Baja with the new Camper...

KC, dont forget to go to San Ignacio Lagun in Jan and Feb. You are lulled to sleep by the songs of gray whales at night......


Tomas, the other T100 looks just like mine in stock form. See? I should be in Baja..... gray water..... cold cervezas......:rolleyes:

the blue T-100 is my old truck. It was (still is) a great truck. I sold it to a friend who did a couple of trips with us..

That truck was so awesome off road. I had the old fleet model on it for years of "happy camping".
San Ignacio.....

When we were there, (1999/2000) we camped at a campground on the right going into San Ignacio. While camped there we got with several people in the campground and hired a guy to take us out to the lagoon, saving the wear and tear on our rigs. The folks that ran the campground/bar/restaurant got the guy and arranged the whale watching for us....I can't remember the cost but it was like $40 a person and one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. We were the only boat in the lagoon and there were a number of whales. We went with "Antonio's Whale Tours" in Campo Fridera and after the boat trip they had us all into their house and we were served a delicious lunch. Outstanding. This was as they were fighting Mitsubishi corp. and the Mexican gov't. who were planning a salt loading dock in Laguna de San Ignacio. Thank God they won, for the time being anyway.

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