8th Year full time under the Stars


River Rd and Marfa, TX

So it was work, riding, stopping, photograph landscape and bicyclists, get back on, pass and wait for the next opportunity where Nature and machines would blend in perfectly. I am guessing a bicycle is a machine. If the opportunity was there I would do this once a week, there is no doubt as the day itself had great weather and light, specially early morning while on our way to join the group. There was even time for Spirit and I to play on the side of the road quite often, some great couple days. He was tired by the end of it however, for the first time laying down into the nose of his car not wanting to be my copilot as he normally is, nose over the windshield with his cheeks flapping in the wind! This Dog loves to ride, he feels important when he does, as he is.
What is next? Thanksgiving near by Houston visiting my Dear Friends Carl and Colette, much cooking anticipated including the Holiday treats. I think it will be a Culinary week! All mixed with cutting up some more Pecan wood for this upcoming winter, busy is good…
Enjoy the ride…Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit

The “Swimming Hole”, revisited. TX

Again and again I am drawn to that Space where everything is every time as new. Somehow the latest photos taken there have become my favorites. One has this incredible symmetry of the mountain reflection in the water and a set of jaws only Mother Nature could create by the chiseling and polishing of her rocks present. The road leading to it is not too far from here, an unpaved road which only turns into being a bit challenging for the last mile or so. Even Spirit is now familiar with the surroundings. Trotting around as he owns the place, finding comfortable shade for himself, jumping high and low to be near by me at all time. The above photo is as it has just snowed a few moments ago. The sand even was still wet and shiny with imprints of a bird seeking water and even maybe shelter just a bit while ago. It truly is magic and more being able to combine a ride and a presence playing with Spirit and the camera so close by.
I managed to create a Video with all the photos in a bigger format and sharper images. Hope it works well…Enjoy.
Be well…

Ara & Spirit
It's great to see your photos from around Big Bend way, my Mom grew up near Redford, TX. Here is a pic from a trip down there in '86. Gotta get down there again...


Big Bend State Park. TX

It was “Fiesta Day” at the Big Bend State Park. The long awaited and postponed a couple times affair was finally secure on the calendar, both Ranger’s and Mother Nature’s good weather forecast. It is the largest State Park in Texas, over 300,000 acres of Chihuahuan Desert within a rugged, remote and unpopulated setting. It encompasses two Mountain ranges containing ancient extinct volcanoes, many canyons and waterfalls. This weekend however the terrain must have been in shock as near 500 attendees were present for the festivities. Too late to have a camping “reservation”, we rode in and out for the day meaning riding in a fog of dust unlike any other riding time. 27 miles of unpaved road where even some smart moves waiting for others to pass and get on with it during a break did not help. Even Spirit’s goggles where covered with that fine dust, I only thought about it later, we should have worn bandanas on our mouth coming and going. The exposure was intense. No warnings.
Much preparation on their part, it is a Park with low attendance and luring hikers, mountain bikers and now motorcycles I hope will bring the numbers up. It was a long day for the both of us even if lunch was of a free one.
More on the Journal…Be well.

Ara & Spirit

“The Mosasaur Ranch Museum” in Terlingua. TX

That word “Mosasaur” is not even in my spelling directory… yet. It was a cold ride that morning, all well worth it as I had heard of this Museum just recently, surprised. It is a hands on experience one coming to this area should not let escape. No big banner, no big neon signs, they do have a website as they are in between Terlingua and Lajitas on the North side of the road. Can’t miss it, there is a rod iron Mosasaur being built in progress.
And now, our last evening here for a while as we are headed out east to the suburbs of Houston for much cooking, riding and sightseeing, a much needed adventure so we can miss this place and come right back! Might not have a chance to post too much here, but somehow my writing and photography do not stop, I could not live without, it is my personal expression of our Life. Spirit is also ready, helmet and goggles, a couple bandanas. He will have a couple Friends to play with, hopefully this time will not be chased by a horse as he was during our last visit. He also has a new Friend that is going to fit him with a coat we will pick up on the way back… as I said “how about me?”. No use…
"Holy Jurassic Park, Batman!!!" [quoting a reader...]

