8th Year full time under the Stars

If you will be coming through Bend let me know - beers or whatever else you may need are on me :)

Thanks, very kind. We will be there actualy mid July... Against maybe my better judgement we are going to attend the BMW Nationals... hummm...


A Friendly foreign Space “Desert Rocks Music Festival”. Utah

No sense denying it, we are exhausted. In a good way however after hours of Music, chatting with new Friends and much Photography as I cannot even begin to figure out how I am going to go through all the photos, only now downloaded on my laptop. We actually moved back to Moab a couple days ago as I could not take camping on site anymore. We went up to the Festival every day and returned to a quieter space. The land had turned into a Village with Music going on till in the morning hours and restarting at noon or so. It became tight as more people than expected showed up, no doubt all has been a success as it will probably move on next year on a larger piece of land. So we are ahead of the wave leaving the premises and today is going to be a lingering resting day as the coming ones will see us on to Wyoming and then on West as I have this fantasy and vision of us sitting on the beach of the “California Lost Coast” as we did 3 years ago. We have not seen an Ocean in years, it will be the perfect setting as also going through the giant redwoods is always spectacular, specially in the early morning hours while the ground is steaming and the sun rays are trying to make their way in through the dense vegetation. I remember.
Have a great day and eventually all the Festival Photoswill be in multiple Galleries.
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit

A ride to Thermopolis. WY

I so often feel like the launch of the Space Shuttle. Waiting for a package to arrive in Lander, WY, and now waiting for the rain to pass by. Of course no schedule and yet summer is for me as the precious time of the year with longer days and mild (sometimes!) temperatures. I keep thinking we will head on West tomorrow and so we took advantage yesterday to explore, skim the surface, en route to Thermopolis through Wind River Canyon, a beautiful ride, so much so I could not stop for photos and for that matter lost the light on the way back. Beautiful campsites along the river, peaceful and serene State Park in Thermopolis, a couple Bisons to glance at, the Wyoming Dinosaur Museum, sulfur smell in the air, tourists to stare at... all the ingredients for a great day.
Managed to post a final entry with the remainder of the Music Festival photos, left is cleaning the dust off the cameras as the windy conditions where not the best as I actually decided the cameras will stay in the case in such instances, no sense destroying what there is feeling so fortunate with such equipment. The visit with my Friends Mia and KC here continues, food, conversations, even Spirit likes being in their house, he is not used to so much carpeting and actually sometimes does not quite know what to do. They will be his foster parents the first two weeks in September when I fly by myself to Munich visiting my Mother. It is going to be rough for the both of us.
Enjoy thephotos...
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit

A bad start West. Lander.WY

“Lander” I realize is an Island in the sky. All three passes, two westbound and one going east are nearing and one above 9000 feet. Mid June... we got caught in some fierce cold weather, rain, wind and finally snow. We got caught too late, unprepared, turned around, holed up in an expensive Motel room in Dubois to finally make it back to our Friends house back in Lander. Defeated. Normal they say for this time of the year, abnormal I say. Monday will be our window of opportunity to finally be able to make it out. A couple new waterproof bags, some good designed for chemicals rain gloves, the orange ones this time, we are beyond the looks of it all. In the meantime the waistline is taking advantage of the full kitchen here, the naps are longing into hours from just maybe some days a few minutes, Spirit cannot decide which part of the carpet he is going to occupy, in other words... we are just too comfy! It's all fine, we are not on a schedule, only tasting the beaches on the western coast awaiting for us.
The photos for Dinosaur lovers are it on theJournalas we visited the “Wyoming Dinosaur Museum Center” while in Thermopolis a few days ago. Truly a must and spend a few hours if not learning their names, at least reading them wondering who came up with those names.
Till next time, you be well...
Ara & Spirit

