A Visit to All Terrain Campers


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
I had the chance to stop by All Terrain Campers yesterday morning. Of course, we went over some of the specs for our new camper, but it always fun to stop by and visit with great guys.


There are campers that are ahead of ours in the building process


I am fascinated with how things are built and engineered and how the roofs are put together catches my eye.


Here's an interior of someone's new camper starting to come together


Knowing as well as we do the fun and adventure that can be had in one of these campers, campers being built looks like future good times ahead!


I do want to thank the guys for being so polite to me and letting me poke around a bit.
Probably a good thing I"m not planning on a new camper. ATC being so close I'd probably be down there once a week till it was done. Really not all that much I'd change that they haven't already incorporated into the the new models.
There is something about watching stuff get built that facinates to me too. Probably why I have an engineering degree and build things for a living...just not neat things like campers. It's even cooler when you can watch something of your own come together especially when you've put a lot of thought into it.

Will ATC send you photo's as they build your camper?

In the custom aluminum boat business, it's pretty much standard practice to send photo's from the very start of the build so you can see progress and watch how it all goes together. When I ordered my current boat I got to actually help build it. I was at the shop every weekend for 4 or 5 months. Pretty cool experience.
Riverrunner said:
Will ATC send you photo's as they build your camper?
Don't see why they wouldn't. FWC sent me build pictures of mine at various stages. Surprising once the work starts the build is only a week to 10 days to completion.
Fun to see the shop (where are the guys?). Brings back memories of our camper being built. ATC did send us photos along the way since we couldn't visit to check in ourselves which we no doubt would have if we lived close. Looking forward to some progress photos of the new ski3pin camper.
We were there a month or so ago having the side and front/back panels replaced. I posted some photo's of the "guys" and had a great time there and seeing how it all comes together.
Ours was probably one you saw in production - or maybe it's already done. We pick up our Ocelot on Monday. Now I am starting to get excited!
Taku said:
Ours was probably one you saw in production - or maybe it's already done. We pick up our Ocelot on Monday. Now I am starting to get excited!
See the picture of the frame with the orange air hose in it. That would be yours. Marty
Excellent! Thanks for the note Marty. Really looking forward to the install and the week we will have after for a shakedown trip! If you have any more photos that would be great.
On a recent visit to the All Terrain Campers shop I noticed there was a new Bobcat moving toward completion. It had the siding installed.


The roof was almost ready for the camper.


The trim was worked around the front of the camper.


And screwed into place.


Someone will be getting their new camper soon!
I made a trip down to All Terrain last week. The guys are sure busy and turning out several more of their great campers.


It is good to see these guys so busy. And the workforce is growing. Chad and Brad were training the new guy, Chris, on how to assemble all the parts to the roof.


Best wishes for continued success! :)
Almost forgot, don't know how that could have happened. I took a photo for the Lady of the new flooring now used in ATC campers! :)

They liked her choice so much they use it now! You know, Interior Designers don't come cheap. Seems like somebody may owe The Lady. ;)
Yeah, it's good to see them busy. You kind of get attached to a small business like that when you get a product you like and get to interact with the people that made it. Wish them the best.

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