A Short Jaunt to New Mexico


Campground Host- FUNKYTOWN
May 23, 2008
Howard, CO
We headed "Further" south Friday night about 5PM, passing through Leadville, Buena Vista and down through the San luis Valley.

Thr rig @ Poncha Pass....and an "on the move" shot of the full moon rising my son took...


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We hit Socorro Sat Afternoon. T'was a lovely 90+ degree day....and yes, we were MELTING like the Wicked witch. (anything over 90 makes us crazy/grumpy after 25 years in the high country)

We headed north out of Socorro to Lemitar, paralleling the freeway on a frontage road before hitting gravel and heading NW to San lorenzo Canyon.
After awhile the road turns into the wash and you follow that for quite awhile before it turns back into a road.

About 4 miles in you start to see the rock formations/cliffs and you enter into a small canyon. Here we took a right turn...driving directly up a slot canyon to the point (3 good curves, maybe 1/3 mile in) where the canyon bottom dead ends. (probably NOT a good place to be in a wicked rainstorm, but with no rain forecasted we went for it anyway)

According to my oldest son, there are 2 slot canyons here and a myriad of smaller side canyons. I'm guestimating they are roughly 150 ft deep. We found a small pool of mud/water at the base of what is a season flow/waterfall but no other water...

And on that note, we also had a visit from some...um....geez...what else do you call a drunk but a drunk that I can post here? Anywayz...late Sat night we heard voices, then saw 3 shadowy figures walking up the canyon towards camp. Our dogs went off....but they kept walking towards us. They also had a dog.......

About 20 ft away this drunk B**** starts slurrin' her words and babbling on and on (what an UGLY drug alcohol is) about hiking to "the waterfall". We TRY to tell er there is NO WATER....thus..no WATERFALL but she gets all huffy and tells us we "don't own this canyon"...then proceeds to wlak right THROUGH our camp and the circle of chairs we were sitting in...kicking sand around and being an ***hole and stirring up tons of dust...

I was ready to deck her *** on the spot....as she got more and more billigerent towards us. the dogs were all tagled in their leashes..and she acted like WE were in HER space. She pressed on through camp...almost falling in the charcoal fire we had built for dinner (too bad...).

What saved it all was her own stupidity/drunkiness... as there is a good 5 ft drop/rise one must climb to get into the canyon where the "Waterfalll" is. It was PITCH BLACK as the moon had yet to rise...and these clowns had NO flashlights...

She was badmouthing us the entire time as she went over to the entrance
to the slot canyon and TRIED to climb up. All we heard was a >>THUNK


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Having enough of the heat after one day....we voted to head UP in elevation and headed West towards Water Canyon and the road that winds (and wow, what a view) up about 4000 vertical feet to the top of the Magdelenas and the site where New Mexico tech/NROA/etc have built the Langmuir laboratory and the 2.5 meter telescope that sits up on the ridge @ 10,500 ft. The climate up here paralleled what we know here in Edwards @ 7000 ft...70 degrees, the leaves just coming out on the trees....flowers trying to bloom/etc.

A short walk provided an incredible view of the valley below.....


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Monday AM we looked at some real estate in the area, then snagged a bunch of my son's overflow that wouldn't fit in his truck for the journey home tomorrow and we headed North, [passing through Santa Fe and heading towards Taos.

North of Taos//South of Questa we entered the Carson NF. The maps shows a series of campgrounds across the Rio Grande on the Canyon edge but the sun was going down and we didn't know if we'd make it before dark. After checking the map we decided to take FR #9 West in an attempt at getting close to the Canyon on the East side.

Not knowing what we'd find we headed down a rutted (but dry) dirt road for a good 3 miles or so. It popped out of the trees and into the sage. For awhile we were thinking it would be a turn around and we'd STILL be finding a spot in the dark...

then we see a wooden entrance that has that BLM look...and as we round the bend we see a small campground and a sign that says "Wild Rivers Scenic Area"....and a small sign that tells us we are on "Cebolla Mesa"

Much to our surprise..the campground is deserted. There are 5 sites...maybe more....all of which hug the edge of the canyon and offer great views of the Rio below. there is a vault toilet but it is..of course...locked! (I leave nasty note tallking about s*itting in the woods and how nasty that is when there's a crapper on site) Idiots....

however...what a nice place. Quiet....alll but the coyotes and the birds....and yes...the never-ending roar of the river below...

I suspewct this place fills up in the Summer with boaters/kayakers....but a never know. It's a 1.25 mile hike down to the river and there's a boater registration box near the trailhead...so i surmise some boaters carry their 'yak down to the water from here and hang here for extended periods.