Of a beautiful loneliness, Highway 50. Nevada

It has been a long time coming. Highway 50. Over the past years I had been told of it's greatness, solitude, beauty and more as there is much more. It vastness is of an incredible spirituality and yet I only tasted it for a couple of days. The weather just did not cooperate, mainly the winds beat us up severely compounded with glacial cold, rain and even a few flurries of snow. But all is what it is meant to be giving me a taste of northern Nevada, a treasure discovered, a space we will go back to, no doubt for a lengthy stay.
We are in Reno right now, visiting some good Friends probably till Sunday morning as tomorrow we have planned a ride to Pyramid Lake. We have been within way too much comfort lately considering we also stayed with some good Friends in Salt Lake City a few days ago and where treated to a great dinner and breakfast. Spirit is getting use to the nice home carpeting and lawns, I do however know he feels now more at home while we are camping.
My time with Internet connections has diminished, sometimes not allowing me to come here, but since I write my Journal and download my Photos while off line, our Journal continues being posted often.
Be well, always. See you on the road...
Ara & Spirit

I wondered if that was you. I traveled to and from Ely on 50 last wed-thursday and saw a beemer with a sidecar, didn't see spirit though. It was a beautiful trip on 50, must have been great on the bike. Welcome to Reno.


I wondered if that was you. I traveled to and from Ely on 50 last wed-thursday and saw a beemer with a sidecar, didn't see spirit though. It was a beautiful trip on 50, must have been great on the bike. Welcome to Reno.


Yes, it must been us... Next time will take about a month to cross 50!!!


California Pacific, Mattole Beach. CA

Summertime is definitely and logistically the other side of the coin throughout the year. Time escapes me specially when we sit on a beach like Matolle Rd south of Eureka. Either way a bad road leading to it, the southern approach being definitely the better and safer one. The prize is worth it, more, much more. Uncrowded, sometimes deserted, it is a space for thinking, meditating, hiking and pure relaxation. We did met a few good people also camping there, but mainly it has been being induced into a lazy state of mind while cooking, reading, photographing the ever changing face of this vast Ocean and writing to no end. Everything as far as gear goes has worked flawlessly including the new Hilleberg tent send to us, it is as a palace keeping us warm on the cool (even cold) nights and cool throughout the day when the sun is beating on us. We are off the beach right now for a couple days as I need to decide which way to go to near by Portland. Maybe even go back to the same beach for a few days after loading up on provisions again. Always a last minute decision.
Enjoy and be well...
Ara & Spirit

Life on the Beach... CA

Coffee never tasted so good in this dry vestibule of ours. Coos Bay till Monday, not much sense moving on during the Holidays to only find everything "reserved"!!! It is one aspect I miss, the free camping in the States we have come through. However being now officially a Senior Citizen, 50% off and free access after purchasing my $10 Lifetime Golden Age pass, well, it is a bargain. They will loose money on us.
Today is Library day as it is once a week when the PC opens up. Spirit is laying down at my feet. He is now also officially an "Emotional Support" Service dog. How about that! Not to abuse the situation as he guards Old Faithful all to well, but as today the pressure of waiting for me is off. It is odd... can't wait to take him to Walmart.
You can meet my Dear Friend/Webmaster Brian on the last entry of the Journal, he is the one that does it all having donated his time these past year with no fail.
Till next time.
Be well... Always.
Happy Fourth... get out and enjoy.

Ara & Spirit

A great loop... OR

Of course I am in tune with the fact that we can travel at lightning speeds, even ourselves as slow as I like to move on. Right now, today, it is as we suddenly went through the wall in more ways than one. Yesterday was a great day, today I am trying my best to not much avail. We are in Oregon City amongst seemingly a million other vehicles and three digit temperatures. It is for a good cause to have “Old Faithful's” shocks serviced and be back again on the go Friday. It will then be decision time to head on south or go back west, north west, where the much cooler temperatures prevail with of course at this time of the year also much southerly winds. It is the same winds trying to keep on our tail which made me ride this loop I wrote about, a loop ending up to be one of the greatest rides, including smooth pavements, nicely curved path, scenery always outstanding, nothing short of some day riding it again. Spirit is recuperating, he is passed out, he is not doing so good anymore with the heat. It hit us like a hammer on the head, we are totally spoiled with cooler temperatures.
Enjoy the ride...Be well.
Ara & Spirit

The Romance of... Homeless on the Road. OR.

