92 Jayco Sportster 8' rebuild in the States with support from Deutschland

You have a lot of firewood out there....

Paint the exterior wood ( covered by the aluminium later ) with some wood protect paint. We used special covered wood from kitchen furniture for it. And VERY IMPORTANT: Give all the regions around the roof lift some extra layers of paint and keep an eye on these spots later. The roof lift is located outside the canvas and rain water always comes inside along the lift mechanism. This is one of the reasons for the desaster in the corners.
A great point sir.....I was surprised that the roof lift system did not have screws in it to hold the tops down. I may try to figure out some sort of rubber boot for the area as well.

Yes, luckily I live in a "township" where the burn rules are a bit more lenient.

Rain today and men's group tonight for church. The deadline I have is fast approaching and I'm a little scared I won't get it all done. I'm leaning on the roof having to wait until after the deadline and hoping for good weather while out with our heavy duty tarp as a safety net if not.

The truck is also giving me issues. I had to replace my transmission lines and they are not sealing properly. All camper work will be for nothing if I cannot get the truck to haul it. The same friend that works at the RV dealership is also a trained mechanic. Hopefully he'll be able to come over and help soon. I always say having 2 people makes the work go 4 times faster.

On the picture you have with the cutting tool, what are you cutting? Is that just a cut out for support? That board looks much thicker than any that I can recognize.
Sorry, i am not sure what we ct out at this moment. I think we clamped the plywood that is now the bottom of the cabover storage, on to the frame, marked the cutoutsfor proper fit, did them and pushed the plywood farther to the camper. You can see the gap behind the marked cutout. This is shows the way how far we had to push the ply. After finishing there was everything closed.

Like you i had fun with my Truck along with the camper rebuild. It sucked the batteries and spit the Diesel back while fuelling. The Diesel issue i found last week after removing the tank 5 times over the years.
Well, I got a bit more done this evening. Looking forward to the weekend as long as it stays dry. I replaced the front/cab wall. One thing that keeps ringing in my head is what Manfred said about cutting after putting the aluminum back on. I'm hopeful that my holes line up in the end.....fingers crossed.....

New front wall.....

Also started the passenger side wall a bit. I think I'll put this back in before diving into the cab over rebuild. I thought about using a 2x4 across the bottom, as this is the side that only has 1 lift, but decided against it. I will do as Manfred did and reinforce the area that the lift is.


There will be some "engineering on the fly" with the cab over as I plan on putting in a queen mattress, bringing the mattress area into the main area by about 6 inches....I will hopefully be able to re-engineer the support of the mattress, as I am not a small man....6' and about 280#, with the wife up there as well.....and the weight of the mattress. I also plan on utilizing exterior supports on the cab over area when we are set up. The ones I like have a ratchet strap that brings 2 together at the bottom. I have enough scrap around that I should be able to make them myself.

She's coming along at a steady pace....I keep telling myself, "How do you eat an elephant?".

I made another mistake, I clad the rear with plywood before adding the final corner piece that is the start of the passenger side wall. Not really worried about it, I can add another piece there, just 1 more thing to add to the learning.

One thing I thought of last night was mounting the LP tank outside, giving myself more storage inside. It doesn't necessarily need to travel outside, but when we set up, I could have a mount to the left of the rear door. Anyone have any issues with this idea? I already need to work on the LP lines, as I have removed the refrigerator and need to remove that branch off. I was thinking I could put in a shut off valve there in place of the T there now. That would allow me to shut off the stove area. I read somewhere that you should have a shut off at junctions anyway. I really like the idea of extra storage, and could replace the door to the LP area with plastic board 1/4" thick and insulate behind.....Just thinking.....

Hopefully I'll have a lot more to share tomorrow night. I think I've talked the Mrs. into prepping the aluminum for reinstall. It needs all the putty and staples removed still.

No movement on the truck. The banjo bolt that holds the transmission coolant bypass in leaks. I'll have to deal with that soon, but really didn't want to crawl around on the ground. I need to remove the exhaust heat shield and get in there with a tap to make sure the threads are clean so the bolt can get in all the way, and find some decent crush washers for it. The local auto store wasn't much help with "good" crush washers, as they didn't crush at all. I'm thinking of using copper instead of the factory aluminum, but was told mixing copper with steel and aluminum may cause some electrolysis.....I don't know enough to decide.

It still amazes both of us how loosely these were built. Gaps everywhere. Hopefully my rebuild will last another 26 years.....

