Death Valley Ralley

How long are most of you planning on going for? Three days is all I can manage. I may just have to bring my Jeep for some of the more interesting side trips.

I'm hoping to drive down on a Friday and home on Monday..
I'd love to join you guys... I'm trying to figure out how to work out the 9 hour drive though! Damn work keeps getting in the way of exploring time. :mad:

Mengel pass was good last year.

Today I talked with a co-worker, whom last year drove from Balarat to Mengel pass, then returned to Balarat. He said the road was in great shape.
I'd love to join you guys... I'm trying to figure out how to work out the 9 hour drive though! Damn work keeps getting in the way of exploring time. :mad:


I will be providing fake doctors notes for those with employment disease.
Dr. Dog

I will be providing fake doctors notes for those with employment disease.

Dr. Dog is just outrageous enough that it might work.
I will be providing fake doctors notes for those with employment disease.

ME: Hmmm.... I think I might be coming down with something... cough... cough...

Dr. Dog: There is a natural cure for your disease, but it is only grows in Death Valley and must be administered immediately after being picked from the plant. You must go to Death Valley... your life depends on it.

ME: Okay... :thumb:
How long?

In answer to Craig's question, if on the weekend of the 17th, we would probably drive down Friday and home Monday. Like Kyle, it is a 9 hour drive for us. One option for us is to leave after work Thursday and camp along the way. We have done that for a DV trip before, staying at a Wally World on Hway 99. If we go down 395, there are a lot of areas to boondock.

DD, when I read your offer for fake doctor notes, I laughed out loud. To which my boss asked what was so amusing. Oh-oh. Fortunately, he is a camper also and loves DV so he was amused also.
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