Avoiding Hail Damage - Advice?


Advanced Member
Apr 18, 2024
Oregon Coast
I am wondering if anyone uses a physical means of protecting their campers (and trucks) during hail storms. I live in coastal Oregon, so not a big problem here, however it seems like large, damaging hail storms are not uncommon in MT, CO, TX, and other places where I may be wandering soon...

During a visit to Austin earlier this year, I heard about people there putting inflatable cushions or pads on their cars and trailer/camper roofs during hail storms. [I believe this was true, and not merely Urban Legend - lol].

I'm not seeking a bubble-wrapped life, but several posts here mention camper roofs sustaining hail damage, and I am concerned about possible hail damage to solar panels.

Apart from watching the weather and avoiding the situation as best as is possible, does anyone have a clever solution? Or do folks just buy insurance and leave the rest up to fate?

Thanks in advance.
I was also concerned about hail damage to solar panels................................until I visited many active mountain fire lookouts that also serve as communication sites. Most, now have large banks of solar panels. I've not seen a broken panel on mountain tops so I figure they are pretty darn tough. And I've put them on two camper roofs and drove over 235,000 miles without damage. Knock on wood, of course.
We live in hail country here in Calgary. Most rigid solar panels are designed to withstand hail that would break your windshield. So, if you wanted to protect your camper, you could cover it with solar panels! :oops::rolleyes::geek:
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