Death Valley - Spring Break 2015

After part III, way to get the suspense going...

You two should be seasonal rangers in DV when you retire.
ski3pin said:
Death Valley is around 7 to 8 hours away.
Wow, I'm surprised. I thought with as often you get out to the desert that it's in your back yard.
I'm inspired to try to get out more often.

I'm about 4 hrs from Jasper, Alberta (which is beautiful). I plan on getting out there within the next 2 or 3 weeks.

I'm not familiar with the desert. I've only seen it from I15. It looks pretty interesting.

Because somebody commented about your boots. It doesn't look like you have any protection for snakes. What do you do? From what I've seen on TV, I understand that you hit the ground with walking sticks and the vibrations alert the snakes of your presence. Is this true?
We have seen only one rattlesnake in DVNP and they are hardly a concern in all our travels. Watch where you put your hands and feet. Give them a way out and they will leave. Talk with emergency room docs and you will learn 95% of all snake bite victims are young males and were bit while trying to handle the snake. Don't want to get bit? Don't pick up and play with the snake. We have no concern and it is a highlight when we see one of these very special creatures.
Another spectacular trip report, complete with wonderful photography! I really appreciate being able to be a vicarious traveling companion on your explorations! Thanks once again!
Thanks for the report. One more place to add to my list, maybe in conjunction with a climbing trip to Jtree.
Great trip reports, we enjoyed the pictures and narrative. We had planned to camp at Furnace Creek at about the same time but ran short on time...had to return to the "real" world.

Thanks for sharing.

Bill, Linda, and Beth
2015 Tundra Dbl cab 4x4 long bed
2014 Grandby shell
Thank you for letting me "take a trip and never leave the farm" in between gripe sessions from clients from whom the Federal Gummint is extracting copious sums of cash (CPA in a tax practice).

I simply MUST get out to DV one of these days. The rocks are unreal.

What's the elevation change between the summit of U-Peak and the playa surface on the Racetrack? Looks to be several thousand feet.

Can you imagine the thrill the geomorphologists felt when they witnessed the actual formation of the grooves on the playa recently? I am frankly a little surprised it took so long for the professionals to sort it out.

Looking forward to Part IV. And a day off tomorrow, the first since some time in late February.

Very cool day! I'm sure made even more satisfying by the detective work that preceded, adding another dimension of accomplishment to the discovery and enjoyment of a special place. What a great trip (and report) so far.
What a special place. Very happy you found it and enabled our vicarious visit. An enormous amount of time and effort must have been spent creating the art in such precarious positions.

Thank you.
Amazing. I knew there was a reason for the part 3 cliffhanger. This canyon looks like a treasure trove. I need to learn rock climbing.
All in all another spectacular trip.
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