Bacon Lovers


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2008
Southern Appalachians
Bacon covered Twinkies, yumm
Bacon covered Twinkies, yumm

I always wanted to go to Stonehenge but where is Twinkieland?
Gaack. Barko, bacon's great but lose the twinkies!!

Are you planning on cooking this in Big Bend? :unsure:
One of my favorite quotes is "the only thing better than bacon". But of course, now there is a bacon twinkie to consider! Awesome.
Gaack. Barko, bacon's great but lose the twinkies!!

Are you planning on cooking this in Big Bend? :unsure:

Nah, I prefer mine raw :)
You know, deep-fried Twinkies are a well-known treat, so including a bacon-wrap in the creation isn't that much of a stretch. mmmmmmm....deep-fried-bacon-wrapped-Twinkies...aaahhh.
I've made deep-fried butter (not kidding)...garlic-herb's kinda rich.
I think someone should try it (not me, thank you) and tell us what it really tastes like!
Hmmm, wonder what else is in that there pot...
I found a few more items that might interest the WTW crowd.


I can remember a day when a couple of these for Breakfast woulda been a prerequisite!


Don't forget to floss!


Hey, what's that smell?


Remember, don't forget the opener!

Dip them in chocolate and then we'll really have something!

People say that smoked porter has a bacon taste, but a couple of small brewers make an actual bacon infused beer. Pretty sure one is in the San Juans for any of you in Washington. Now if we could get a supply of that to DD, I think he could reach true happiness. Probably 300 pounds, as well, but still true happiness.
Dip them in chocolate and then we'll really have something!

People say that smoked porter has a bacon taste, but a couple of small brewers make an actual bacon infused beer. Pretty sure one is in the San Juans for any of you in Washington. Now if we could get a supply of that to DD, I think he could reach true happiness. Probably 300 pounds, as well, but still true happiness.

Ted, I cooked my usual full package of bacon every morning at the last mini rally in the Sierras, but DD
never got his sorry butt out of bed to taste any. He blamed Cort of course, but I think his love of
bacon is just an act, and inside his camper he's hiding a stash of bacon flavored tofu....
I saw that alaskan smoked porter won a gold medal at the GABF. So I tried one. Ugh, could hardly choke it down. Bleh.

I think Deltarat may be onto something there with DD.
Very interesting. He hung out in his camper until late in the Warner's, too. And for someone that supposedly loves his beer and bacon, he is pretty skinny. Hmmmm. Bob, do you still have some of your equipment from your old job? We could cuff him to a tree and search his vehicle at the next rally. It would be an intervention because we all care about our exalted leader. :D
Very interesting. He hung out in his camper until late in the Warner's, too. And for someone that supposedly loves his beer and bacon, he is pretty skinny. Hmmmm. Bob, do you still have some of your equipment from your old job? We could cuff him to a tree and search his vehicle at the next rally. It would be an intervention because we all care about our exalted leader. :D

It's a deal...I know a couple of judges pretty well..I'm sure I could get some paper signed so our search would be legal.
We need to keep an eye on this guy...He could be perpetrating a major fraud on the whole group.
I was recently watching an episode of Anthony Bourdain's show, "No Reservations". In chatting with a friend over a meal he said: "Best way to 'convert' a vegetarian: Bacon!"

"sweet, sweet bacon"
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