Annual trip to Antelope Lake


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I think its the 60th. One of my goals was to visit the Walker mine. It still has a lot of structures left unlike the Plinco mine which I visited last year. Pretty interesting here.
The Walker was a good long drive from Antelope.

I managed to get lost on my way back and almost ended up in Quincy. Lack of road markings and an out of date map didn't help. Day two I even managed to get a pic of some Otters while I was fishing. I didn't even know any were in the area.

Now someone said they may have been beavers but I don't think so.
While trying to find a spot to fish Red Clover creek I found this little waterfall from some unnamed stream.

Glimpsed what may have a been either a mountain lion or bobcat. Whatever it was it was fast.
The fishing was good (not for me), my brother came within an 1/8th inch of winning the trophy. No trophies for gambling but I won a decent amount. Got home with five minutes to spare of having to pay another day for the dogs. Their first time in a kennel and they seemed pretty happy to be bailed out :)
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