Be well…

Ara & Spirit

Road trip. Tx

Sometimes it is above all being on the right mechanical path of a road trip, the mental aspect of it is as a stage brightening up as the miles roll away, it is not a game, there is no “tilt” anytime. I have given up trying to figure out why these days to near by Houston have felt so good, they just did, I will leave it at that, sometimes why try to understand what “is“.
Big day here at my Friends house on Thursday, many invites and much food I will help with. We actually went food shopping today. I have been craving fresh fish. We have Lobsters, Cod, Shrimp, all fresh, non frozen and the stores, well… I realize the compromise, the big bargain I have made when it comes to food when walking through such a store as a new H.E.B. as big as a football field. When at “The Oasis” food is only a need it seems like compared to here now when food can be a true pleasure cooked in fusion of it all, specially being a Chef all these years. I would not trade, jokingly I was saying that Spirit and I will be moving to the City… but yet, food and it’s preparation having been a big part of my Life with a passion for it as strong as riding or photography now, there is no choice, there is no regret, just thoughts of how nice it would be to have such a store in Alpine maybe!
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Ara & Spirit

Waiting, waiting in Houston. TX

So I am already missing “The Oasis” but a cold front coming up or down, forgot which way, is holding us up probably till morning only when we will then brave the colder temps for a couple of days. It has been all good, better than good. Great company with Friends, a warm bed and much great food, so much as I have almost decided not to eat today… almost if it was not for those little mini Pecan Pies laying on the kitchen counter and a leg of lamb that followed us yesterday. We stopped at an amazing food store yesterday called “Phoenicia” and the smell of spices, sights of such foreign ingredients brought up such incredible memories of years so far past.
We are having a great time, Spirit has two buddies to play with as they put up with him since I have also been calling him a “trouble maker”, but the road call, snow, sleet or rain no matter.
More photos of the George Ranch on the Journal today with also a videoencompassing from the 1830’s to 1930’s, over one hundred years of four Families living within the many acres right next store to now the fourth largest city in the USA.
Till next time…
Be well.
Ara & Spirit

Back to “The Oasis”. Tx

Seemed like a long road these past couple days riding in the upper 30’s to mid 40’s, an unusual change of the weather in this part of the country. I wore everything I had from heated gloves and jacket to balaclava, turtle neck, and for the first time my legs almost froze up! Spirit also wore everything he had, two of his new coats, the upper layer being a vinyl fleece lined raincoat. The timing could not have been any better as he is hard to fit and a store bought coat generally never firts him one way or another.
They are still predicting snow for tonight and tomorrow as Ft Davis only about 100 miles from here was gifted with 3 to 7 inches of it. Wish it would happen, the camera is ready.
My Friend Carl arrived here a day earlier, driving, trailering his bike and this huge load of Pecan wood. To my surprise it has already been unloaded and stacked. Crazy Friends I have! Good “crazy” that is… I wish I had been the one doing it, I have gained five pounds on this little Holiday jaunt. Back to the slimmer meals tomorrow, tonight is a burned grilled cheese not paying much attention to it.
I finally managed to post the Thanksgiving photos in theJournal, great times and great food I am trying not to look at right now.
Till next time, you be well.

