Camping plans?

Willowsprings Raceway

How it got that name, I don't know, it's in the high desert and I never saw any springs, but it's a real fast race track with plenty of places to go off without doing any serious damage. Feb. 21&22, SCCA national event, my first one in a long long time.
We just got our permits to enter the Wave (Coyote Buttes) May 20. This should be a trip of a life time.
I give up, where/what is this "wave" (Coyote Buttes)? Where is the Bonaza Trail?
We just got our permits to enter the Wave (Coyote Buttes) May 20. This should be a trip of a life time.

Congratulations on having the patiance and nabbing permits. Been there three times. You will enjoy it. There is more to see in on the hike than just the wave.
I give up, where/what is this "wave" (Coyote Buttes)? Where is the Bonaza Trail?

Wave is between Knab Utah and Page Arizona.
I have decided to test the waters. I have taken the next 4 months off starting the first of March. :eek: I have planned my trip to Anza Borrego SP to check out the spring bloom. But then who knows for sure. I am definitely going to AK in the later part of May or early June. But I'm not sure if I am going to retire or go back to work. If I do return to work I am still going back to Baja in October for a month. :thumb: Maybe all those years of hard work are going to pay off yet. :rolleyes:
If you’re headed to the Central California coast, check out the California Condors flying just south of Big Sur – unmarked pullout near mp 41 if I remember right (just south of a big house under construction)
We're off to Gooseberry Mesa (outside of Zion NP) or Moab tomorrow for some mountain biking and beer drinking. :thumb:
Which place depends on tomorrows weather forecast....
Baja Bound

First week in March I'm off to the TDS Jeep safari in the truckhaven badlands near the Salton Sea. As soon as I get back from that the Kayaks go on the roof and I point the beast south for 3 or 4 weeks in Baja. Warm sand, cold cerveza and fish tacos - I can't wait.

Montana de Oro report for Deltarat

It's been raining, a lot....and more rain expected for the rest of the week...we had planned on going, thought about the weather, felt some obligation to you to check out how comfortable it may be even with rain and wind, thought about the weather some more, dismissed any feelings of obligation to you, and stayed home. :(

On the plus side, with all the rain, everything is nice and green, but has been a bit on the chilly side. If you still make the trip, let me know so I can try to come by and at least say hello. The elephant seals up north of San Simeon are pretty cool to see if you haven't before.:)
Thanks George..I think:confused: Will be heading that way Friday...hope to arrive around noon...rain or shine. Will spend Friday night then head up the coast remainder of weekend. Thanks for the heads up on Elephant Seals..will check them out.

It's been raining, a lot....and more rain expected for the rest of the week...we had planned on going, thought about the weather, felt some obligation to you to check out how comfortable it may be even with rain and wind, thought about the weather some more, dismissed any feelings of obligation to you, and stayed home. :(

On the plus side, with all the rain, everything is nice and green, but has been a bit on the chilly side. If you still make the trip, let me know so I can try to come by and at least say hello. The elephant seals up north of San Simeon are pretty cool to see if you haven't before.:)
Montana de Oro for Deltarat

I was pretty surprised by the number of people visiting Montana de Oro today....still more storms expected for rest of the week....found out there had been a 'run' earlier and some of the 25k and 50k runners were still out....the campground was pretty sparse, but apparently some braver than we as there were eight or nine campsites in use...if you're familiar with the campground you'll be happy to know the back section was opened even though not full...the last picture shows erosion that has occurred next to the roadway near entrance to back of campground....although raccoons are pretty common here as elsewhere, I recall these are the variety of 'raccoons with attitude' so be careful what you leave out

Islay Creek Campground

Spooners Cove

part of campground eroded by creek

for Fisherman's benefit...I could easily have posted three separate times and been that much closer to the coveted (now you have me coveting things!) pig ticket...but I am confident I'll still get there....
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