Hopefully my train of thought here makes sense to everyone.....it is a learning project for sure.

Any and all feed back is super and appreciated for sure!!!

Thank you all....this forum is AWESOME!!!!
Hi Cory,

i cannot believe that there is only one roof lift on your passengers side? We had two of them on every side...

I cannot follow your idea with the cabover support


Not a bad idea to leave the propane box out.So you willhave a much better access to the front right roof lift for repairs and moisture check.
In adding a queen instead of the full, the bed will extend into the living area the difference. Basically covering the seat/storage area by the cab window.

The 1 lift I wrote of is the lift to pick the whole camper up, there are only 3, 2 on driver side and 1 on the passenger. As for lift for canopy, there are 2 in the rear, and 1 on either side of the camper at the front wall before the cabover area.

As for access to the lift if I more lp to exterior, the area will be storage and I will still leave it open for the lift mechanism, I'll just have to access from the inside instead of exterior. The decision was made already that this is the direction we should go by the Mrs.....so that will be it.

I got a good bit done on it yesterday and will update later with pictures from my desktop. I had to switch gears today and work on the truck more as all the camper work will be for nothing if I have no way of carrying it. The truck work is super frustrating. I have everything correct, but it is still leaking.

Freaking out a lot as there are only 4 days left and I have nothing complete. Weather is also not playing nice with me, as we have rain scheduled every day this week.

If I can get the truck done, I may end up having to rent a camper for the weekend.

The goals are in this order:
Passenger bed side floor
Lift system reinstall
Exterior cladding
Exterior aluminum
Doors and windows and sealing

Biggest hurdles are truck and cabover design. I didn't finish the truck tonight and I think it will be another evening for it. That leaves me with 2 days for the others.

Pray for me to keep my head and focus.
Ok, got it. There was a misunderstanding roof lift/ camper jacks.

We wish you the very best, even Mr. Hurry is never a good help in repairing tricky things. Build it „ready to go“ this week and finish it later!

Good luck and happy camping!
As I said, I did get a bit done on Saturday. The passenger side wall is ready for insulation and cladding. The cabover support is hung. I had a bit of difficulty with the walls on the bed side as I put the bottom vertical wall in first, instead of following Manfred's example of putting the horizontal in first.


The start of the framing in process.....


Double checking that everything is in the right place.....


More studs.....


Finished framing side wall, added extra support where the jack/lift goes.


And lastly with the interior melamine installed. The Mrs. wanted the wood grain gone and replaced with white. This was fine with me as the plain white melamine was less expensive than wood grain anyway. You can see in the corner a hole for the lift system, but I plan on making that bigger with the advise of Manfred for having access for repair/inspection. I used a router to cut the openings for anything I've had so far. It makes a mess with the melamine particles, but it is the most accurate way of getting the opening. I like the clean look. You cannot really tell how clean right now as the particles are sticking all over, but it does look pretty slick.

The bed will overhang in this area towards the window.

Once I get the bed in, things will go pretty quickly with replacing what has already been engineered to fit as is. Big job for the Mrs. is to get all the putty and staples out of the aluminum, windows, and door......

I was just told that my daughter has a concert Thursday night......so...... 3 days left.........repair to the truck tonight, hopefully, then 2 days putting this back together. Anyone have any fast drying sealant or little elves I can borrow?
Well, I spent the evening under the truck and not a good deal. She is not playing nice with me and I don't think I'll make it for the weekend. Well, another deadline I've missed and disappointed for sure.....I'll keep plugging along though. We still want to get out this summer. The short deadline did allow for me to push really hard.....
You are committed and really getting on with this rebuild. Nice to see and thanks again for documenting it here!

Hi Cory,
you made a really great progress on your rebuilt in such a short time!

Ours lasted exactly one year.... from Easter to Easter....
Ok, i we also had a lot of work on the Truck and renovated the house along with the camper.....

Tell the Truck she will go to the scrapyard and will be replaced by a nice Japanese Lady....this worked well on ours.. :D :D
That's hilarious!!!

Maybe that will work. The Mrs. was questioning the work/value relationship with the truck last night.....

The pros are 2 owner truck, myself and a family friend. I know everything that has gone into her and know she is solid from tires up once this hurdle is overcome. New front end, new tires, new lines, new brakes.......more I can't remember

The cons.....she's a 98, not worth much outside of me to anyone else if I wanted to upgrade. And the money to upgrade would be offset even more by whatever I would have to do to a newer truck to get it to my standards. It seems like every vehicle I acquire needs a new front end, brakes, and tires minimum. We don't have much money to get something newer, a few thousand at the most.....no payments for me, we're debt free and plan to stay that way.

