Ancient archaeology of WTW


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Today I was doing a search on the WTW forum to come up with input -- previous posts on the subject -- for this question.
One of the hits I got turned out to be one of the oldest threads on WTW -- looks like it might have been the second thread started on the forum: :eek:
Long term camper storage
And then I saw this one, which looks to be the oldest thread: Four Wheel Camper - What options? ...

The dates for both of these (both started by DirtyDog), November 10, 2005, match the join date for the first WTW member, simimike (and he's still active!). So as far as documented dates go, this appears to be the beginning..

Or is it?

In that oldest thread, DirtyDog refers to and quotes "blog comments".
So this blog was something that existed before the forum? Did it exist along side the forum for a while?
Does this blog survive somewhere on WTW? What else was "WTW" -- if it was even called that -- at the time?

Archaeology is fascinating!
(it's amazing and fortunate that we can still understand their language)
And also wondering... Were there forum posts older than these -- maybe ones that didn't survive database changes? Maybe earlier members, too, that got lost in database purges?

If this list is accurate/complete, WTW must have been a strange and lonely world back then, with just DirtyDog and simimike, and then a couple of others, the only ones there for the first several months:

Several of those very-early members are still active, have logged on here at least, in the past year.
As I recall, WTW the west was more like Dirty Dog's other website called Western Mining History. It was a blog about his trips to old mines. But there was one section that described the camper he used to visit these remote locations. That section started getting more interest. Not sure if WTW spun off of that or that blog became WTW and WMH was started separately. DD will have to fill in the details. But I did know that Simimike was the first member.
Very interesting Mark. Fun reading the old posts. Info still current though,it never gets outdated, just revised.
It's interesting how some of us came across the site.
In 2009 we were coming back from a trip to Yellowstone/Glacier with our than Kamperoo trailer that we had less than 2 years. It just wasn't for us. The tent part was great very large when folded out but no room to set up inside in bad weather. As we left Yellowstone we started seeing different "pop up" campers of which we saw several FWCs.
When we arrived home I started searching pop ups and came across FWC and ATC companies.
First step sell the trailer. No problem a guy in Reno was just looking for such a rig.
With that sold I could start the buying process.
On the way home from delivering the trailer we stopped at ATC and ordered our Bobcat.
Than a day or so later I thought it wise to join the WTW site and haven't looked back since than.

All great choices IMO.

Going from this tent trailer to the camper great!


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    tahoe 027.jpg
    72.1 KB · Views: 87 Internet entity referred to as "ancient archeology." Whatever we call it, it is interesting and a reminder to respect our elders. This discussion made me check - Ted is three years older than I am!

Good topic Mr. BC!

Mark I set the members list for oldest and went through to myself and found it's very interesting at how many members haven't made any posts after joining.
Seems like 80/90% could that be right?
Also I seem to think I was the 1300ish member but if I add up my spot on the page I am on it comes out to like 2100 something?

Anyway this is cool.
I have never looked at the full member list. Lots of members who have never posted. I looked to see when I joined and did a quick count of pages (20 members per page) and I see I am the member 1903. I was surprised to see who joined the same day as I did.
Ski3pin is member 1902 and I am way behind in my post count.

EDITED: numbers changed per MarkBC's post #15 in this thread.

Can someone make sense of the difference between the members as of today 3267 and the members list 227 pages @20 per page = 4540?

I still seem to think I was member 1300 something on 9 Oct.2009 but I am on page # 109 @ 20 per = 2180 member?

Doesn't make any difference where I fall just enjoy being part of the group.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Can someone make sense of the difference between the members as of today 3267 and the members list 227 pages @20 per page = 4540?

I still seem to think I was member 1300 something on 9 Oct.2009 but I am on page # 109 @ 20 per = 2180 member?

Doesn't make any difference where I fall just enjoy being part of the group.

Go to your Profile page and look at the URL in the address bar, in your case ending in this, Frank:
It looks like the number there -- 2176 -- corresponds closely to the rank order in which you became a member.
DirtyDog's Profile page URL shows him with user/2... , simimike's is user/3..., chnlisle is user/11..., etc

If you look at the Member List page, sorted by Join Date, ascending, you'll see that each member in that list has a number (in the URL of their Profile page) one greater than the member above them (earlier than them) in the list.

Makes you wonder who the mysterious "Member # 1" was, if not DirtyDog? :ninja:
Or maybe DD just didn't want to call himself "#1", out of humility, there was no "1" other than DD.

Not sure why "pages X #/page" would give different results, probably just a pagination glitch, something that goes funny in the sorting...
Looks like Mr. Bill is member number 1903 and I am 1902. Ah, the trivia that makes the world go round. Thanks again Mr. BC for the historic topic!
It's nice to be #1. Sorta, kinda the way it started was with DD's blog. I was researching FWC when I came across DD's blog. Some other people and me started asking and answering questions about options and other things about FWC's. One thing and another led to DD turning the blog into the web site. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Gee i'm march 2008 on the list, whats that make me? I didn't start postin things 'till much after that., but read it for a long time-needed help with the fwc and where to go and life in general, I'm a real archaeologist and i watched this site for a while before i joined, And I'm so glad i did, learned so much about my pop up and places to go, and met a lot a nice people and where to go and what not to do! Yep. the mining history part-just one the many neat things about this site right WW.

simimike said:
It's nice to be #1. Sorta, kinda the way it started was with DD's blog. I was researching FWC when I came across DD's blog. Some other people and me started asking and answering questions about options and other things about FWC's. One thing and another led to DD turning the blog into the web site. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Thanks for the insight, Mike. :)
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