be just magnificent.
Will have to settle for some summer pictures for now… but, I did find a bit of snow and the creek banks…
On to Flaming Gorge now, I hear it is also an incredible space, maybe with kinder weather!
It is all on the Blog…
Be well… Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


Flaming Gorge. Ut

We just don’t seem to be able to leave Utah! Flaming Gorge is everything I had heard of and more. Only still wishing the weather would cooperate a bit, thunderstorms, 40’s, strong winds, the windows of opportunity have become rare these days.
Yet we had a chance to ride to Manilla with a detour taking the Geological Tour road which is one not to miss, we have stopped at the sights of the Red Canyon and today, if we can, we are going to ride the northern part which is in Wyoming.
Fishing is the huge industry here, I might be the only one that does not fish, something I would like to do but always too pricey when seeking for a license being from “out of state”.
The geology is incredible, so much work has been done for us to finally experience the displays ahead of us.
I am definitely regrouping these days, it is that time of the year, maybe that time happens more than once a year! I am looking at map… weather forecast… we want to go where it is “hot”!!! Enough of this…
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul...


Lander. Wy.

Beautiful country here. The rolling hills mixed with passes with cool temperatures, green everywhere, the roads just as perfectly laid out ribbons enticing for a pull over every few miles, new spaces so inviting. Today surprisingly the skies this morning are blue with barely a few puffs of clouds, could the weather really be changing? There was an opening yesterday morning that enabled us to head up to “Sinks State Park”, it did not last too long ending up through the day with some furious thunderstorms and I would think some flash floods in many areas. We are lingering in Lander, catching up on the Internet as preparing to leave Tuesday as also know my connections will not be presented as often. Writing the Blog is an easy task being done off line, keeping up with this thread will be a bit harder, RSS feed has always been for me the main solution for myself to read other’s words. It does work for “The Oasis of my Soul” also.
New tires, repacking, looking at maps while visiting my good Friends KC and Mia in this quaint little town, that is what has kept us busy… Much to discover in this part of the country, it is laid out on the Blog.
Be well… till next time,
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


Lander. Wy.

Beautiful country here. The rolling hills mixed with passes with cool temperatures, green everywhere, the roads just as perfectly laid out ribbons enticing for a pull over every few miles, new spaces so inviting. Today surprisingly the skies this morning are blue with barely a few puffs of clouds, could the weather really be changing? There was an opening yesterday morning that enabled us to head up to “Sinks State Park”, it did not last too long ending up through the day with some furious thunderstorms and I would think some flash floods in many areas. We are lingering in Lander, catching up on the Internet as preparing to leave Tuesday as also know my connections will not be presented as often. Writing the Blog is an easy task being done off line, keeping up with this thread will be a bit harder, RSS feed has always been for me the main solution for myself to read other’s words. It does work for “The Oasis of my Soul” also.
New tires, repacking, looking at maps while visiting my good Friends KC and Mia in this quaint little town, that is what has kept us busy… Much to discover in this part of the country, it is laid out on the Blog.
Be well… till next time,
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul...


Riding West…

Finally all packed in Lander, short good byes as we will be back after a bit of Nevada. Weather unlike today was perfect, the winds mild and the spirits finally up there nearing a 10. A bit of detours on dirt roads was not possible, the mud still being too soft from such much past rain. Spirit is in his full element at the helm as he never ceases to amaze me going with the flow. Never seen a dog that adapts himself so well to the environment, day in and day out. As long as I am around we are fine. Walking away and leaving him behind for a few minutes? Forget it… unless in his car where he feels nice and secure as he knows I will be back.
Highway 89 joining Bear Lake to Logan, Utah, will remain in my mind and memories as the one to ride again. Seemingly the Mecca for riders as even being a weekday I caught many glimpses of two wheelers definitely not holding back in the handling department.
A couple more stop between here and Valley of Fire and eventually returning to Wyoming as I am told the best months are ahead.
Be well… always.
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars...


Back in Lander, WY.

