Current Spike in Gas Prices

How are gas prices affecting your travel plans?

  • Makes no difference, I'm hitting the road!

    Votes: 73 78.5%
  • Ouch, I'm staying close to home, shorter trips

    Votes: 17 18.3%
  • My wallet is empty, no trips for me.

    Votes: 3 3.2%

  • Total voters
I'm going to give this topic and poll a bump. Gas prices here have dropped 20 cents a gallon (to $4.09), although the media tells me nation wide prices are still inching upwards. On our recent trip to Death Valley, regular gas at Stovepipe Wells was $4.90 and Furnace Creek $5.79. Beatty Nevada had regular for $3.95.

Slowing you down or are you getting use to it?
Gas prices in Bend, Oregon are up 10¢ or more since this topic started in late February. So I'm still frugal, but as I said before, I'd probably be equally frugal whether it's $3.75/gal or $4.25/gal. If gas was under $3/gal I'd probably go on more/farther trips.
I voted 'No difference' -- but I have no big trips planned :(

When gas was $1/gallon I made $6/hr and drove where ever I wanted. I'm paying $4.25/gallon for diesel now and my pay has stayed just ahead of the gas inflation... So I still drive where ever I want :D

BUT if gas/diesel was WAY cheaper I would be tempted to do some LONG trips...
Fuel in Barcelona. Gas . € 1,64 diesel € 1,48 liter. Never could figure why diesel is cheaper than gas in Europe than the states..Oh well if you want cheaper diesel camp in Europe. Home soon. I am running out of food to eat. Frank
Will probably skew my trips a little on the shorter side (within 2 hours of Bend there are plenty of nice locations-John Day River area) especially this spring. But later on the usual long jaunts will still be scheduled, just hoping my camping partner doesn't bail on me so I have someone to share costs. :cautious:
Fuel in Barcelona. Gas . € 1,64 diesel € 1,48 liter. Never could figure why diesel is cheaper than gas in Europe than the states..Oh well if you want cheaper diesel camp in Europe. Home soon. I am running out of food to eat. Frank

Diesel € 1,48 * 3.78 litres per US gallon * 1.314 USD per Euro = $7.35 per gallon
Gas € 1,64 * 3.78 litres per US gallon * 1.314 USD per Euro = $8.30 per gallon

Who's complaining?
Diesel € 1,48 * 3.78 litres per US gallon * 1.314 USD per Euro = $7.35 per gallon
Gas € 1,64 * 3.78 litres per US gallon * 1.314 USD per Euro = $8.30 per gallon

Who's complaining?

Without the tax taken out its Apples and Oranges. Fuel in Europe has had a high tax for years, but you can take a train anywhere on time.
Without the tax taken out its Apples and Oranges. Fuel in Europe has had a high tax for years, but you can take a train anywhere on time.

Bill, what do you mean about tax? All fuel is taxed one way or the other, no?
I originally voted "staying closer to home, fewer trips," but I really meant better planned longer duration trips. However, I recently traded my gas guzzling daily driver, a Dodge pickup (it used to carry my FWC) for a 4x4 Ford Escape and I realize that the Escape might make a great weekend camper. I know, it doesn't make much sense to spend $24K to save money on gas, but I figured I would break even at 88K miles (based on $4.00/gallon gasoline - currently we're seeing $4.25-$4.45 in Santa Maria).

Now that I have the Escape, I remember how fun and easy it is to get a small car down some roads. The Escape won't replace my FWC/Chevy 4x4 for long trips, but that doesn't mean I have to use the FWC for every camping trip. I'm glad I kept all my car camping equipment (stove, coolers, tents, ...,

Therefore, the current price of gas won't prevent me from going on weekend get aways, but it will encourge me to plan long range trips to maximize my wandering/fuel burned.
but it will encourage me to plan long range trips to maximize my wandering/fuel burned.

I like that way of thinking, thanks!
Well, gas prices here are now at an all time high. At our local station regular is $4.60 a gallon. News media says its a California thing along with the usual recycled list of reasons for the spike in prices. My gut feeling is more along the lines of conspiracy theory, something I'm not prone to indulge in. We have an election in a few weeks.
Well, gas prices here are now at an all time high. At our local station regular is $4.60 a gallon. News media says its a California thing along with the usual recycled list of reasons for the spike in prices. My gut feeling is more along the lines of conspiracy theory, something I'm not prone to indulge in. We have an election in a few weeks.

You know ski, I had to gas up at Silver Lake, Or on my last trip back from Washington State last month and the price was $4.05/gal and figured that was about right for where I was-now that price looks good! I'm one of the ones who usually doesn't care that much about price-sort of figure it in as a cost of adventuring; but this is starting to worry even me. Conspiracy theories aside, it is sort of hard not to wonder why, i mean just because the oil companies are against the pres and for the other guy and the gas goes up just before said election. But it doesn't make sense for Ca-it's a Democratic state, now if were were talking about one of those states in play-wait a minute like Nevada, their prices are shooting up too-been talking allot about it on Reno TV. What about what conspiracy theory? This is above my pay grade, time to run away and play-but make sure my absentee vote has bee sent in first!:sneaky:

Mr. Smoke, yup above my pay grade too and all I end up gettin' is either mad or a head ache. When I want to be happy I just check the price of gas in Ely or Jackson, Wyoming isn't bad either. Someday this will all get sorted out and we'll all be happy.................
Saw gas as high as $5.69 this last weekend in San Francisco. I had the scan gauge for a while, and got rid of it after I figured I probably had re-learned my driving habits enough not to benefit much from it anymore. Three biggest things I learned were: Don't be in a hurry to get up to speed, 2: MPG goes down exponentially above 65 MPH or so, and 3: always travel in the highest gear possible. (Yeah, you lose out on a lot of torque this way.)

Gas prices have forced me to maximize my trips to do my homework ahead of time and get the most enjoyment from every mile. Aside from that though, burning a lot of gas is just one of the costs of living in the desert. Basically, everything is 50 miles away no matter where you want to go.
It's only $5.41 at the Shell station in Bridgeport, CA on 395. I'm still using my scanguage II. It sure shows you what happens when pressure is applied to the accelerator.
In Hope B.C. our gas is at $1.33/9 per liter or $5.07 per US gal. Diesel is at 1.26/9 per liter or $4.80 US gal. I haven't looked at Mexico but I am sure its cheaper. Sure wished we could spend another winter down there.
I drove from Bend, OR to Redding, CA tonight. Filled up at an independent station in Klamath Falls, OR and paid $3.99/gal. 15 miles further south along US 97 in Doris, CA an independent station was charging $4.99/gal.
What a difference a border makes!

(Of course, the fact that Doris is tiny adds a bit to the price, apart from the California factor.)

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