Anyone bother fixing hail dents in their roof?

Stalking Light

Feral Grandpa
Sep 5, 2014
Land of grits and gravy
We got some marble+ sized hail the other day just before I left on my current trip and I noticed there are a nice collection of dents in the aluminum roof but just cosmetic, no leaks. I was wondering if it was worth potentially having my rates go up to report it or just add that to the truck pin striping category of 'oh well'.
I have hail dents on the camper roof. Personally, I just think it adds character. I have no plans to do anything about them. But, my camper is older than yours, and I can understand you might feel differently.
FWC prides itself on their one piece aluminum roof, but I will rue the day when my 2014 Grandby weathers its first hailstorm. I don't know how hail damage could be fixed. One option I would like to have seen offered is some sort of tough roofing material that would better resist such damage. I have seen that some folks on this forum have sprayed their roofs with truck bed lining material. They did this to seal leaks in the older multi piece roofs, but might it not also fortify the roof against hail damage to some degree? Might it also mask hail damage that has already occurred? It would be nice if the bed lining spray was available in white.

BTW, on one Mythbusters program they covered an entire car with golf ball style indents to see if it would reduce air resistance and improve milage - and it did! That won't make me feel any better when it happens to me, though.
It's a huge flat sheet of "aluminum". I would expect nothing less than it getting hail damage over time.
It's better than a large steel roof that you can't even lift?
When I bought my 1978 Alaskan, I didn’t notice the hail damage until after I repainted it. I left the dents on top but covered the front.
(those are screws holding the aluminum tight to the sides behind the window - not hail)


Shiny paint sure does show the dents.

Look carefully, some of my dents tore through. Eternabond makes both tape and caulk. FYI, the caulk will not stick to silicone. I park mine inside and never worried about though. That is until I parked nose down Deer hunting and my bed got wet. Pretty sure it was my roof :eek: .
My 2012 Hawk roof has a nice selection of cute little hail dimples. No leaks and so who cares? :)
To revive an older thread... I was wondering about hail and the solar panels on the roof. I don't want those damaged!
How do y'all deal with that?
My Zamp has been hailed on with no effect and the additional flex panels I added are GoPower which are supposedly ok to walk on. The aluminum top, though, looks like a golf ball. ;)
Ours took a beating earlier this month, large marble size at least. Solar panel and vent cover took it like a champ, the roof looks terrible but no leaks so I don't care. I do worry about hail larger than that punching a hole but not much I can do if we get stuck in another storm.
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