Ara & Spirit

The Last Frontier. TX

I am exactly 5lbs heavier. It only took two weeks. We ate, we talked, we napped, repeat. I speak for myself, Spirit ran more than ever playing with his buddies, trying to anyhow besides being often a non sense to them on their own turf. We arrived back a couple days ago, a bit of a rough ride due to cold weather and my softening from being a bit further away in years. Just another way to say I am just not as tough as before…
My Friend Carl was ahead of us by a day, of course he was driving and trailering our wood and his own bike, much Pecan wood. I was looking forward to stacking it, if it was for the only reason to spend some calories, but to my surprise he had the same thought and all was neatly packed above ground when we arrived.
It then got colder, much colder, it snowed, no riding, the bikes never moved and as he said, if he was just going to sit and wait, why not do it in his own vehicle returning home. Of course today in the upper 70’s, just another beautiful day in Big Bend Valley or the Flats, as they call it.
Summer is a long ways away, somehow Utah came to mind as it does often and end up putting together another photo~video I called “A slice of Utah”.
Till next time, you all be well.
Ara & Spirit

“Ooommmmmmmmmm”. Tx

Yes, we “Ooomm” a lot in the Desert, total freedom to do so and feel uplifted from what might have been stored in the mind. Maybe I need to “Ooomm” tonight also as sitting in Midland waiting for the first round of gum surgery to happen. Second round in January. So much to look forward to. With age creeps up the ailments, with the ailments creeps up the bills as I have been in shock of the estimated price, specially being a Christmas present from my Dear Mother. Even Spirit is not happy as he has lost his space to run for now, I can’t wait to get him back to “The Oasis” tomorrow I hope. Life on the road with never ending surprises.
The past days have been for some relaxing ones even with the threat of strong winds for the area. Much cooking on fire, cooking for a few days as to not waste the precious wood that made it’s way from far away Houston. And again the road calls, maybe a visit to the Chinati Hot Springs might be a good idea to relax a bit.
The greatest gift these past days have been the sunrises. There are a couple photos on theJournalthat have left their fingerprints.
Be well,
Ara & Spirit

A walk in the Park, Big Bend. Tx

Falling behind the times, “time” that has been escaping me these past days after gum surgery, part I, more to come in January. It is as everything must stop for the body to recuperate as the mind also changes gear and stuck in neutral has not had much energy to even come here. I did manage to put up a photo video documenting a bit the past first days when the sidecar arrived, delivered by truck, Spirit’s first ride with his goggles on sitting crooked… Some fond memories which reminded me that such a video can only handle a few photos, as an over 100,000 photos Library has been build over these past years. As I go through the folders I constantly surprise myself seeing the memories of so many places we have been, so many others we have met and yet, there are still so many we have not physically encountered as we only write back and forth, again as time permits.
The road is filled with so many we constantly meet such as a young man while doing laundry that impressed me for having such Spirituality at such early age, moved through Life with the word “HOPE” in big shiny and lit neon sign. They are the human interest moments of this Journey, such as also a walk through Indian Trail where amazingly Spirit saved me from a Federal Offense and much complication that could have ensued.
Much news on a couple new posted Blogs…Be well, Ara & Spirit

Just in time for the Holiday! Tx

Today the skies are covered with gray and the sun is barely making it’s way to show us the way. But “sunny” is my Heart, and light, and with open arms welcoming the moments present. The past couple days have been unlike today, dark and somber, a past Friend managing to unleash their own dark personality on me… a long story I had to put in words to move it on away from my Soul as it is the purpose of this personal Journal of mine that I keep writing on. Just another “kind” of a ride report, they are not always on three wheels, the mental aspect always has a way to penetrate the deeper milestones that move on with their various speeds, forms and shapes. “It’s all good” and we too will joy for the Holidays coming with visits from many Friends suddenly coming in touch before their own presence.
Our last ride, the physical one “Old Faithful” took us on, was to “The Closed Canyon”. A beautiful ride on River Rd passed Lajitas, westward toward Presidio. No one was in sight, we had the hike to ourselves till we reached a drop not present the last time, afraid to not be able to come back up we turned around and had a great afternoon. Canyons are always a challenge to me to photograph because of the intensity of the many various lights. You be the judge…Be well… Ara & Spirit… and just in case “HAPPY HOLIDAYS”

