Changes to advertisements

Time Zone

Hey Ted,

Go down to the bottom of any post page and you will see a drop down box with the words "FORUM JUMP" click the drop down and select the "USER CONTROL PANNEL".

From there you can select "Edit Options" on the left side, and scroll down to the time zone area as in my above post.


  • wander1.jpg
    148 KB · Views: 266
And if the advertising doesn't cover expensives, put a link so we could donate via paypal.

Sorry I missed this before. I'm a firm believer that the companies that benefit from a site like this should make the contributions. Not the members. I should be paying you :D
Available at these sponsors...

Dear D^2--

A thought occurred to me that you might be able to link to vendors of off-road camping gear so that when we buy their stuff on-line they see your site sent us to them.

There might be money in it, if you can figure out how.


P.S.: I'm fixin' to buy a 12V fridge...
Dear D^2--

A thought occurred to me that you might be able to link to vendors of off-road camping gear so that when we buy their stuff on-line they see your site sent us to them.

There might be money in it, if you can figure out how.


P.S.: I'm fixin' to buy a 12V fridge...

ageed, i too am looking for and engel fridge!
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