Advocacy Jobs In Nevada *Paid*


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
Job Opportunity: Sheldon Fence Crew

12-week field season is May 31 to August 31, 2011

Friends of Nevada Wilderness is looking for folk to remove old, dangerous barbed-wire fence and to construct spring exclosures on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. Help the antelope, sage grouse and other native critters by removing fence that can injure or kill these animals and by protecting the springs that they depend on for water.

You will need to be in excellent physical condition because the job entails a lot of hiking while carrying tools and fence materials in the wild.

The rewards: salary, room, board, some of the best scenery in Nevada, and working with folk who care about the wild. Your "office" will be the truly wide-open spaces of northwest Nevada, and you will be based on the wildlife refuge, itself — a five-hour drive from Reno.

We are looking to fill a crew of six. Interested individuals should contact Pat Bruce, Stewardship Program Director, at SEE CONTACT INFO AT THE FRIENDS OF NEVADA WILDERNESS


[jobs] Stewardship Program Technician

The Visitor Service and Education Program Technician’s key duties are providing visitor services at the Black Rock Station, located in Gerlach, Nevada. The individuals would learn a variety of skills and assume duties that would include visitor education, interpretation, resource education, conservation education, protection, and technical experience associated with this position. The individuals will be mentored by supervising Nevada Outdoor School staff as well as experienced BLM recreation and resource management personnel, introducing them to career opportunities that exist within the Bureau.

Expected Length of Service: 450 hours from May 23 thru August 19, 2011

Basic Qualifications: 17 to 25 year-old college bound

Full details at the Friends of Black Rock High Rock website

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