Baja Gray Whales 2013


Electric Baja
Feb 4, 2009
Ventura, California
Well, we are back. Jay and Pam Aronow (chnlisle), organized the trip to Baja. This video is still in the works. I am waiting for pictures and footage from the rest of our members in order to finish it.

Good stuff Gene, sorry we missed you but I'm sure you heard we ran into the rest of your posse as we were leaving Pachico's.

We looped over to the Cortez side on Friday after we left San Juanico and did a qucik drive through Coyote but didn't see anyone. We then ran into Camelracer at a roadside cantina and he mentioned you all were at El Requeson earlier but had left.

Due to the post Semana Santa state of Coyote we opted for Santispac for the night. El Requeson was in good shape as we stopped there for a dip on the way up too (always do). Sounds like everyone had a good trip, nosotros tambien.
Hi Suni,

Sorry we missed you guys. We started at Santispac but it was a complete zoo, so we moved down to Requesson which was infinitely better. Next year, I'm staying away from the pavement (getting harder to do). It's been awhile since we've been to Bahia San Rafael, Bahia de las Animas and San Evaristo.

Anne and I may squeeze in a summer trip along the west coast dirt roads, some of your favorite spots. Anne hasn't yet seen the empty Pacific Coast beaches of Baja.
WOW Gene!The whales are incredible.What a thrill to see them up close.We get to see our share here in the bay but not that close.
Thanks for the pictures waiting for more.
Hi everyone,

We're back and had a few days to decompress. It was another terrifc trip to Baja. Dick (CamelRacer) & John from Goelta, Bill & Linda from Somis, Gene & Anne and Phil from Ventura and Pam's bother Phin and his group of 6 from Newport all met at the El Colorado just north of San Felipe and headed for Gonzaga.

Because it was the end of Semana Santa and the friday before Easter people were camping 3 deep at Gonzaga so we found an isolated place above the bay to camp for 2 days. After that we spent several days at Playa Requeson and eventually ended up back at Gonzaga for a few more days.

The Advanced Elements kayak that Les (lqhikers) and Larry Bluhm recomended was great. The crowds did disappear after Easter Sunday but think that if we do this again we should either go a week or 2 before Semana Santa or a week or 2 after.

I did have a few photos I've managed to put in a member's gallery (Baja Spring '13.) Maybe it's this Mac or more likely I'm just a complete idiot, to which most won't give you an arguement, but I still can't attach photos on my postings. I could use a bit of help here.


  • Jay's SGH-i917_000026.jpg
    Jay's SGH-i917_000026.jpg
    37 KB · Views: 131
I did have a few photos I've managed to put in a member's gallery (Baja Spring '13.) Maybe it's this Mac or more likely I'm just a complete idiot, to which most won't give you an arguement, but I still can't attach photos on my postings. I could use a bit of help here.

Sounds like you all had a great trip.Must be thrilling to get that close to the whales.Thanks for the pictures.
I also have a mac and have no trouble attaching pictures.
I just choose the photo,hit "file" to "export" on some macs you have to select the "jpeg"than size to no bigger than medium.Send to desk top.On the post select attachments,desk top will come up with the photos,then select the ones you want.
This works for me.It's how I send out any picture to an e-mail.
Thanks Ted. I found the way to resize on a mac before I got your message. I do appreciate your help. Now here are a few pix of the trip.

Jay's SGH-i917_000054.jpg Jay's SGH-i917_000027.jpg Jay's SGH-i917_000026.jpgJay's SGH-i917_000063.jpg

On this trip Pam and I decided to forgo the whales until next year and just spend all our time kayaking and on the beach. Pam brought along some of her art to work on and we just relaxed and enjoyed. Here she is painting with Rambo The Wonder Chug. Click on this pic for a larger image.

Jay's SGH-i917_000032.jpg

I think Gene will have a more complete video soon.
Nice camp Jay. How did the yak work out for you?

The Advanced Elements Tandem Convertible was fantastic. I highly recommend it
Here's another video of the trip from my brother in law Phin. The folks in it are from the Newport Beach group that he brought.
Catavina (800x600).jpgNice trip reports! And it was nice meeting Jay and the rest of the group at Gonzaga. (Amy and Will) Looked like your were doing it right and having a great time. And that is a beautiful spot, still plenty of adventures and dirt roads and beautiful spots to discover in Baja as long as your prepared.

We had a great time in Baja, crossed over in Mexicali and back again in Tecate 3 weeks later. Zero problems with security and ran into friendly and helpful people along the way. Interestingly on the way out of Gonzaga Bay we ran into another couple with a cabover hardtop Northstar camper on a Nissan Titan, I remember thinking they were a little overloaded especially for the road. We ran into them a few days later at the Bay of Conception and they had cracked their frame in 2 places over the rear axle. A cautionary tale. Our truck a F150 Ecoboost handled the camper easily on that and a few rougher roads. After a couple thousand miles in Baja I can say I'm very pleased with the combo.
We were just talking about our next trip...which will mostly be exploring the Pacific side of Baja. Funny how you drive through southern CA and most of the beaches are packed with developement and homes that seem bent on denying access to the public and all you have to do is drive a little to find miles and miles of undeveloped ocean front. Shhh...dont tell anyone:rolleyes:

Amy and Will, thanks for sharing your pictures. Nice that you had 3 weeks! We might do a trip down this Summer, which will mean mostly Pacific Beaches and maybe a bit of the Comundo Mountain Villages.

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