There will be thousands of riders this week converging on Redmond, Oregon. It is the Annual BMW motorcycle riders get together on the fairgrounds, much activity, also for us many Friends we have met and more we have not met. They are coming from all over the Country, some will be here from even further. Everyone has a common denominator, the passion for being on a “motorcycle”, mostly two wheels, some as us, three wheels, some with trailers, some will trailer. I have that same passion, however Spirit and I fit in a different category, one I don't even know if there will be another member. We “live” on the road, we are “homeless”, it is a different “romance”. Not better, not worse, just different as 24/7 the elements dictate much of our doings. The logistics are different, sometimes easier, sometimes more difficult, there is no time element, there is really no destination, there is nothing and yet there is so much more. I sometimes think “what am I really doing?” living this way as both of us “gypsies” of the road. It is the only Lifestyle I can handle, I have known that since the day my decision was made. It turns out the “romance” of it all truly keeps us planted on this forever path with no exit sign.Be well...
Ara & Spirit

My Little Big World... OR

We found an incredible serene space around the shores of “Lost Lake”, a little treasure where no other souls have adventured in while there. A little slice of Paradise perched at 4000 feet, another 100 feet from the shore. We left however, left to be in the middle and surrounded by 6000 or so others and gazillion wheels and smoke and noise and heat, suffocating heat. We attended the BMW National Rally in Redmond, Oregon. We are back in the cool. I feel as in a week's time we experienced two different Worlds as they are. I have many “thanks” to send out to the so many that have been so kind to us and specially so kind to Spirit. He must have been petted a thousand times, and as myself loving to talk to and scratch other dogs, there were so many that asked to do so and give him water. We met many new faces I only knew, sometimes even forgot, the names. It was a good experience, a novelty, a different shoulder of this path we stopped on for those few days. It is now calm and quiet, it is we are both into a recuperating mode as my ears are still filled with what normally are all those foreign sounds. We will be heading to the coast very soon and north, probably to the Olympic Peninsula. Old Faithful received some long overdue maintenance, she is purring again, he struggle of her past couple weeks is over. The “Lost Lake”will remain a marker on my map.
Be well... always.
Ara & Spirit

Camping on the Oregon Coast

Ying ~Yang it is! Campsites are full, they are by reservations, a bit pricey, however the beaches are beautiful, quiet and serene. We have been here for a few days, afraid to move as we would not find another spot before moving on to Enumclaw at Dauntless, the Manufacturer of the sidecar for some repair due. The mounts after all these miles are tired and a bit worn out. Lets see what kind of magic will be performed. The roads are all more picturesque even if the single lane ones remind me and after war zone with craters and all, again, there is always a certain price to pay. Leash laws are in effect everywhere but the beaches are the playground for Spirit the Clown, the Crazy Dog as I now so often call him. He loves it and yet he stays away from the salty waters. Today is Sunday, the crowds are thinning, I never realized so many desire a taste of the outdoors even if they think they still think they are indoors. The connections are far in between, a couple entries have been posted on theJournaland many photos to go along with them.
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit

At idle in Enumclaw. WA.

We arrived in the nick of time here at Dauntless, the sidecar manufacturer where “Old Faithful” originated from. It has been 5 years, almost 4 of those full time she has taken a beating without much complain. There is no damage but would have been if we had waited another month, who knows, maybe another week. New bearings replacing rubber bushings, new support arm, new hydraulic lift for the car, more bearings, we should be pulling out of here on Friday morning. Probably spend a few days on the Olympic Peninsula before heading north and on then 20 East to drop south to Montana and Wyoming where we need to be around the 25th of August as I am flying from Denver on September 1th to Munich and spend a couple weeks with my Mother. Sounds busy suddenly. An unusual concept in our Journey. Strange concept also right now as camping on the second floor where we have been kindly given space in the upholstery sewing room. All is as usual except for the tent still in it's bag. The ride herewas of a more than pleasant one as the weekend warrior by Monday where off the roads, roads at time foggy, at times sunny, the weather here constantly in an unstable mode.
Be well...
Ara & Spirit

