Att. Hog festival new location

my apologies Fisherman

George, you can't be serious, there are people here right now with 8 posts, personally I can't believe you thought I or anybody else was serious about having to have a 100 posts, or a hundred anything else, but I guess if you couldn't figure that out, you should have asked.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding....I was trying to be humorous.....guess I just don't know my own strength sometimes....
Bald is Beautiful!


Sorry to hear you're going to war. Sounds like you've won a few already and know the drill. As you say, piece of cake.:thumb:

Don't worry about the bald part...makes hair care real easy..but if you really don't like being bald the flea markets in Yuma have these great hats with hair...Susan got one for me. Give me an address and I'll send you one. We'll need flicks of you with it on though.

All our best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.
Duane and Susan
No Hair??

Hey Salty...

If you loose your hair, you'll look almost as good as I did about 5 years ago...:eek:


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