Dirtydog's Tentative Summer Schedule


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
I just wanted to post an approximate schedule so that if any certified wanderers wanted to show you could set up a plan now. I'm certainly willing to firm up dates on any even that someone thinks they can attend.

Mid June - Owyhee Canyonlands.

Early July - Eastern Sierras & Nevada. The XPcamper rally meeting will hopefully happen during this trip.

Late July - Warner Mountains California

August - TBD

Mid September - Blue Mountains, Oregon

Early October - Hells Canyon, Oregon
I will be in the Owyhees in mid June. Going with some folks from the Expedition Portal. Are you connected with that? Will probably be Juniper Mtn, Three Forks area.
I will be in the Owyhees in mid June. Going with some folks from the Expedition Portal. Are you connected with that? Will probably be Juniper Mtn, Three Forks area.

I wasn't aware of that trip but I'll keep a look out for the group.
Just drove the Owyhee yesterday and was at Wildhorse Res last night. Now, can someone tell me how the hell you pronounce Owyhee? :(
Just drove the Owyhee yesterday and was at Wildhorse Res last night. Now, can someone tell me how the hell you pronounce Owyhee? :(

We'll practice around the campfire. How was Wildhorse res?
Did I say big brown trout....I meant swig down stout.....darn these fat fingers.

On how to pronounce Owyhee, try stuffing your mouth with marshmellows and saying "old oak tree".
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