If only I could talk. WA

I might have a tongue too long to have the ability to talk, or to chew my food for that matter, but, I can write when my buddy is sick. That is why we are a team. “Old Faithful” is better than new, I am cheerful but he is not and so this way is much better for now. I can write about my recent experiences, my riding as a passenger with more miles than most, even if some others get those silly mileage awards at some BMW Rally and I don't, considering that I am much smarter than some of them. I mean seriously, do these passengers even know what is happening around them when they can't even smell the glue and plastic their helmets are made off? Too busy hanging on to the strap of those small shiny cameras they keep pointing at their eyes or chatting in those microphone shaped like “things” in front of their mouth as if they were on a stage not able for some moments only enjoy the scenery. Whatever... right? My buddy and I, we don't need to talk when we ride, we understand each other and I sure can smell more stuff than 100 dogs in their own Lifetimes. I have the best Life there is traveling as we do, this time around the writing is mine, the photosare still his.
Be well... as he says.

Spirit and Ara

A long and windy road. MT

There was no fork in the road that brought us here in Missoula. Only circumstances. It all started by “running away” from the Coastline. Not in the Geographical sense of it, the mental one. The crowds, the vibes of the overpopulated what was once serene landscape, maybe being sick unable to move around with a complete lucidity as the previous flow of our path in this Journey. No matter, it is now behind, but having to face a new logistical aspect with the fact that simply put my Visa card was hacked a couple days ago. This modern technology, this “key” of our daily allowance to move on is now broken and needs to be replaced, the phone calls tomorrow will be of plenty. We rode the Freeway, 90, all the way. It was actually a very nice road with very little traffic. We will ride it some more till be arrive in Ennis, Montana, where we will have to wait patiently for this matter to be re-keyed. I am looking forward to being back in familiar territory, with Friends such as Teri and Ron and Gravelly Range Road. And yet great news has lightened the load being Spirit is officially named “The AmabassaDog” for National Dog Day which will take place on August 26th. He will carry the Torch for the remainder of the year... Of course he is thrilled. So am I.Be well, always.

Ara & Spirit

One Year later, back in Ennis. MT.

I know always where we will “feel good”, mentally, physically, spaces when all the senses decide to co-habitate in Peace, resulting with a deep harmony between Mother Nature and myself... and Spirit. The area around Ennis, Montana, is one of them. It is one space photography can truly outdo words chained as an endless link. We have arrived and we are staying. Good Friends and good food also makes the huge difference, this is before we adventure ourselves on Gravelly Range Rd, the one I called last year “the road to nowhere”. Teri and Ron have been pure entertainment, I keep thinking only the camera for a reality show is missing. One has to be here in the middle of it all to understand. Not much else going on, just much relaxing, a bit of riding, dodging the heavy winds, some rain coming and going, cold and steamy hot in constant flip. It is nice to be settled a bit and catch a breath, catch up with past e mails, all thatgood stuff.Till next time, be well. Always.

Ara & Spirit

Hanging out in and around Ennis. MT

I see many motorcycles in the area, none of them stop here, none of them adventure themselves on Gravelly Range Rd. For many it is a road to discover, maybe intimidated by the vast space which I call no man's land. One might see a Rancher going by bringing provisions to the few sheepherders spending their summer up the crest, a tourist or two in their urban SUV cautiously with a forced smile slowly crawling down the path, that is about all. We end up keeping camp in Ennis riding day trips as after a conversation with a Ranger and a Bear Proof canister not being in my inventory we came to the conclusion it would be a wiser choice. The sightings of Grizzlies are on the increase I was told, of course, they have started a relocation plan. The logic of it all.
I feel time closing in on me, time to drop south and interrupt the wandering for a different kind of Journey. It is going to be the strangest days being without Spirit, another challenge ahead.One day at the time.Be well...
Ara & Spirit

