Another custom design, also part 1 design

I don't see any provision to open if from the inside when it's down, that is the part I'm trying to do. Just having over lapping doors isn't the issue.

I'll ask the lady on the next street about that tomorrow, she has a Hi-Lo sitting in her yard, and I know she said you could use areas of it in the down position, but never thought to ask if you can open the door from inside in the down..
I'll ask the lady on the next street about that tomorrow, she has a Hi-Lo sitting in her yard, and I know she said you could use areas of it in the down position, but never thought to ask if you can open the door from inside in the down..

If you can open it from the inside I'd love to see some pictures of the setup if so.
You can access the inside of a HiLo from the outside, with the top lowered, but not from the inside, with the door locked. I will think about that, and see if there might be a practical way to do a mod to make it work, but just off the top of my head, seems it would be difficult to do. I have owned a couple of them thru the years, and still have my 1985, still looks good as new. Great camper, great wall and frame construction, very strong. I think the dual door concept would work well for a truck pop up, to eliminate the duck your head issue.
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