Do not attempt Valley of Fire this time of the year. We were actually the last ones to leave as they closed the campground for lack of visitors. Heat and more heat accentuated even more by the red walls of the surrounding landscape. Even shade was starting to take it’s toll as today I feel as recuperating from extreme exhaustion. I feel a bit old for the first time as I know years ago this tiredness would not be quite as prevailing. But “oh! well…” as they say. It was a bit too much in too much of a short time riding the 2100 miles round trip. The original plan was to be south for much longer… sometimes I don’t think! July… hello!
We are getting ready to find this little free camping spot on the Snake River between the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. We will probably leave Sunday, so ready to find that passageway back into our space which seemingly turned into a fast and furious pace, for us that is.
Today the rain is back here, I was told not to bring it with us, I think it is Spirit’s doing! No complain… after those few days in the smoldering heat, rain, cold and even snow are more than welcome.
Some more photos of Valley of Fire are on the Blog…Be well.
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


Red Canyon, Wyoming.

I wonder how many ride or drive by Red Canyon only to take a glance and go on at gazillion miles per hour. It is a fine road for any vehicle except when it rains, only 9 miles south of Lander or 21, depending which entrance of the loop one decides to enter from. The land is a protected Natural Habitat, it’s green carpets yesterday were lined with flowers from all colors and shapes. Much to ponder while there finally within a space I am so familiar with. A space quiet, serene and peaceful that has shut the doors to the every day Life seemingly what I feel I have experienced the previous days on the path of a fast pace… too fast for us.
Tomorrow we are pushing a bit more North, camping right in between Yellowstone and Grand Tetons. I have been warned about mosquitoes, I am only hoping that they are not too bad as the location is perfect to explore the many areas present.
We both "Thank You" for the "Happy Birthday Wishes".
Enjoy Red Canyon and take the loop next time if and when in the area, well worth it.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars...


Yellowstone, near Cody. WY

Grand Titon National Park was a blur a couple days ago while checking out the beautiful free camping on Grassy Lake Rd. Mosquitoes by the thousands, Spirit was instantly not a happy camper and neither was I. And on we went, not even able to take a single photo of the picture perfect setting, not able to remove my helmet. I was warned… it did not come much as a surprise. Plan B? try the campgrounds, with not much luck as they were filled to the brim. Same in Yellowstone and by late afternoon not much of a choice but get near Cody were we will stay till Monday. It will be then on to Montana on a Friend’s Ranch where we can taste maybe then the lack of crowds. Such is always the situation within spaces as these, a destination for many specially during this Holiday coming up.
Plan C… pack real lightly, nothing compared to our round trip to Valley of Fire and go on to some overnighters back here and Grand Titon. Being an over packer I am already this time making a list of what to carry. Cooking will only be coffee as I will be making sandwiches. Tent, sleeping pad and pad with no cot, change of clothe, tools and that is it… Small tent. Old Faithful rides so much better without the kitchen sink!
Be well… always.
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


More of Yellowstone. WY

Every campsite, every corner even through the Park is filled with tents as mushrooms sprouting in the middle of nowhere. Riding has turned into traffic jams in most places helped with unconsidered drivers that will stop in the middle of the road to take a photo of some creature that can only be seen with a pair of powerful binoculars. Most are even afraid to drive as their speed drops to 25 miles per hours followed by a procession of drivers that only try to pass them creating even more havoc. That is the scene within the Park! Not a pretty one and on this Fourth of July weekend I am wondering if sitting still would not be a better solution than trying to ride the complete loop through Chief Joseph Highway and Bear’s Tooth Pass. Hard to stand still however as even though the temperatures have dropped the skies do not look as menacing as yesterday when we rode 200 miles through rain, hail and sleet… in July! Will we get caught in heavy traffic going through Cody also? Wish I had been smarter and picked a location away from it all, some camping at the end of a trail to nowhere.
Right now my boots are still soaked from yesterday, they have proven not to be waterproof as the gloves as was wearing. Will have to wait till they dry anyhow. Spirit is resting, he was quite a trooper yesterday going with the punches as usual. He is the smart one… no doubt.
Enjoy the photos… it is a beautiful space.
Be well… Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars

Thank you guys...


