Covid Vaccine -- Have you got yours?

My shingles vaccination was just a sore arm.

I hate to say anything bad about those in the health care field but it sure seems like our county health officer dropped the ball considering how long they had to plan. The state isn't much better. They seem to be just winging it.

As for the vaccine being rushed, as far as I know this vaccine uses a different technology than previous vaccines that took much longer to bring to market. While it seems rushed, the best I can tell is its been properly vetted for safety.
This is such a big problem but there has been a lot of time to get to work on it.
Not pointing any fingers but sure would like to get our health dept working on this.
Soon I think we might get ours soon next month.

Until then just staying safe.We live out in the county so out of the mass of people.
CougarCouple said:
Got mine thru work 1/08, ouch! Sore arm 1 1/2 days bad headache on left side of head same side got vaccine. Just yesterday started to feel normal. Worried about second shot. I think it’s referred to as booster shot, don’t think I want to go thru this again.

To look on the bright side - the fact that you had a reaction means the your immune system responded to the vaccine and is producing antibodies. If you had no reaction then there would be a chance you didn't react to the vaccine and had a lower level of antibody production and immunity.
We are not expecting ours until the fall. Still a long time before things return to something resembling "normal" up here.
I got my appointment last night for a May 14th vaccination. Being over 75 here in Santa Barbara County puts you right at the top of the list. I'm just not sure what list.
In Iowa your guess is as good as mine.. one question. Why do they not order those drug companies to share their drug recipe to ALL companies so we can get a faster rollout...ya i know $$$ ,but life over $$$$$
Be patient. This has been a monumental success story.
Do you realize how exceptional it is to have vaccines developed this quickly?

(Rant on)
Are you aware of what it takes to set up production lines that meet standards? Will they be reusable?

Logistics for volume shipping and storage from manufacturing to the states for a vaccine that must be kept at such low temps, setting up vaccinations such that the doses don’t expire before arriving in someone’s arm has been difficult.

Our governor has been so slow at deciding who gets the vaccine based on medical need, social justice rank, her union support, rural vs urban issues, complaining about receiving doses from the federal gov’t while being unable to organize mass vaccination events that could turn into super spreader events.

While I think big pharma is not always our best friend, in this case, they have really stepped up to respond to the task.

What percent of the vaccines received has your state injected into arms?

How much are you being charged for your doses?

(Rant off)

dennis 221 said:
. . . Why do they not order those drug companies to share their drug recipe to ALL companies so we can get a faster rollout...
Because we want the drug companies to quickly develop drugs for the next crisis?
My dad got a letter from Kaiser. Congrats you're top of the list. Btw, we have no idea when you'll actually get vaccinated.
rando said:
To look on the bright side - the fact that you had a reaction means the your immune system responded to the vaccine and is producing antibodies. If you had no reaction then there would be a chance you didn't react to the vaccine and had a lower level of antibody production and immunity.
Well thank you for that information, had not thought of that. Sometimes I think we’re just along for the ride.

CougarCouple said:
Sometimes I think we’re just along for the ride.
True enough nowadays. I don't know how my smartphone, digital camera, laptop or truck electronics work. So in that sense we are just along for the ride. I decided to teach myself botany, mostly so as to know a little more about something in the world. But man, you do have to pick your battles, don't you?
Got my first a couple of weeks ago and have a appointment for #2, in the 2nd week of Feb. If I have a bitch about the process. it was (1) figuring out who you had to call to find out to find out the hows, who's and whens of getting the vaccine and (2) having to stand outside the Public Heath office with 20 or so fellow old people over 75 :rolleyes: and 2 fire fighters. waiting to get called inside. Lucky for us the weather as fine!

Not sure yet whether this will be a drive through.
More info to come.
I don't want to be very critical since this is such a huge
undertaking and has been stymied for almost a year while it spread.
I feel things are on the right track with all hands on deck.
Time will tell.So many to inject. 400M more shots were just contracted for
today.At least we are on the right path.
Not sure what is happening with my second shot. Was told to come back Feb 13th same place first come first come. San Joaquin Co said this morning they would contact us to schedule an appointment time. At noon the Governor's office said they are taking the control from the countys. Sure hope someone takes leadership.
Had my first shot of the Moderna variety 24 hrs ago in rural NC, about 30 miles from the Big City of Raleigh, where I live. Our state Gummint had said it'd be "between weeks and months" before I would likely get it if I wanted to get it close to home, in my home county. We oldsters (age 65) were encouraged to venture out into surrounding counties and that's what I did. I signed up online on 1/15/21 and secured a date of 1/21/21 in the next county. When I reached a point about 4 miles from the drive-through clinic, traffic came to a dead stop and I realized it'd be many hours before I got through, IF I got through at all, so I punted. The make-up date solely for those who could not get through was yesterday and it was relatively seamless. About an hour wait in a large parking lot with 10-12 lanes of cars about 10 cars deep and I was done. Sore arm and mild headache last night, both nearly gone now. Still no telling when my 64 year-old wife will be able to get one.
first shot this afternoon (1/30)
drive through at the fire station, park for 15 minutes and drive home (well - to the bottom of the driveway where we switched to snowshoes)
Well gang, I just got my 2nd Moderna Covid-19 and final Vaccine injection yesterday! The process worked. I got on list last month and got # 1 shot\ for those over 75 (cat. 1b/c) who wanted one. The 1st cat (1a). for 1st responders and those in rest homes , completed here. Got my follow up phone call from them a d I went in to the Lassen County (Calif.) Health Dept Clinic, they had the process figured out now -no long lines, in and out in 20 minutes-and a new much safer "ME" walked out to face the world.

I feel like a great weight has been taken off of my shoulders, I mean-if I do catch Covid-19-I probably will not die, maybe get sick-but I should not die! I do feel lucky though, the local VA clinic got no vaccine at all , they said not enough people here in NE Ca to get a shipment. So around here, it was either get on the list for Lassen County or now up at the Indian Health Center (they are taking both Indian and Non-Indian applications). Maybe now I can turn all those trips I have been planning into fact-just make sure I follow the rules and make sure I carry that nice new "got vaccinated" card with me.

So how are the rest of you folks doing?

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