People around here think their trucks are made of gold or something....not much in the 2-3k range. Even at 5k you're still getting something that needs work.....
No more work yet, I've got time to think things through.....

On the queen mattress upgrade, my plan is to take the current bed support system and reuse what is there by extending the N/S supports with 3/8' plywood to the full 60" needed for the queen mattress, then reinstall and build out from there... This will allow me to not have to completely "re-engineer" the system. There was 1/4" plywood over that support system, and 1/4 exterior below the support system with E/W 3/4" x 1.5" strapping under the "exterior" bottom plywood. I'm still worried about the weight up there, and looking for a way to beef this up. The only connection to the side walls of that strapping is screw/staples. I don't know well enough about the weight holding capabilities of wood. I'd like to plan it to hold 1000#.....me at 300# (rounding up), the Mrs. (not listing), the mattress topper at 50# (memory foam x 4"). Any thoughts on this one?

Also, I want to add a window ac unit, but not as a window unit. The easiest thought on this is to widen a bed access door to fit the window ac unit, as we will mostly be dismounting the camper when we camp, having useful access to the truck to get around. I know cold air sinks. With this unit being so small, would this still be an acceptable idea?

Thank you all for you thoughts.....having many minds together on the redesign allows me a bit of outlet for the thought process.....
Well, I didn't want the posts to die....but no real work on the camper this week. I did work on the truck and the transmission ist tot....

I put in a helicoil on the stripped hole and I must have done so crooked because it will not seal. 2+ months of work basically down the drain on the truck. So, I'm either looking for a new transmission to put in a 22yo truck with 230+k miles, or, looking for a "new to me" truck. Unfortunately, I am on a super limited budget and pickups here are crazy priced.....I've got a budget of $2500 MAX for a truck....FYI, there are people parting out my same truck locally for $1800......stupid.....

If anyone knows a good used truck within 100 miles of Cincinnati that fits the bill, please let me know. Doesn't need 4wd, but does need a back seat for the kids. I'd prefer an F150 with the 5.4L, as I can transfer my new parts from my current truck over.

Looks like I need some grace and prayers.....big time.
Well Brothers and Sisters.....I'm back!!! The Beast is dead, the Beast is dead, Long live the Beast.....

We have a new "Beast" at the house. A "new to me" 01 f150 Lariat 4x4 Screw....needs some TLC. First step is a new front end. Already replaced the rear diff cover and new fluid. Went to change the oil and PO had JB Welded the drain plug in to stop it from leaking after they stripped the plug. Even took the time to paint the JB Weld black. Funny part was that it was just the plug that had been stripped....took the plug out, cleaned all the JB Weld off the pan to make sure it wasn't rusted underneath, ran a M14 1.50 tap and cleaned it out. Put in the $4.99 new plug, all good....crazy what people will rig together instead of doing it right.

Once I get the new "Beast" in full road worthiness, it will be back to the camper rocking away.....So many projects to get together at once. I've moved from the Hare to the Tortoise. Slow and steady......
Got my package from RockAuto yesterday!!! New inner and outer tie rods, idler arm, pitman arm, shifter, hoses, tranny filter, seals, fluids.....fun fun fun!!! Unfortunately....looks like rain this weekend. I'd really like to get one thing finished. I sat down last Saturday and wrote out my lists of "To Does"......2 full pages of 13"x24" paper that the kids use to draw on....the list is more daunting than I thought before, but it is nice to have a list.....
OHHHH....the fun of buying a "new to me" truck.....

Well, I got the rear diff cover changed....she starting leaking out the front....
Got the front changed and needed new u-joints.....
Got the front end apart, tie rods and idler arm off....
Went to take the pitman arm off and it froze on.....hammer, hammer, hammer.....fluid everywhere!!!!
Ok, new steering gearbox.

PHEW.....that's a lot of repair....well....all done
Let's take it for a drive....
WOW, handles great...no shakes, tracks straight with my driveway alignment....cool

Hey, what's that. I saw a light flash...hmmmmm....that's the battery light....hey, there it is again....off again.....there it is again.....aw man.... come on, give me a break....

Looks like a new alternator is in order too....

Well, after that...back to stick and nail on the camper!!! And, of course, it's raining :D

New posts - WTW

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