Conservation in the West poll

Fascinating. Thanks for the link. And, I wonder why the change? Millennials, Baby Boomers retiring? Or, just that our lives are so hectic that we crave a respite in the arms of Mother Nature?
Very interesting. But our present leaders only read things that they agree with and the only color they see is green-as in money. All we can do is vote and attend those meetings!

Wow that seems like a positive sign in some ways. Being an ole maths teacher I wonder at the statistical sample size and if there is a way to evaluate the margin of error. I mean ..... the pollsters have been wrong in a pretty big way around a year ago. :)

It's not that the pollsters were wrong, but the interpretation of the polls by the press was deeply flawed. The polls were within their margin of error for nearly every state (possibly every state). The press considered each state's outcome as an independent event and made their predictions based on this erroneous assumption. States with similar demographics are swayed by similar information. Their outcomes aren't independent events. Nate Silver from wrote the definitive piece on this shortly after last year's election.

Statistics is complex. I went back in search for Silver’s piece but as of yet not found it. Will eventually find it. And thanks for the steer Alan.
I found the article on the poll interesting and very much enjoyed the photo of the waterfall in the Cirque of Towers. We love that place, like so so many other places on our public lands.
Speaking of Public Lands!!!---I'm depressed today. Today started fine-sun was out, not snowing so I decided to go out, open up and clean out the pop-up since they also say the weather is supposed to warm up (is winter gone?), so figured I'd get the rig ready for a run some where. I still have that little leak in the corner of the ceiling that leaks when the weather turns from rain, to snow then freezes-no sweat, easy to fix, just plug in the shore power and turn on the space heater,dry things out then put some goop in the leak. Anyway, while I was doing the clean up, I was walking back and forth to the washer and dryer in the house and by the tv. As it turned out, two of my favorite programs came on PBS (this is where I connect to this thread), Wild Nevada and Outdoor Nevada.

As I'm walking by one time , I noticed that Wild Nevada was touring "the Basin And Range National Monument. Never been there (although me and a good friend keep talking about going)so I started to watch it. Interesting place, awhile back I did a rare post on Face book about protecting it! Just before the segment was about to end the BLM host brings everyone up to a high ridge where you can see why they made it a NM-spectacular 360 view shed!! And he says that is what is so great about this place is that you can see what Nevada is all about (several different geological formations) and you know one will ever build condos out here. All present uses are protected and mining areas and the such are left out. Even saw cows grazing in the distance.

So here is why I am depressed-Basin and Range is on the Zingster's hit list and it so happens he has just been in LV, meeting with A bunch of hunting organizations about opening up more public land to more hunting. I own guns, don't hunt anymore, if you want to hunt fine, but thought that the state usually controls hunting seasons and the feds worry about the land itself (maybe open up Yosemite to hunting?). While he was in LV last week, he (as he did in Utah) he refused to meet with those that were in favor of the NM (or visit it). What are we supposed to do now? They only read things they agree with or never meet with those that disagree with them. Let's hope the courts stop this stuff soon because I along with allot of you are getting tired of this rule by the few or the rich. Enough of this, I need to figure out how to stop them from drilling off our coasts or destroying that other new NM that sits between California and Oregon. So many things to do and see and soooo little time :D ! Sorry-needed to vent!! Time to go WTWing!

I’m with ya Smoke. My heart does not know what to do watching a beautiful old building burn ... and some nearby laughing. It is callousness at a level unseen for so long one thought we’d evolved past it. The moneyed have the power to take even more. We have no recourse other than put faith in the courts and start screaming bloody murder at the polls. If that don’t work it will get ugly as people will get angry.
Thanks Buckland. Let me see now, well, that's the 2nd one right-the other was the one on ivory--- sooooo, let me see! that's one and two in one year, better than none :D I guess. Got the Pop-up almost ready to go, wonder if that buddy of mine wants to take a long drive next week, no- maybe I'll just head to the Lost Coast!


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