“The Point of my Balance”. Tx

Everyone must be getting ready for the Magical upcoming evening and day. We are too in our own fashion as it all started this morning with more blue skies after a windy stormy evening of yesterday. It was more viewing of this incessant show in 3D within this incredible stage. It is reflection time for many I know, with a new number on a New Year’s “date” coming up, it has been reflections within also myself to find a better balance throughout this Journey as I now know it can be done, must be done and acquired.
Dinner with the neighbors and Friends, rides to Terlingua for their annual Christmas lunch~dinner, there is lots going on here if one chooses to participate. We call it “Desert” here, but it is not inhabited, the community is strong and as we have been coming back every winter, more and more I feel the welcome has increased making me strongly feel part of it all. A nice feeling throughout these Holiday times.
Wishing a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my Heart to everyone here as Spirit is wagging his tail in total agreement.
Enjoy the photos of this past evening where the skies would just not stop changing their costumes at the blink of an eye…
Be well… Always.
Ara & Spirit

Christmas Day, Texas style…

There is much to be said when invited to the “Cowhead Ranch” for Christmas Day lunch~dinner, meaning “lots of good food” and great company with characters that could fill the credits of a Western movie. Spirit himself, at times the leader of the pack of a multiple dog gang, sometimes however chased, had the time of his Life. Only till I finally put him up on a long leash to avoid trying to figure out where he was at all time.
It was a good time for all, neighbors getting together to celebrate the day gratified by great weather.
A few days left for this one exceptional year, one that has truly brought up to the surface much schooling of this Life we have chosen a while back. I feel as these past days have been the culmination of much learning, of many new Friends, a truer chosen path to live the moment and yet think a bit about where will lay the next avenues to ride on.
Lets keep on riding, two wheels, three wheels, even four! I am not prejudiced as long as the wind is in my face and an unequaled sense of freedom is upon me while putting on the miles awaiting us.
Enjoy the “Cowhead Ranch”…they are open for visitors, their fire is burning, the horses are ready to take you for a ride you will never forget…
Be well… Ara & Spirit

Wishing you all a Happy New Year from Santa Elena Canyon. Tx

It was again a visit to Big Bend National Park the other day, showing off our backyard to a Friend visiting for a couple days. I loose count how many times we ourselves been to Santa Elena Canyon. I also loose it seems the fact of it’s beauty and constant changes in it’s array of what lays always in front of us. It is so close, so accessible, I think I make the mistake to overlook it’s offerings. A reminder to go more often. It reminds me when living and working in Florida by the most beautiful beaches to never go and get sand all over us.
It was a day one could not have asked for better weather and better light to play a bit with the camera, even splashing some rocks in the water to work out that shutter. Just like kids we did.
I just looked at the Calendar and realized tomorrow is the last Day of this present year, these days past which have been good to us, wishing more of it for everyone else reading these words. More and more “time” seems to have shrunk from my Life, many new Friends have made their way into our path and yet many more roads await us. So we do the best we can with the moments we have, one at the time hoping the shoulders of those roadsahead will present themselves as they often do with a wave of such Friends.
You be well… always.
Ara & Spirit

Into the New Year, more of Big Bend. Tx

Finally the maintenance on Old Faithful is totally finished, including reinforcing the rear rack supporting my camera case. Seems as the oil changes are endless, one after another they are due. When one does not have a car, that is however generally the case. We are into the New Year obviously, the temps are cold and colder in the mornings, afternoons see me in a short sleeve T shirt. I was thinking about how long it takes us to get ready on an early morning and wrote about it step by step. I find it pretty hilarious, thinking most that have never ridden or are fair weather riders will also share that humor as I can only see it as such.
Big Bend Park has renewed my energy to start exploring it’s spaces again, the ones we have access to it, paved roads, unpaved roads, no trails… Same old story of “no dogs” on trails in National Parks. But, it is only a few miles from here, I am on a quest of new discoveries for this year.
We are here and we are there, this space and a bit ahead at times, wrongly so maybe, but the road never cease to call us as much as we love it here. It is the eternal quest I feel, the eternal balance trying to maintain.
I picked my favorite photoof the Year… enjoy it.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit

