"ART" in the parks

Several years ago at Chaco Cyn 3 or 4 thirty something euro tourist were tramping around the areas posted stay off. At the second ruin I said something. They pretended not to understand. So I did the stupid American thing. You know speak louder and try to be menacing.

As it turned out he did speak English. His excuse was "I'm was just doing what I see all the ugly Americans" doing in my country." I told him that when he saw that he should say what I was saying to him. And then I said (Sound familiar Ted?) "get the f##k off the area before I throw you off." Fortunately for me a ranger witnessed it and escorted him and his friends away.

I've mellowed a bit since then but I do believe we all need to protect our National treasures, sacred sites and antiquities. Pam was pissed at me for doing it because I was 60 an there were 3 of them. She was right of course but .... zebra/ stripes, old dog/new tricks? Maybe.
Roger said:
What would you do if you saw someone doing this?
camelracer said:
Maybe a year in the slammer will allow her to perfect her technique.
Since I usually have my camera with me, I expect I would be documenting the event, adding to the evidence that will help secure that year in the slammer for quiet reflection on her deed. Since I usually have the Lady with me, who deals with hundreds of middle school kids every day; well, I wouldn't have time to take action but I would enjoy the show.
I saw this yesterday and have read a few articles about it. Reading the comments after the articles is entertaining. The reaction of people is much the same as if she had done this on the statue of Jesus in a bunch of churches on her trip. And rightfully so, as these locations are kind of equivalent to many of us.

What would I do if I witnessed something like this happening. It would be tempting to pull a Jay and confront the person. (Jay, don't listen to your inner voice, listen to the outer one. The one coming from Pam. That is the voice of wisdom and reason.) But like Ski3pin, I would take photos. While in Olympic National Park a few years back we witnessed several visitors in a creek trying to catch the spawning salmon. We were only a few hundred yards away from a visitor center. Took some photos and shared them with the ranger back at the visitor center. Don't know if anything came of it.

As to this person in particular, her name and photo are on many blogs right now. The Park Service is investigating. I do hope that they follow through with full prosecution. One recommended punishment was to have her clean every toilet in the parks she defaced. Not likely to happen, but that would bring me pleasure.
Forget prison, she's too young. Make it something like 2000 hours of community service, especially doing graffiti removal. But don't forget the $5000 fine, so it has some sting to help her remember.
Many prisoners could benefit from art therapy. She would make an excellent teacher... for a long time.

Definitely document it. Confront her? Hate to say it but I think she could whoop me! I do hope they come up with some form of appropriate punishment.
Reflecting back on this, I guess what hits the hardest is that people are so unbelievably dumb........................to a point it is hard for us to comprehend.
Yep-like that famous photo of some guy trying to shove a bear into the front seat of his car-next to his wife and kids-so he could get a neat photo of their interaction. This photo gives me another chance to bitch about one of our (archaeologists) pet problem of photographers outlining pictographs (painted rock art) with caulk or some other type of marker so they can get a better picture. The chaulk interacts with the natural pigments used to draw the rock art and helps to destroy them; it costs and arm and a leg to repair damage like this (if it can and sometimes it can't). While stupid people do stupid things, so-called smart people can do really stupid things :oops: !

I like the idea of taking pictures.Let the people know that someone has seen what they are doing.,and can be used to identify them.
Hope they catch and punish the artist.
What ever happened to the idiots who pushed the rock over in Goblins park?

We all need to watch our natural areas. Sometimes all it takes is to explain to people that what they are doing isn't right or exceptable.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
"...Sometimes all it takes is to explain to people that what they are doing isn't right or exceptable."
Judging by her comments, I would say she and her friends are proud of her handie work. Not that I am one to judge....


I think I would video her and attemt to "relocate" her "art" supplies.
Granted, I'm a cynic, but I'm not buying the remorse. I read some of her responses to critics she wrote on tumbler just 48 hours ago. "if banksy did it u’d have a hardon". The relative may say she is remorseful, but I see know evidence of that. Perhaps this relative trying to save her from her own mistakes has done this so often that this is the reason she has absolutely no clue why people are upset. They would be doing her a favor if they let her learn from her mistakes.
Wow. Just wow. Just when you think shallow, clueless, and narcissism are just buzz words, here comes somebody who personifies all 3 terms.

The last thing I want to see it this individual getting more attention by personally engaging in the cleanup. Better she should defend Federal felony charges, be convicted of same, and ordered to pay restitution in addition to active prison time. The Trailbob article's author is, IMHO, too gentle as he talks about "misguided youth". Apparently these are acts perpetrated by a 21 year-old adult, old enough to vote by 3 years and old enough by the same margin to wear a uniform and carry a weapon in defense of the United States. To hell with her having been pampered and "misguided". She planned (premeditated) and carried out a detailed and organized plan of destruction of Federal property across several states. Common sense suggests she had one or more traveling partners on this journey, too. She needs to go to prison, period. Her accomplices need to be charged as accessories before, during, and after the fact.

All youth is misguided and most are asshols including us way back when. It's values they lack. And frankly I think it's too late. I'm sure youve read the quote by Socrates way back in the 4th century BCE.

“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”

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