A great loop, Mt/Wy

Defying all Mother Nature’s obstacles, Chief Joseph Highway and Bear Tooth Pass is present more inviting than ever for the rides and drives of many. The roads are open with still much snow, cold temperatures, unfortunately the day of our ride some much darker skies following us. We made it to Red Lodge untouched and actually also back to Cody with just a few drops on the camera lens while taking photos of what was ahead of us, some real dark skies which decided to open up for our passage. Kind of love it when that happens, almost an eerie feeling, a mystery of Mother Nature parting the horizons on demand.
Right now we are in Montana and finally realize why they call it here the big skies… as they are big and finally this magic that I wear through this Journey is back. This is “the” space I have been seeking as we are camped out on some Friend’s property near Columbus, that is Columbus, Montana.
The land is huge, the silence is deep, we have not experienced the roads yet as there are many for the taking, this is as my Friend calls it “The Northern Oasis”.
Enjoy and be well… we feel good here! Very good…
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


The Big Skies of Montana

Even Spirit is doing so well here, his body language is of happiness as mine here is of Peace and Serenity. I wonder who said we will ever run out of land! The roads are to seemingly nowhere, the skies are huge and one can hear themselves think. We will be here for a bit, will have to move here and there, but this is mainly where we will stay till we make our way south again before winter. The eternal cycle, over and over…
The mosquitoes here are almost non existent, the bears I have not seen one yet, the birds are of many and the deer grazes around with no fear.
We did have to go into Bozeman yesterday, another visit to another Dentist as I lost one more tooth. At this rate I just might have to buy a pack of straws and change my diet forever.
It could have been worse, amazing how much pain can cost!
We are going to adventure ourselves into areas off the Parks, the hidden gems where maybe so few go and visit. The crowds did not suit us at all, why even go there if the feeling toward Mother Nature is robbed by the careless drivers, loud exhausts and the too many rules, specially toward Dogs, that National parks have.
“Point Reed” just a few miles from here is a gem of a town… enjoy the photos.
Be well… Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


Urban camping in Bozeman. Mt.

Sometimes the best laid out plans fall apart, human error mainly including mine. It turned out to be an Urban camping situation if one calls spending the night in a house on a golf course, with gazillion bedrooms and bathrooms and huge kitchen… camping. I think it was more of Spirit’s liking, those soft carpets and rugs as he could not decide which one was the most comfortable one. Flushing a toilet… long hot shower… could I get used to all those comforts again? Not really… as nice as Bozeman is, it is still within me to call it an Urban Jungle and end up more exhausted than hundreds of miles riding. It is all about the Soul of a space we are parked within, the search for silence, solitude and the true display of Mother Nature, not the man made green lawns of a gold course.
But it takes some tasting of the other side of the coin to appreciate what one has as it was the case these past couple of days.
The weather is continuing to not cooperate, got soaked again trying to ride Beartooth Pass one more time! Eventually it has to get better… right?
Be well…Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul... Life Under the Stars


More Beartooth and Gardiner, MT

So busy sometimes times escapes me, trying to find a balance throughout this Journey to write my words down. Finally the weather is really cooperating, even a bit on the warm side these days, but in Montana I yet have to feel a warm night. All is just so perfect, staying dry pleases me and Spirit to no end.
We took a ride to Beartooth one more time, another double bacon cheeseburger also at the Red Box, will just need to avoid that area in the future! Another ride to Gardiner which is also the original Northern entrance of Yellowstone Park, not much around, besides a touristy ambience I can do without.
We are now near Manhattan, settled for about a month, hoping to discover a lot of Montana as I am also finding out that most unpaved roads are very doable. Any tips are much appreciated as always. Three Forks, Virginia City, Old Yellowstone Road and a few others near by is right now the extend of my knowledge. I see a lot of Lakes on the map, we will just pick a road and go trying to also find always some unseen corners to spend the night within.
We pack light now… maybe too light, it is such a pleasure to put up and take down quickly unlike before.
I have posted a couple Blogs since last time here, enjoy the photos of our Life on the road.
Be well… always.
Ara & Spirit
The Oasis of my Soul..


Three Forks, MT

Is it called “Americana”? It is, I just checked the definition. “Materials related to American History, Geography…”. Great weather still holding up, had cooled a bit to make it a pleasant ride, rides…
The Missouri River starts a few miles from here where once the old city now defunct “Gallatin” use to stand, a campground where Lewis and Clark once camped, so much has happened within these spaces, water calling for past Pioneers to settle a while. The city of Gallatin did not make it and a few miles away seemingly has moved to another one, replaced, called now “Three Forks”. “Three Forks” was in a jovial mood for their Rodeo weekend, the locals were spilled out on the sidewalks all day, there was a free lunch, much chatting as always, it kind of felt a bit like a Christmas in the summer. It would be fun if it was the case every day of the year… sure would keep everyone much happier I think.
The Rodeo was in full force with much shooting and riding, Spirit’s moos was up, what more can one ask for on such a beautiful day
More on the Blog…

Be well… Ara & Spirit
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