How to live off a hack... WY

We are back in Lander, WY, and as usual it seems as time has flown by as so soon it will be on to Denver to catch a flight to Munich, Germany, for a couple well deserved weeks with my Mother. I am so much looking forward to it, even if Spirit will stay behind. He will be in good hands, very good hands, I have no worries, only know we will miss each other tremendously. I have posted an entry on one more ride floating the Gravelly Range Rd, one of my favorite of all time, the road to “no man's land” as I call it. I have also had many requests on how we pack, what do we pack and this was the opportunity to document all 16 storages spaces I have. All is highly organized, everything always in the same place and it often turns out to be a fun game trying to come up with a better system. It is such a simple Life with some spice always being added being at the mercy of Mother Nature. One reason for everything to be of the best quality, not necessarily the most expensive. I know this entry could also be adapted for campers, RV's, and then again, all might not fit into a vehicle!
Hope this brings some insight into everyone loving to spend some time outdoor and please feel free with questions if more details are needed for some of the products.Be well...
Ara & Spirit

South Pass City, Wyoming.

The diversity of wealth throughout this country is an amazing feast. I am asked at times “what will you do when you are done...”. Done? I will not have the luxury I think to live a few lifetimes, being done exploring, adventuring, discovering and feeling those millions of square miles we live on will never be an option. We never earlier had much of a chance to explore around Lander, WY, due mainly to weather, being here too early or too late. Here now for a few days preparing to fly away to Germany, the opportunity has presented itself to scout the area. What a Treasure it is, so much so it is giving me the thought of coming back next year and spending a few months to discover all those unpaved roads going as I like to call them “to nowhere”. South City however was not “nowhere”. It contains a rich History of a Mining Town, today a small community of hardcore residents with neighboring “Atlantic City”. A space from the past into the present, one day, one afternoon was not enough to feel it all, and yet enough to give me a taste it. The day was perfect with clouds enhancing the background, dogs are allowed on a leash, what else could I ask for!Enjoy and hope you also experience it all soon.
Be well...
Ara & Spirit

From Atlantic City to... WY

The new found treasures I call “empty spaces” do not stop coming our way, specially when given tips by Friends living locally. We have been based in Lander, WY, these past days, I witness riders zooming through the area never realizing such local diversity is present if they only looked. But, lured by Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, the nice and slow and at times dangerous traffic and crazy drivers, on they go. “Miles of nothing” is a little 30 seconds video I did and posted, it is my best likable reality these days, a dosage I can never get enough considering the spaces I am going in shortly, riding not “Old Faithful”, but planes to Munich, Germany, for a couple weeks to see my Mother. I know most's attention span on these pages or for that matter the Journal's pages, is short. I have had dozens of inquiries as to what is wrong with Spirit! NOTHING... he is not sick, he is not missing any limbs, he is alive, NOTHING WRONG... he is just not flying with me... I appreciate the concerns, this is just one of those things I have to do. I am still working on a video from the Gravellies, a couple more, for some reason You Tube keeps cutting off the Music about 2/3rd's of the way, a bit frustrating considering I not often have a fast connection. They will be up as soon as they correct the problem... In the meantime, enjoy Atlantic City, Hudson-Atlantic City Rd and a modern Ghost Town called “Jeffrey”...
Be well...
Ara & Spirit

Displaced in Munich?

I am often left speechless being here. Overwhelming. For one, “Europe” has changed a lot since the last time here. My “Mother” has also as at 83 how can one not. It is daily anxiety attacks without my Buddy Spirit, it is... it is... My visit here is not of the role of being a “tourist”, some day maybe we will come back again for that purpose. This stay here is to catch up with my Mother and all that “stuff” that goes along when one gets “old”. Putting things in order as she calls it. I say “we” if we come back, because it will be with Spirit and “Old Faithful”. I will find a way, everything is doable, that is if the price of fuel does not break us quickly and painfully. The weather has now turned into a gray cast which will remain for a few days. I had some hope for some lakes sightseeing and yet my Mother only able to go out for 3 to 5 hours a day makes it all very difficult. Besides it all, so many realizations as how nice we have it made in the USA... trust me on that one!
Thanks for the e mails, the comments, the kind words send, you are all contributing to my sanity! Almost forgot... no one will ever go hungry here!!!
Be well...
Ara & Spirit
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