DD, how about some new titles?


Dec 10, 2006
Just noticed that everyone is "senior member" after 100 posts. Seems like some of the real seniors around here (no pun intended) should have super-senior status. Other forums I'm on have fun titles. Maybe something new at 500 posts, you know to distinguish our distinguished members?
Offroad synonyms and then some...

Tee hee, how about...

4x2 (walks out 2 miles to get help)
4x4 (walks out 4 miles to get help)
4x4+Winch (walks out 6 miles to get help)
Prepared (has enough supplies to wait for someone else to stumble along to provide help)
Expedition (can extricate themselves from most anything)
Backpack (was smart enough to carry a backpack for the several day journey on foot to find help)
Mountain Bike (was smarter than the backpacker, in that he carried a mountain bike to ride in order to find help)
How about mileage related?
100 miles
1,000 miles

(I don't like the idea, but thought somebody might like it.)
Maybe something better tomorrow.
Some of the forums I participate in allow you to choose your own custom title. Obviously, with moderator approval. I believe it's a standard feature in vBulletin, isn't it? It would make for a lot more variety and originality.

don't label me!

My take on this subject is that it is not needed. Some of the best posts/threads have been by fellow members that do not have the "numbers",as numbers do not make you an expert etc,the only one i would agree with would be "retired" in regards to the number ,not quality of posts/threads.
If you read back over some of the threads/posts you will see that a lot of great input is by members that do not post on a steady basis!
(by the way we will not be posting for 6to 8 weeks due to another journey!)
Leaving tues am ,on the road again!!!
Drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
(by the way we will not be posting for 6to 8 weeks due to another journey!)
Leaving tues am ,on the road again!!!
Drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"

Sorry Les, BUT after that last post you are allready have a label in my mind:eek: ..... And it is not good.......

Go Have a good time....
I'm on a few forums where you can simply put in what you wanna "be".

Off-Road enthusiast..... Wanderer...I'm the Idiot in the truck in front of you...etc.

customize-personalize-individualize. Ain't that what it's all about anyway?
Here we go. I was wondering when this would happen.
Sorry, I seem to have a nack of xxxxing you off... my post deleted.


Please give yourself a little slack.

We *like* you *alot*! :thumb:

And we appreciate your humor.

We hope you can also appreciate ours...

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