Awning Thoughts?


Advanced Member
Sep 26, 2010
Richmond, Texas
Hey I'd like a couple of thoughts on the awning option. Planning on ordering my "Eagle" camper in early July...looking over the site here, pictures and such I don't see to see so many awnings in use?? Are you using them, wish you had them or maybe wished you didn't have them??
Mic said:
Hey I'd like a couple of thoughts on the awning option. Planning on ordering my "Eagle" camper in early July...looking over the site here, pictures and such I don't see to see so many awnings in use?? Are you using them, wish you had them or maybe wished you didn't have them??
IMO there are other ways to have a rear awning than the factory style. I made one that stores like the side ones and takes only 5 seconds to set up.
The side awnings seem to have more of a liking. Several members have and use them.
I go for the simple and easy with things used on the camper.
I should have stated I was thinking of the side awning! Like your in put for sure. I have been wanting this camper for a long time. Toured most all the others and FWC, kinda think they are the one for myself most of the time, etc. just not sure if I'd use that awning. seems there is always wind where I am. Oh well....
We decided against the awning attached to the camper. I carry a Kelty tarp and poles but have rarely used it even in the desert.
I added a side awning to my Ranger II, and like it very much. It's not great in wind, but is a nice source for shade and shelter in mild rain. I used to do the tarp, tent poles thing but just got fed up with setting it up and stowing it.
I get my Hawk 6/3 at FWC in Woodland. I got the side awning based from being around other rv's with an awning. I like the idea of having the shade or an outside venue for mealtimes. I'm an rv rookie for sure.
I have the side awning on my Hawk. In the two+ years I have had my camper, I think I have used the awning just a couple of times. The shade it provided us on the hot days that I used it was great. Much of my camping is in the Sierra/Cascade range (I live near the junction) and most of the time, there is shade from trees. If I was camping in places with less shade, I am sure the awning would be open more often. Even though I have not used it much, I like having it ready.

I wanted an awning, but didn't want to spend a lot because I knew I probably wouldn't use it much. Here are some pictures of the inexpensive finished product. Yeah, it could use some refinement, but sure enough I don't use it often so I get by with the prototype. It holds up surprisingly well in the rain and wind.

My wife watched the demo of the fancy Euro side awning at the woodland factory, and insisted that we get one on our Hawk. We have owned a tent trailer since 1994, used it a ton for many years on many camping trips, but I think I can count fingers on one hand the number of times we used the awning on it. That is due to the fact that most of our trips are in windy places. Wind and awnings don't mix well. I always carry about 4 to 8 sand anchors with us, which are just one foot square pieces of 1/4" scrap plywood with two holes drilled in the center and a piece of cord coming out. We bury the anchors about a foot deep if on sand, or pile big rocks or spare 5 gal water jugs on the ply, then tie off the corners of the fancy Italian awning to the anchors. If we leave camp for more than an hour or so for a walk down the beach, and/or the wind gusts more than about 10 mph, the awning gets wound back into its nifty case. Works like a charm. Or is that awning made in France???
I have been living in my eagle for 6 straight months now. I have used my awning a half dozen times. I would say wait and see if you want it after a few outings. It won't be a problem to install yourself. Installing my awning was the easiest project I did on my eagle. Use the money not spent on the awning and upgrade the sleeping pads first, best mod I made.
This topic is funny. Does anybody camp in the rain anymore, our am I the only one who likes to leave my Crap outside, under the awning where it stays dry?
I don't have any experience, since I don't have my FWC yet (so I should probably just shut up), but here's my $0.02 worth:

My brother, who has had his camper for 15 years or more, said, "Don't waste your money on an awning, just put your chair in the shade." I thought about ordering the side awning anyway, but it costs $800 and weighs 40+ pounds, so I didn't. I figured that, if I decide I want something like that, I'll rig it up myself.

I like yours, 4llamas, because it's up high. I didn't think of attaching to the jack brackets. I have a tarp-and-poles thing left over from our tent camping days that I'm sure I could adapt.

- Bernard
Having downsized from a 28' travel trailer which had an awning we used often, I chose to have an awning installed on my new Hawk. I suspect it will get used often, even as a place to let my dog relax in the shade while she is secured to the camper/truck. I don't want to be limited to camping in the shade, especially with solar.
I don't have an awning...yet. But this has me thinking about it.

For shade I usually just put my chair on the shady side of the camper -- at my home latitudes the sun is never overhead, usually at a large angle from overhead, and the camper is tall, so there's usually camper-shade. But near the summer solstice and/or when I take a big trip and head for the Deep South (anyplace south of Reno) it might come in handy.

For protection from rain: Hmmm....I usually avoid rain -- that's what the desert is for. ;)
Usually when I'm inside the camper to avoid weather it's because it's cold, not because it's wet. But if I found myself in an area that's rainy and yet still warm enough that I want to sit outside, an awning might come in handy. Maybe if I lived-in/visited-more those states that have summer monsoons/thunderstorms.
As for gear storage outside in the rain: my chair is the only thing outside that I'd like to keep dry -- the graywater container and hole-digging shovel don't care about being wet.

I think for me an awning is an accessory that I don't need -- obviously, since I've used my camper for >8 years without an awning and without yearning for one. But maybe it's the kind of accessory that I'd find myself using (at least once in a while) if I had it.
Prolly cause folks don't know (or understand the concept) of drying it out to avoid mildew and the like after it gets wet. You're forced to learn this stuff in northern tier environments!
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