A ride to Boquillas Canyon. Tx

Sometimes within this big land of ours, no destination is a great one and becomes an even better Journey. Why bother knowing the miles, the time, getting there… Even considering the fact that we cannot hike the trails together, Spirit and I, the Park still remains one of my favorite destination, so vast, with still many roads forking to the left and right and many photos to take. Boquillas Canyon is where we end up the other day. I like to go to the look out, unpleasant as it is to see this little Village named Boquillas, isolated because of some bureaucracy needing to be followed. The Border is closed. There is always someone to talk to and their jovial personality considering their situation is always so refreshing. I actually feel more comfortable in such Spaces and conversations than being into a City as I was not too long ago.
We are getting ready for a real cold spell, that is what they say anyhow. To the point right now when a ride is so enjoyed as maybe we will have to stay put for a couple of days… an Artic front! “The high temperatures will be 25 to 30 degrees below normal…” It is really promising this time. I have no clue where else we could go to stay warmer during the winter months and yet have the beautiful space as here. So… we will endure it a bit!
Enjoy the ride…Be well… Ara & Spirit

Riding the Wave… Tx
Woke up to 4 degrees this morning, yes, “four”. I cannot even remember when I have been surrounded by such temperatures. I realize sticking my nose out there that it did not make much difference from 30 or similar numbers.
Within one hour it jumped up to 28! January is just going to be one of those month as the nights truly are making me appreciate the bit warmer times of the day, almost hot compared. I can’t wait for “Global Warming” to become a reality!
Once again Terlingua proved to be a town unlike others only a day before this glacial front as we went in for propane and provisions. Deserted Ghost Town it was, waiting for the store to open in the afternoon I did not even find anyone to chat with! Whatever preparations went on, the locals must have been hard at it, no cars, not a soul. “Terlingua Trading Company” was however open, I had never as seriously adventured myself throughout the aisles, specially with a camera in hand, after of course asking for permission. Have to ask, always, people get upset… I know.
So really not much else is new, besides AT&T totally cutting me off from voice and data roaming. Does not matter if you sign up for “free roaming”, read the very fine prints as I did not. I have been asked to look for another carrier. None of course will work with the I Phone. Anyone for a slightly always covered and protected I Phone? Which reminds me to ask to stop sending me attachments please. Links only are fine as this is the second go around with a second carrier. At this point I might loose soon all connections, no one truly realizes the complexity and costs to stay connected as we do.
Enjoy… and be well. Ara & Spirit

Winter rambling… Tx

I feel fortunate in these times of not going backwards. The logistics of the present weather has us pinned down into short days as I am ready to bolt out through those inexistent and only imaginary doors into what use to be. I know too well it will be here soon, the longer days, the warmer times, seeking for shade when now instead chasing the sun.
As a Friend wrote me today…
“Don’t you know that living in Nature in the open air as you do, you are entitled to tuck away and hibernate along with the other critters hibernating right now, and not “feel guilty” hanging out with Friends and good hearty food”
It is amazing how so often as much as my gears keep unraveling, a few words from a Friend can make a difference. I know this is what all of us are all about. Words and thoughts of kindness toward each other, supporting each other within all present times. So important to all of us.
We had a couple visitors, an old Friend “Donna” and a new Friend, her Husband “Stu”, Spirit’s new buddy! I had to be careful he would not take off with him… I think he likes his truck now much better than his own sidecar. I cannot blame him at times… One needs to think how long he has been putting on the miles throughout these years in all kinds of weather. He loves it!!!
Well, enjoy the rest of my rambling… winter words!Be well, Ara & Spirit

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