The trip home was fairly quick. another stop at Poncha for a picnic....a trip by our cabin at Leadville for a quick check...and then BAM...back home. Too short....for sure...but 4 nights is better than none!

One of these trips we'll SLOW DOWN a bit and take a few more pics.....LOL.


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Sounds like a nice trip, with the exception of amatuer night with the drunks. The instant karma regarding her fast decent into the "waterfall" must have, as you said, been quite satisfying for you though.

Thanks for the pic's.

FWIW, it wasn't Fat Tire in a can that she was drinking, paul. LOL. Mighta been a Corona.... :rolleyes:

I thought I'd also mention an FWC sighting.... the rig was heading South...climbing the Poncha Pass grade Tuesday afternoon. I think it was on a Dodge, but to be honest the truck it was on didn't really register as I was rounding a corner when I saw the unit and about the time I realized it was an FWC he was already past me.

We've all been there, Jay...myself included. I'm a super nice guy but I also have my limits...especially when it comes to rude people who need to be given a severe clue/lesson in manners.

vrooom, vrooom....
I wouldn't blame it on the booze, sounds like these folks were probably on the low end of the gene/manners sober.
I always find it amusing when some folks will say oh she's really a great person she just can drink....or...He's really a terrific guy away from work....and other assorted excuses for people. It's been my experience that there are no "part time @$$ #ole$". Mel Gibson is a prime and very public example of that.

I had a shorter fuse when I over imbibed but I was never rude or pugnacious unless provoked. I suspect Mtn Man that is true with you as well. I just dont have much tolerance anymore for jerks of any gender.
I always loved the T-shirt that reads:

"Instant *******: Just Add Alcohol"

That says it all, IMO!

OK...that...and ..."been there, done that" LOL.

As my Grandma always said..."When ya know better ya do better'

Great pics. Cebolla Mesa is about 20min from our Taos cabin. Mtn biking around there too. Haven't had a chance to stay there, but I've heard it rarely fills except on weekends. There are a lot of little gem CGs like that in the area. Just look at the map of the Enchanted Circle as it goes from Questa to Red River.

So, there were 3 drunks, but one one b****? Any guys with her? That sort of situation always scares me since it can get out of hand quick. One never knows if they are packin'. Did you drive past their camp on the way out? I wonder if they were locals.
That's a very nice area, brett. I'd love to own a small chunk of land down that way. I kinda wondered where your "cabin" was...we have a log "cabin" (home) near Leadville that I continue to build on as time/$$$/DESIRE permit. LOL...we started it in 1995 :eek: The upside of that delay is that I owe no one/have mucho sweat equity in the home....

to clarify re the drunk(s).... 3 people. 1 Very drunk blonde...2 slightly buzzed....a male and another (larger) female (who could hold their liquor a bit better, it seemed). The chick that looked like a fullback tried to calm the blonde a few times but was still lacking respect overall.

I thought about them packing a weapon/etc...and honestly, thought whether I should have one of my own(?) other than my aluminum baseball bat...which was ready/at hand next to the camper...just in case someone needed their clock worked on....:rolleyes:

thankfully calmer heads prevailed....
mtn- I keep bear spray handy; usually just leave it on the rear bumper when we're hanging out. 30ft shot and you can't miss. A little of that and no one is gonna hurt you.

My cabin is near Arroyo Seco, halfway between Taos itself and Ski Valley. My only complaint is that it is 4.5hrs from here. Of course, if Taos was any closer to a major population, it wouldn't be Taos as we know it.
Bear spray is a great idea. As a non-sportsman-type I didn't know there was such a thing. ;) Sounds like a good alternative to buying/owning a pistol/gun...which is something I'm also not familiar with as I own no guns whatsoever.

It also takes us about 4.5 hours to get to Taos. Hadn't been down that way in 15 years....wasn't that impressed with the sprawl...but hey...everyone wants a peice of the pie it seems....same thing has happened here in Eagle County. Anybody need anything from Super Wal-mart or a triple caramel Macciato topped with organic whipped cream from FIVEBUCKS? :eek::eek::eek:

Thanks for the info on Cebolla. We we amazed it was empty but figured once rafting season hits that won't be the case for the Summer. Definitely somewhere I'll return to in the shoulder season.......

San Lorenzo


Sounds like a great trip, with the exception of the knot heads.

San Lorenzo looks impressive, thanks for sharing!


P.S. Watch the wind direction with bear spray;)
Once again we are heading the Further Bus South to New mexico.

Unfortunately...while we are taking the FWC and will be spending 4 nights *out*...we are buying a house/closing and will be camping in the driveway at the new shanty.

If ya see us WAVE and we'll do the same!

we snagged an aircard so I'll see how it works in N New Mexico.........



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